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Everything posted by Psych

  1. I didn't have much of a body to go with, so she got the cape. Yup! I used the female as the base. I know it's not that good...;_;
  2. @Bal The dutch oven style was probably what Pary was doing. I guess I'm stuck waiting for others again.
  3. Cess: "Fine. You beat us. But give us our things back, or we're giving you to the authorities." ------------------ Pary: Pary could see Arrin and Tessa in the distance. He called out to them. "Oi! You two! You hungry? Dinner's ready!"
  4. @Clocky How far away from Camp are Tessa and Arrin? Thief girl-far, or people can see them from camp-far?
  5. Well, if you're all addicted enough, FMA is currently on on Adult Swim. <_< @Clockwork It's sort of how Pary is making biscuits. You cover the pan with a lid, and bury it under hot coals. It produces a similar effect to baking, without using an oven. I wonder if I should make a Useful Notes topic and post it. Someone please post in the RP. I'm bored. I could go read/watch Ouran or Lucky Star or Kuroshitsuji or something, but.........
  6. Marth 10 Abel 11 Frey 11 Jagen 6 Cain 10 Gordin 7 Draug 11 Norne 10 Caeda 10 Ogma 10 Bord 8 Cord 10 Barst 10 Darros 9 Castor 10 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 11 Matthis 8 Merric 10 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 10 Roshea 10 Vyland 10 Wendell 10 Athena 13 Bantu 10 Caesar 10 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Maria 8 Minerva 14 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 10 Boah 10 Dolph 8 Macellan 10 Tomas 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 12 Catria 4 Arran 10 Samson 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 16 Est 10 Tiki 10 Lorenz 10 Ymir 8 Elice 11 Nagi 12 Gotoh 10 .....>_> I like Etzel...
  7. @Pheeny-sama You know what I meant. >_> Post something too!
  8. Aww. Pheeny-sama's angry. I can fix that. >:)
  9. @Kai >_> That was more a joke about Pheeny-sama. Kanami would have done it though. @Pheeny-sama-kun
  10. @Kai Don't worry. Only Pheeny feels that way. It's cause I keep making sexual jokes about him.
  11. WHAT!? It's something Kanami would have done. >_>
  12. .....or rectally invading Phoenix. One of the two.
  13. @Phoenix .....You may not get that declaration of love you wanted, but you're one slap away from becoming Clocky's bitch.....
  14. What is going to happen to thief girl? Is she a demon or something?
  15. Marth 10 Abel 11 Frey 11 Jagen 8 Cain 10 Gordin 7 Draug 11 Norne 10 Caeda 10 Ogma 10 Bord 9 Cord 10 Barst 10 Darros 9 Castor 10 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 11 Matthis 10 Merric 10 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 10 Roshea 10 Vyland 10 Wendell 10 Athena 13 Bantu 10 Caesar 10 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Maria 8 Minerva 14 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 10 Boah 10 Dolph 8 Macellan 10 Tomas 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 12 Catria 6 Arran 10 Samson 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 14 Est 10 Tiki 10 Lorenz 10 Ymir 8 Elice 10 Nagi 12 Gotoh 10
  16. Cess: "Ow. I wasn't going to attack unless you attacked first. Who are you anyway? Someone tie her up. We'll hand her over to the authorities." ------------- Pary: Pary put the dough rounds in a skillet, and covered it with a lid. He piled some ashes on top to let it cook through, and turned back to the stew. The meat was cooking well, and the vegtables were simmering nicely. He added some spices from the bandit's groceries, and noticed some rice and beans too. He got more water, boiled them as well.
  17. Cess: Things were turning violent quickly thanks to Kiev. He took his tome out of his robes, and stood ready to cast a spell. ---------------------- Pary: Pary quickly took a few pans out of the bag, and slipped out of the tent leaving the headmaster alone with the other two. Walking back towards the fire, he spotted the groceries the bandit had bought earlier. He took some flour and other things out, and filled the pot up with water from a nearby river. He put it on the fire to boil, and set to prepare some biscuits.
  18. Marth 10 Abel 9 Frey 10 Jagen 8 Cain 10 Gordin 6 Draug 11 Norne 10 Caeda 10 Ogma 10 Bord 10 Cord 10 Barst 10 Darros 10 Castor 10 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 11 Matthis 10 Merric 10 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 10 Roshea 10 Vyland 10 Wendell 10 Athena 13 Bantu 10 Caesar 10 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Maria 8 Minerva 14 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 10 Boah 10 Dolph 10 Macellan 10 Tomas 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 12 Catria 6 Arran 10 Samson 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 12 Est 10 Tiki 10 Lorenz 10 Ymir 8 Elice 10 Nagi 12 Gotoh 10
  19. @Ether And I believe we know which one Phoenix would like to see.....
  20. Well that does give Caeser and Ogma, but are those the only two? Plus heroes could use axes, but I could just not give them any... Malice!
  21. Cess: "We can't just let her go. She'll just keep stealing from travelers. We should do something about her. Tie her up and bring her with us maybe?" ------------------- Pary: Ignoring the comment, "I was going to make some stew. Do you have any pans or not?"
  22. Damn Ether. You've accomplished what I want to. The same reason is after I compleate a real run once it's out, I'll do one with all non-class swapped Myrmidons, thieves, Feena, Marth and My unit run. Go Level 30 Feena! It is really awesome. I'm on Chapter 1. Easy-Casual, but still Chapter 1. *cough* I need to post.
  23. Cess: "Where's Kiev going? Hold on, let me come with you guys." Cess stood up and followed Esphyr and Chase. ----------- Pary: *sigh* "It's to late to start a fight." Pary started the fire with the sticks Cess had collected. "Where are those pans? Maybe..." Pary stood up and walked towards the tent Aiya was in. Didn't she have something to cook on? Poking his head in, Pary saw Damian and Aiya together. "Excuse me, I was going to make some dinner, but I have no pans. Do you know where I could find some?"
  24. @Phoenix Correction. Irina is wyvern-sexual. -_- She only likes people who have wyverns.
  25. Appearently, Iso and Katie are playing "Strip-meaningful conversation" Someone respond to Cess or Pary....
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