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Status Updates posted by Tangerine

  1. It's okay, we'll keep it our little secret ;D.

  2. That is clearly what you were doing. You were trying to think of something to break the ice! I'm on to you :o!

  3. Well then I am browsing as well :o.

  4. I am not bad! Bad Wagon.

  5. Pffft, same thing :P!

  6. Oh really? Well then what aaare you doing then, huh :o?

  7. Psh, it will still not stop me from trying :o! I will continue to spy on you for as long as you continue to spy on me. It will be a healthy relationship of back and forth spying. Good times will be had!

  8. I skipped a lot of classes in ninja school I think. I am too clumsy to be a ninja. I am clearly not a very good spy either, since you caught me! Oh well, I will have to live with those facts.

  9. There is not much I can do against hidden lasers :(.

  10. I will have to use all of the secrets of stealth and the abilities I have learned from the MGS series. That will surely be enough.

  11. Then I will have to move without being sensed! I will become ninja.

  12. Yes, I have spied on you twice today in fact. What're you gonna do about it, huh :o?

  13. Everyone gets unlucky once in a while :P.

  14. Not much! I am relaxing and enjoying my Thursday night, knowing I do not have work in the morning to keep me from lazing out :P. What about you?

  15. That is the downside to not being an anonymous pansy ;D. You did not answer my question though!

  16. I see you on my profile! How are you :o?

  17. Haha, it is an interesting game to be sure :o. Make sure you check out the joke intro and listen to the songs you unlocked for beating all three routes! The Ruin intro is the last one I believe; it's a parody of the original opening with juvenile lyrics instead of the more fitting and serious ones >_>. You can see them in the options menu.

  18. Happy birthday. Better spend it well, your 29th only comes once :o!

  19. I have updated it, you demanding shota :o.

  20. I'm sure you will enjoy it. On another note, you make up the entirety of my comment page now! We have talked a lot over the past couple days :o.

  21. Exactly, no route can be the best if Andrew does not join your team! Cecilia's ending is way tougher than Sadira's. It's still not TOO bad, but it's much harder than the other one. In hers it's only Bastion and Cecilia vs Faulkner, in Sadira's you get your whole team - Cecilia.

  22. Really? I always enjoyed the Kingdom route more just because you have so many more ATACs and neat characters that you have access to. The way more climactic ending helps too. You only get two excavated models in Empire, it's annoying to be stuck with generic ones for the entire game <_<. Franco, Claire and Halak have no special attacks either, so that's a let down.

  23. like empire*. It cuts off the sentence before you reach the character limit, that's annoying <_<.

  24. Can't she not use Spiral Dive twice without being fatigued? It costs like 55 FP or something, no? So Bastion would essentially be getting two turns to her one either way if you did it like that :P. He learns second attack as well, so it'd be more like four attacks. Plus he can heal! Either way, he should remove all doubt on the Ruin branch; he is easily the best there. How did you l...

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