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Metal Flash

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Everything posted by Metal Flash

  1. My Byleth/Shez combos have changed, but not my choice of route. Golden Wildfire: F!Shez/M!Byleth Azure Gleem: M!Shez/F!Byleth Scarlet Blaze: M!Shez/M!Byleth
  2. The confirmation of what the routes will be about has solidified my choice, Golden Wildfire first, Azure Gleem second, Scarlet Blaze last. The mention of "messy succession" in the kingdom makes me wonder if Rufus, Dimitri`s uncle, will be involved somehow, since he is the only other royal of Fhaergus we know of. Unless he got some bastard children roaming around.
  3. This is my third Warriors game. I played Hyrule Warriors when that came out and enjoyed it a lot. Still play it with a friend on occasion.. Got Age of Calamity a year ago, enjoyed it a bit, dropped it after a while.
  4. How is it that the house I like the least has the most new designs that I like? Anyway. Favouirte is tied between Marianne and Lorenz. Love Marianne`s long hair and dig Lorenz`s armor. Not sure if I am a big fan of Marianne`s back being slightly exposed (or the focus I`ve seen it get in fanart), but her summoning Dorote to attack is great. Same with Lorenz using roses and Ignatz using paint. Suprised at how well they`ve made house members who share classes feel unique and distinct. Least favourite is tied between Lysithea and Leonie. The former barely looks any different while I am not a fan of the haircut of the latter. Leonie`s outfit is nice though.
  5. Hard to say right now. I hope they are in the game and playable, but we have yet to see any of them on the map. My fear is that, by turning the Church of Seiros in the big bad of this game, the faculty joins them in being enemy only.
  6. Going over the ones I`ve played FE4: At first, I did enjoy it. Now, not so much, moving units around FE7: Enjoyed a lot when I first played it, less so nowadays FE8: Greatly, especially Ephriam`s route FE13: First game bias is strong, but I recognize that the game has flaws FE14: Actually enjoyed it a lot, except for certain maps (CQ10, ninja cave, Brithright Fort Dragonfall) FE15: Enjoy it a fair bit, even if the maps get very samey FE16: Got exhausted with it quickly, but still enjoy it FEH: It`s fine, a nice time in short bursts so long as I avoid the competitive modes
  7. If the theories of Arval being an Agarthan god/dess are true this could be case. Too true. My thought was just that Shez would interfere the events that led to her disappearance, letting her stay in the academy. But since I was wrong, that is not likely to happen.
  8. Welp, my mistake, I thought the entire pre-war part happened one year before TH.
  9. Since Shez enters the Officer`s Academy the same year Monica disappeared, my guess, and hope, is that the Monica we meet is the real one. Since she died before we met her, she is effectively a blank slate, a character they can do more or less anything they want with. While I would say that a Agarthan wouldn`t be caught dead wielding a weapon of (supposed) Nabatean make, like the Sacred weapons, they were willing to use and create Heroes Relics, which were litteraly made of Nabateans. It really depends on what they do with TWSitD this time around. We aleady had Kronya replacing Monica, but we are doing a war between the three nations and timeskip again, so anything is possible really.
  10. Yeah, I`d say that is more likely. I keep forgetting about this fact, that Byleth replaced a teacher who ran off just before they arrived. Actually, since the first part of Three Hopes takes place one year prior to Three Houses, it is very possible this teacher could appear. Even as someone who likes Robin, I would rather didn`t try to shove them into Fodlan somehow. We have enough characters as is, even excluding potential new faces.
  11. After getting a look at the portraits, my thoughts have changed slightly. While I still am not a big fan of Petra`s fishnet hairpiece, it looks a lot better upon a closer look. I did not notice Caspar has a scar now, and I actually like his hairstyle less looking at it again. Bernadetta`s animations perfectly reflect her character.
  12. My favourite is Caspar, love the wild hair. Least favourite is a tie between Petra`s hair net and Bernadetta`s top knot.
  13. Maybe Felix rejoins later than the rest of the cast, hence why he is an advanced class. I dunno, just a thought.
  14. Favourite is Mercedes, love how her hair compliments her dress. Least favourite is Ashe, the hair looks weird to me. Ingrid is a close second, not a fan of her new hairstyle.
  15. Right now, it`s between Mercedes, Annette and Sylvain. They have my favourite designs from this group. I could see the Church getting one, but the Wolves getting a trailer is very unlikely if you ask me.
  16. I mean, Rhea was supposed to be playable in Three Houses but was cut for unknown reasons. I wouldn`t put it past them to cut her once again. Plus, she has yet to show up in her human form in Three Hopes.
  17. Jeralt or Rhea would be nice to see, but I feel like the church will remain without a playable character (except maybe Flayn).
  18. I have zero hopes for next week, that way, I`ll be surprised if we actually get something.
  19. Sounds like a fun concept. I don`t even know what is considered "too anime" for FE at this point, I might have mentioned this earlier in this very thread, but I would like to see FE take inspiration from other parts of the world. Seeing plots inspired by the Grecco-Persian wars or Rome fighting the Gauls would be sweet in my opinion. Or even just countries inspired by, for example, Mespotemia, or India.
  20. So a month after the game comes out, gotcha. I almost wanna say they are doing this on purpose to mirror Three Houses marketing, but I highly doubt they thought that much about this.
  21. Wow, these twitter posts quickly devolved from "here`s a character with some basic info" to "ThIs Is A gAmE". I wanna say I am disaapointed, but the turn around was so quick I had no time to properly react to the change.
  22. I am expecting the Ashen Wolves, if they are added, to be DLC again. Then again, with how they seem to be altering things, they could be included in the base game. Faculty and/or knights that aren`t in the base game will probably also be added this way. Aside from history mode maps, I definetly think they will add costumes, like their original timeskip outfits. Not sure about classes. As for what I would like to see, some more characters from regions like Duscur, Sreng and Dagda would be cool. Also agree with kratoscar2008 , exotic brown women are great. I could see them adding a route from Byleth`s POV, even if it would be short.
  23. For girls: Crimson Flower: Dorothea, I thought she would just be a shallow gold digger, but she turned out to be a very sweet person. Her being so pretty and having a great voice were a nice bonus Azure Moon: Annette, Annie is adorable, a great voice and is just great fun to be around. For boys: Crimson Flower: Ferdinand, a very nice guy beneath all the talk of nobility, also got a great voice Verdant Wind: Rapheal, a big jolly fellow who is great to be around Honerable mentions: Petra, Mercedes, Seteth, Lorenz
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