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Status Updates posted by Tangerine

  1. Oh, you wanted me to spoil it :P. Basically, when Faulkner uses Zulwarn's evil wave, Bastion is unable to repel it with Ultragunner and he is taken control of. Then you kill all of your friends with the help of the enemy team as the final battle. After that Faulkner uses you to take control of the continent and then Bastion wakes up and realizes what he did. Que credits. >___>.

  2. Oh? What did you think of the last encounter between Bastion and Faulkner :o? I thought it was a pretty epic way to end the game. I won't ask what you thought about the game until you complete the other routes though :P.

  3. The Empire branch isn't really that much tougher. The Ultragunner is "stronger" in it to make up for you having less units, especially in the final chapter. I think the Empire route is actually easier than the Kingdom route; the final Kingdom chapters are littered with units at least as strong as your excavated models. Not so much for Empire.

  4. It is. It's not a very challenging game, that's for sure. It has some rough spots, especially on the Ruin branch, but otherwise you have much better characters/ATACs. You'll have to let me know what you think as you go :o.

  5. So how have you been enjoying it :o? It's one of the only games I play these days, I'm interested in your opinion!

  6. After getting the good ending of the Kingdom branch, you get a choice from Sadira on your second playthrough before getting the Ultragunner. You choose to unite the continent or to rule over it. You choose to rule over it to advance to the Ruin branch and unite it to continue with the Kingdom. I advise doing the Ruin branch last, since Empire tells part of the story.

  7. By the end of chapter 3. You don't need to worry about Ione and Reyna, they don't join on the Empire route so giving them EXP isn't good regardless. It is pretty tough, but it's worth it :P. Even if you miss the requirement you can just take the Ruin branch instead and get Empire next time. Or even take the Kingdom branch you didn't do last time and get the bad ending.

  8. The need to get the good ending to unlock a lot of the options menu. Besides that, it's waaaay better than the bad ending. The bad ending is like 2 seconds long and depressing >_>. On your second playthrough you need to get Bastion to level 8 before chapter 3 to get to the Empire route. It can be a little rough, what with Kamorge being an EXP hog.

  9. do more damage and receive less when around units with high affection.

  10. Yeah, falling for Radcot's trap will get you a character that will start with a pink heart for affection. The route you took increases the morale of everyone on your team though, so that's probably why you haven't seen Devlin's green face yet. You just stalled it for a while, he'll hate you soon enough :P. The affection system works for the "assists" too, you'll ...

  11. The first branch has 20 missions (as well as two ending and a branch path within itself). Devlin's morale takes a huge dive every time you get a choice in the story; he'll hate you no matter what you do. Just feed him all your interview points after saving and checking out the other people's dialogue to make sure you get the good ending :P.

  12. Excellent :o. Make sure you use all of your interview points on Devlin, 'cause you lose tons of affection points with him for any choice you make in the game. He's basically just there to get you the bad ending of the first branch if you want it >_>. You'll get it every time if you ignore him; I like to save and reload to check out all the conversations, then use the three o...

  13. That is not true, I won't take someone else's word as proof. I demand a picture of you not being a disembodied head.

  14. That was not relevant! It did not prove or disprove your claim. This, of course, only strengthens my own when the person you suggested I ask can't even back you up!

  15. I asked and he said he wasn't sure. You are not only a dumb head, but a liar head!

  16. or disprove, rather.

  17. You have yet to prove what I and everyone else believe - that you are indeed just a head.

  18. I am implying nothing, merely stating what I have observed :o! You are clearly just a head - a dumb head. You're not fooling anyone with that expert tongue of yours (that you are using to type).

  19. You are a dumb head!

  20. Oh! Well, sorry for bothering you either way :P. Don't be afraid to send me a message if you find yourself wanting to talk! Take care.

  21. Aw, how come? Having a tough time at the moment :o?

  22. Whaaa? What's so doubtful about it :o?

  23. Oh, so you've been reading the conversation between Dio and I <_<. That's unfortunate, I'm sure we could've had a good one too :o!

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