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Everything posted by Psych

  1. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    How the fuck is there no mafia? It's town versus cult? Or SK? My head hurts.
  2. Cess: Cess quickly grabbed the javelin. "Um, I'll just...yeah, over here...." He tried to slip out as inconsipuously as possible. Walking back to the bank, he took his shoes off, and rolled up his pants. He waded in, and stood still for a few minutes, waiting. The fish swam up, and he pounced. Repeating the method several times, he walked back into camp, shoes in one hand, a javelin with about a dozen fish in the other. "Anybody want breakfast?"
  3. Cess: Cess could see Damian and Esphyr from the river bank. He couldn't catch the fish bare handed, he didn't want to get wet. He walked over to the two. "Damian, can I borrow one of your lances? I was going to catch some fish for breakfast.....Oh, I didn't realize I was interupting..." ---------------- Pary: Kelas had appearently abandoned him, so he went to find fire wood by himself. He returned with some sticks in his arm, and set the water to boil. When the coffee was done, he set to prepare some rice and eggs for the group.
  4. Pary: Pary was sitting by the remains of last night's fire. He had been up a little for a while, and was cleaning up before they got on the road again. He had taken the pots and pans from last night, and washed them out in the river, before getting another pot of water for morning coffee. He saw Kelas walk out of her tent. "You're finally up? You might want me or Charlotte to take a look at your wound again before we start out. Do you mind helping me get some fire wood?" ------------------- Cess: Cess walked out of his tent, noticing several people up. He walked to the river, and washed his face. A fish swam in front of him. He hadn't had fish in a while. "Maybe we can have some breakfast."
  5. .....What next? Do we follow Naelia? Or let Shanice attack? Or Charlotte could.... Or the mages could....
  6. I was typing it. You were too fast.
  7. Put me in as a reserve. A mind-screw this large that's not coming from me. I don't know if I can fully handle it.
  8. I was gonna miss him, but Phoenix ninja'd me. Oh well.
  9. Cess: The thief had run behind Kiev. Cess quickly disapated the spell before it hit him, and walked around the wyvern to the thief. "I'm getting tired of this. Someone get the authorities or something. I sure Viveka and the general can do something about this thief." ------------------ Pary: "She might just be tired. We were though alot lately with the graveyard and those homeless. Does anyone ant any more? Otherwise I might as well turn in. I can clean up in the morning."
  10. Pary: "Well, I'm good, but not good enough for royalty." Watching Aiya drag Helios towards him, Pary went to his tent, and grabbed his Mend staff. He walked back over to the group. "Where is he hurt? He has bruising on his chest, and maybe a cracked rib or two. How did this happen?" Pary took the staff, and focused it over Helios's chest. The energy seeped into his chest, fixing the bone, and rubbing away the bruises.
  11. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    I never knew Ulki said that. I didn't notice. We might as well just wait for tomarrow, and learn more. Astra has the most votes right now, regardless of majority.
  12. Psych

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Let's just get today out of the way, and get info. Bizz and Ether seemed to have delved into the "Stay quiet and attract no attention" route, Ether more so.
  13. Pary: "It's the sort of thing you'd learn in a convent. I know quite a few dishes. If I had the proper equipment and ingredients, I could make things like roast beef, cabbage rolls, dumplings, curry, fish stew, all sorts of things. Just ask me what you'd like to eat next time we stop in town."
  14. @Phoenix That's mostly what I was talking about. Arrin might have a harder time since his teacher tought Thunder magic, and wasn't near other types of mages like Dani, and Iso had a teacher that knew Thunder. Damian has a Silver Lance. While Viveka might be able to use an Iron Sword easier, she can't just jump to a super heavy, long sword like Aiya's. Cess's father was a Thunder Sage and his grandfather was a Wind Sage, so he'd have a bit more easier time with those, especially if they went to the islands....
  15. We have at least one mage of each type, so they can learn from each other. Plus Dani studied at TISME, and Iso's teacher knew Thunder magic from the Bolting. Cess's whole family is magical. It's not entirely hard to think of. They train with it, and after a while, they get it. It's mostly it just looks cool. -_-
  16. Sure, you could rush Jaigen, but you still have to get Marth there without warping. I was gonna do that with Caeda anyway. I'll see if he wants back in now that he can get Lena.
  17. @Phoenix That leaves out Shamans. We got the Wyrmslayer from the graveyard. And Tessa just up and bought a Restore staff. It's not too hard to say we bought them.
  18. @Snike Maybe give those classes the Rogue skill as well?
  19. Those three and Snipers would be stuck with one weapon, but in exchange get some sort of extra critical. @Cynthia That's why the Bishop/Priest magic cap could increase by more than the other class's. Like they get +3 or 4 or something, and the mages and Shamans get +2. Light magic helps against the demons too. It helps a little.
  20. @Cynthia I never said Mages and Cavs get three. Two for everyone makes more sense. Tessa has Swords and Staves, Pary and Charlotte have Staves and Light. Maybe limit everyone to two? Minus Myrmidons, Halaberds and Berserkers? So have mages pick a second type or staves, same with shamans. @Phoenix That's another thing. Why don't Bows and Wind do more against Pegasi, or Thunder and Wymslayers (now that we have one) work against Wyvern Knights. Armor slayers, Hammers, and Heavy spears for armors. Armors could gain a second weapon upon promotion too. And the reason cavaliers have so many weapons, is because there are so many weapons that are effective against them. Halberds, Long Swords, and Horse Slayers.
  21. Pary: "Stew and biscuits. But if you don't want that, there's some rice and beans over there." He got two bowls, and handed them to Damian. The horse from earlier was walking closer to the group. "Who's horse is that?"
  22. @Clock No, I know. I read that. What I'm talking about is Kelas hasn't exactly promoted yet.... Personally I'm thinking voting would help.
  23. Third place though! Cool! Bal probably won by not using hints. ;_;
  24. Marth 10 Abel 15 Frey 11 Cain 10 Gordin 7 Draug 13 Norne 10 Caeda 10 Ogma 10 Bord 8 Cord 10 Barst 10 Darros 9 Castor 10 Lena 10 Julian 10 Navarre 11 Matthis 8 Merric 15 Hardin 10 Wolf 10 Zagaro 10 Roshea 10 Vyland 10 Wendell 10 Athena 13 Bantu 10 Caesar 10 Radd 10 Roger 10 Jeorge 11 Maria 8 Minerva 14 Linde 10 Jake 10 Midia 10 Boah 10 Dolph 8 Macellan 10 Tomas 10 Horace 10 Beck 10 Astram 10 Palla 14 Catria 7 Arran 10 Samson 10 Chainy 10 Etzel 20 Est 10 Tiki 10 Lorenz 10 Ymir 0 Elice 11 Nagi 12 Gotoh 10 I killed Ymir.
  25. @Clocky Can't we just chalk it up to magic? In magic's case it would make sense, and Kelas took a sword from the manor. YES, I REMEMBER THAT. You're guilty too.
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