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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Uh oh. Our dealer was really Justin Beiber. We must throw her out as well. On principle.
  2. Psych

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    You called? No body ruins my casino! Throw Slayer out, boys!
  3. Psych

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Knowing Ether, it's strip Blackjack....>_>
  4. Rita: Rita woke up early next morning, rested, and ready to hit the road. "Come on! We have to hurry before they leave without us." She said to no one in particular. --------------- Pary: Standing by the river, Pary finished washing the dishes from last night's dinner. Hardly anyone had ate, but he boiled some more water in case someone wanted some, and for some tea for himself. This morning, he could do with a nice peppermint. --------------- Cess: Cess walked out of his tent, thankful he had a spare in his pack. He saw a few others up, but went and sat down near where the food was being prepared, and took out his fortune cards to practice with.
  5. Psych

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Rabbit is delicious. In a nice stew or something.... I have to keep an eye on all of you so you don't gamble all my money away, I mean, who do you think invited you here? confuse the hell out of me if I join in.
  6. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    2 more people. Cool
  7. I switch it up between Guy-don. And gay-den.
  8. Psych

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    ......Lightning x Ether? Ho hum. Waiting for someone to not post. Casinos! Someone needs to gamble and hire Ether hookers.
  9. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    So there's a town but no generics? Cause otherwise, what the hell is going on? I'm scared...
  10. Thank you! Someone agrees we need the TS and soon. Eric should go talk to Rita right now.....>_> @Phoenix I thought it was Conrad?
  11. Psych

    Insanity Mini Mafia

    Why the hell not. Psychout50 I wonder if I should change my name.....
  12. Mageknight had a Micaiah mug I think. And a Pelleas one too.
  13. We should at least have Lilina instead of Lugh. I mean, come on. But Laura's probably better than Saul, Tethys than Ninian, if you aren't putting in rings, Heather than Colm, or Ilyana than Lugh also.
  14. Niine and Hugh for a family. Tethys? Laura? Heather? Ilyana? ;_;
  15. Well we have the Archsage. Or you could give us like Canas, then pre-promote Niime or Pelleas or someone. I'm not sure people want Knoll or Sophia. But there is Ray.
  16. Psych

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    Someone might still be killed, and their actions will cancel out. I don't know. Oh well.
  17. Psych

    Screw The Rules Mafia

    I'm going to wait after all. If I do replace someone, it's probably Sync, Draco, Ninji, or maybe Bizz. The items make it interesting though. Gonna have to keep my eye on things. A night 0 makes me think there's a Cult or Mason though. FYI guys.
  18. Just realized I didn't give full spots for some. And have to take out some. 5 Cavaliers/Paladins: Sain, Oscar, Fiona , Isadora, Forde 3 Peg knights: Thany, Farina, Vanessa 2 mercenarys: Dieck, Gerik 3 myrmidons: Mia, Karel, Karla 4 axe units: Gonzolas, Dart, Geitz 4 mages: Nino, Lute, Hugh, Ilyana 2 shaman: Canas, Niime Canas and family! And change my vote to these now as well.
  19. I can Co-mod....>_> I'm interested, but don't want to play if we have no ideas about roles.
  20. It was also to get Alex to shut up. >_> They were also freaking out about Helios's blood fetish or something. >_>
  21. Take fighters or cavs. They have the most.
  22. See, know you know I don't lie when I like my roll. That Dethy game, that mini mafia round, here. I lye when I'm scum or something like villager.
  23. Psych

    Mafia HQ

    And drop my mini mafia I guess. ;_; I'll just do it some other time when people are more active.
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