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Everything posted by Psych

  1. @Phoenix I hate you. Restart the heart!
  2. Pary: The pegasus knight seemed to be breathing less and was not moving. Pary quickly gave a few chest compressions and tried using his light magic to purge the electrical surges. Pary held his staff over her chest again, and healed her one last time. She coughed up a little blood, then opened her eyes and sat up. OOC: ;_; You can restart a heart.
  3. Are and Can are two different things. Katie and Lev aren't dying any time soon. Plus I have mages up my sleeve if I really wanted to stop those soldiers. He shall heal again!
  4. Ha! He can't reach us yet! Plus she'd be able to fly out on Viveka or Jasmine's pegasus. Phoenix wouldn't let you kill Lev or Katie, and you can't kill PCs. HA!
  5. No. ;_; I'll pull something! I don't want someone else to die. He healed her twice already. SHe should be fine.
  6. Don't kill rider. ;_; Kill peggy.
  7. OOC: I guessed. I was either gonna retcon, or force you to change it to her. Pary: The women was still having trouble breathing, so her gave her another round of healing. Her lungs re-inflated, and throat muscles stretched to relieve stiffness. Her bones readjusted themselves again to properly mend, and set. "She should end up fine. Miss, can you hear me?"
  8. The pegasus died! You get one! I don't like people dieing. ;_; I'll pull something or other to have them all live. But what's gonna happen to Morgan?
  9. No! We lost the Travis-teers! I'm not losing another. ;_; I saved her, but I'll let her pegasus die... Don't you die on me!
  10. Cess: The monster had dropped him from quite a height up, and he was still suffering from shock. He sat on the ground with his eyes closed. ---------------- Pary: The fog was thick. He knew people must be hurting, but he couldn't see anyone. He sent a blast of light into the air, and saw somebody a few yards in front of him. It was one of those knights with Viveka. Lucielle, was it? She seemed to be unconcious, and quickly healed her wounds. Her pegasus was next to her, but it's wings were apparently broken, and it was asleep as well. He tried mending it too, but he couldn't tell if it helped or not.
  11. You had to have fucking fog though! I'll try something.
  12. Don't have the rider die! Only the peggie! ;_; What's gonna happen with Morgan now?
  13. To beat a hydra, you must cut off it's heads, and then burn the stump. We need Iso.... But's I'd assume Light magic would do something. Mages will pop in soon should I feel the situation is getting boring. <_<
  14. I like tea too. Equal with coffee probably, but it has to be sweet. No bitterness. And I lover your spelling in places.
  15. Cess: Cess had become wrapped up in a different tentacle (?) from Morgan. "Urk! Let...me..go! I don't use a crimson weapon!" Cess took a deep breath. He focused, and tried to move his arms. He felt his tome, and was able to slice off one of the tentacles. He dropped to the ground, and passed out from the shock. -------- Pary: Pary had walked away from the shamaness before the being had grabbed her. He ran up to the thing and took out his Divine tome, surrounding two of the skulls, engorging them in light.
  16. @Phoenix Um, Cess being wrapped up is fine with me, but Morgan was lying on the ground, and Pary had healed her already. She'd be awake if someone would post as her. @Snike Presumably, Derek is with Dani.
  17. Top of low. He dies too quickly. Irina up. Helios down.
  18. Pary: "Oh I'm sure the bandit's fine. He's taken heavier blows." Pary and Cess got Morgan off of Morrey, and set her on the ground. Pary focused the staff on the bleeding coming from her abdoman, and mended her broken bones as well. They could be heard moving back into their places. OOC: Is Cynthia on? Or does Phoenix have Charlotte/Morgan CC's too?
  19. Do I have permission to save us if the demons start to kill everyone?
  20. Marth 11 Abel 16 Frey 11 Cain 11 Gordin 5 Draug 14 Norne 10 Caeda 11 Ogma 10 Bord 8 Cord 10 Barst 8 Darros 10 Castor 8 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 11 Matthis 7 Merric 15 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 10 Roshea 10 Vyland 10 Wendell 6 Athena 13 Bantu 10 Caesar 10 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Maria 8 Minerva 13 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 10 Boah 10 Dolph 8 Macellan 10 Tomas 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 15 Catria 6 Arran 10 Samson 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 21 Est 10 Tiki 10 Lorenz 6 Elice 11 Nagi 12 Gotoh 10
  21. @Kai When I said she fainted, I meant fell to the ground. My wording got mixed up there, but I know she didn't cast the spell on them.
  22. @Kai Actually, he can. Go back and read his sign up, and the part in the mansion where he's explaining the staff. Snowy approved it, and this is plot, so it matters a bit less. But yes, that just happened. @Phoenix I meant how the demons at the graveyard did it to the girls, they'll do it to the demons.
  23. Kai, how did she just attack Cess and Pary, when they hit her first? And in the event the demons start to win, I'll simply pull a Phoenix and the mages will come in and mess everything up.
  24. Pary: "I believe you're wrong madame." Pary had his cursed staff in his hands already, as well as his other staves on his back. He quickly focused the energy, and long strands of energy could be seen seeping out of the demon. She quickly fell to the ground, and Pary walked around her to Damian and Esphyr. "Oh yes, demons are attacking." -------------- Cess: "That's one way to deal with it. But Morgan got hurt. And Shanice and that other one are back at camp. Only there's a new one this time." OOC: And you thought I forgot about the curse staff.
  25. Cess: Cess dropped the javelin with the fish. He ran over to Morrey, and mounted. The others were fighting, but it wouldn't last long. Morgan had been the first to go down, but he put her on the horse, and went to get Damian and Esphyr. -------------- Pary: "Can't you people see I'm having breakfast here?" Pary finished his cup of tea, before setting the cup down. He walked calmly out of the camp, while the others had the demons taken care of. He walked over to the river, where he could see Damian and Esphyr from the bank. He headed towards them.
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