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Metal Flash

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Everything posted by Metal Flash

  1. So far, my favourites are Vander, Alfred, Witch Lady and Chloe. The red haired enemy (I believe) general also looks pretty cool.
  2. Both Alear and Vander`s crit animations look pretty cool. If this is what we are getting, I don`t mind losing the cut-ins, since the Post-Fates ones weren`t that cool. I think Vander is either from a previous generation of Dragon Guardians, or from a different branch than the twins. I hope the return of build makes AS easier to calculate, since I thought it was overly complicated in Three Houses. Not sure what SP does yet though. If they bring back the Fates weapons mechanic, I pray that debuffs won`t be as omnipresent. Glad to know that Calm/Storm split of tracks are back, one of my favouirte additions in Awakening and glad that it has stayed since (save Echoes).
  3. Yeah, that makes sense I want to believe they would keep such pivotal moments from FE4 intact, but they are way more controversial now then they were back back then. I will cross my fingers and hope.
  4. I mean, Three Houses literally contains an entire chapter where villagers get slaughtered, including children. Hell, one child in the monastery even plainly says, "Father, Mother, everyone in the village, all gone. Why couldn`t you have arrived a little sooner?" Modern FE has about as much dark content as FE4 did, just more in the background. But I do understand why you are concerned.
  5. While I would be down for FE4 to get remade, I am also nervous as to how they would adept the more unique aspects like map design, gameplay and story intergration, lack of trading etc.
  6. Now that I`ve taken a moment to get my thoughts in order, and recover from the terrible puns above, I can share my thoughts on Engage so far: I am pretty neutral on the artstyle, I don`t mind the bright colors. Mixed on the character designs. Alear looks ridiculous and the evil sorcerer looks generic, but everyone looks alright in my opinion. Happy to see them going back to more traditional FE style, aside from the hub world. Weapon triangle being back is particularly good. Since Marth helps Alear open a door, this makes me wonder if the "emblems" will have some kind of story signifigance. Overall, I will need another trailer before passing proper judgement.
  7. I would be more sad than disappointed. I just want a single, conclusive narrative the goes from point a to point b. If there has to be multiple paths, keep it at two and focus on fleshing out those two paths.
  8. I prefer the ability to choose, That way, I can choose the option I prefer myself. I do agree that the number of options should be kept low though. 2-3 options would be ideal. That being said, I would still like to see more happy pre-established couples in these games. Not everyone should be single and ready to mingle.
  9. I`m not super knowledgable about Persia/Iran aside from a bit about the Achemenid, Parthian and Sassanid Empires, I would be all for a FE kingdom inspired by Ancient Persia to be a thing. Back to the topic at hand, I also want to see more unique eastern style classes. Now I sadly don`t know much about warriors unique to Asia, but I am sure they could find some examples.
  10. I mean, Dimitri calls Byleth "my beloved" regardless of gender and has quite the suggestive ending with Felix. And many think he is awfully close to Dedue. Then again, Claude does take Byleth`s hand at the dance regardless of gender and wink at them. Could go with either if you ask me.
  11. Yeah, purely gay characters are gonna be very unlikely with avatars around. Getting more good gay/lesbian characters would be great. I never get how people get "gay vibes" from characters. I see many say the same about Claude, but never got what "vibes" they saw. But this isn`t the place to discuss that.
  12. Sorry for the double quote, but I am just curious, what other reasons do you want Edelgard to be canonically lesbian?
  13. That is a good point. She wants to create a world where people rise up by their own merit, not leaving a child for people to enforce the old system after she`s gone is a good call. I feel like making her gay would be interesting- Not sure it would be neccesary to make her not kids, but it would be interesting nonetheless.
  14. I like to think of it as a possibility in the future.
  15. Way too early to make this claim, we`ve had one game since Three Houses, which a alternate timeline game. At least wait until we`ve had a completely new game with a route split. I also don`t get why route splits are better just cause less people want them. While multiple routes have their advantages, so does focusing on a single route.
  16. I would like that too, a mage lord who is great at combat and doesn`t die to a stiff breeze would be cool to see. Hey, maybe we could have multiple mage lords, like Midnight Sun (formerly a FE hack, now its own fangame). One could be the frail mage, while the other is a combat oriented mage, they could use different magic types too.
  17. I think it would be cool to see them try a pure manakete lord. It might require some retooling of dragonstones as a weapon type, but I would like to see it happen.
  18. Honestly, having recently finished Golden Wildfire, I like the idea of them solidifying their alliance by marrying. Many fans would be outraged, but I would still like to see it. They have some good chemistry and their goals align pretty well. I honestly think FE could use more arranged/political marriages, plot important or other wise. And I now admit to seeing I was wrong to doubt your idea.
  19. While I am much more aware of its flaws, especially from a gameplay standpoint, it still holds a special place in my heart, due to it being what introduced me to Fire Emblem in the first place.
  20. I seriously don`t get why they could not give him at least a name.
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