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Xiltas Crysten

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Everything posted by Xiltas Crysten

  1. Hey Furet, can you give me a new support, Seph wants to do it himself.
  2. Added it^^ Just to make a last reminder, two hours left for entries^^
  3. Okaayyyy... It's just that Furet wanted me to write the support. Fine then, could I have another support? And maybe we should make clear who wants to write his own supports and who not.
  4. Hey Luka and Seph, could you please give me information on the background of Lienn and Trent? I'm pretty stuck with the support...
  5. @Feaw: Glad to hear it^^ I've done a lot of thinking on the route before, and I'm sure Furet wrote dialogues that will make it an enjoyable experience^^
  6. Okay, I'll take that as your entry. Oh yeah, important notice: since I have a little problem with the deadline ('cause I'm living in a different timezone than most of you), I'll be stretching it to February 18th (GMT+1:00) 8pm. Hope this gives everyone willing to enter enough time.
  7. Arrh, do you mean you want me to delete your entry?
  8. Nah, after Guitar Hero 3, the sales went down rapidly. The other "... Hero" games are done either, and there won't be coming anymore download packages. That's what I read on another website.
  9. Yup, it's alright, already put in your entry.
  10. *attacks with critical pierce* *does 150 damage* Yeah, to clear that up, the admin of fesos.de, the biggest german fan-site of FE, has created a battle system similar to the engine of FE. It has skills, 3rd tiers, and so on... Whatever, the character I created (a Trueblade) has the skills Luna, Pierce and Miracle. He has a STR of 38, uses Ogma's Sword, has 50 ATK. Assuming he does critical damage while using Pierce, he kills you with 150 damage. No FE-Boss could survive that, thus I win. Quod erat expectandum. No wait, I guess "Quod erat demonstrandum" suits better. XDDD
  11. Darn it, someone recorded me while making a mistake... I have to get rid of him...
  12. Oooooh. Makes sense, in this case she looks even better.^^
  13. Hmm, interesting what you've made out of my assassin o.o The new look looks nice, though red doesn't necessarily suit an assassin (dark colors are better suited for hiding)
  14. I know it's a real name... but in Zeiss' case, it's a given name, no surname. Zeus would have made more sense to me, with the mythological reference and such.
  15. You know, I was wondering if Zeiss from FE6 wasn't mistranslated. Would "Zeus" be a possible translation?
  16. I actually chose a time-limit of two weeks because I thought there wouldn't be as much entries for a new contest^^" But if you think I should wait until next week, okay
  17. Yeah, it is annoying, but if you're playing for a few hours, you should get them very soon. And you know, Phoenix... you don't get the secret ending by collecting all memory cards, but by achieving 20 trophies. I'd rather watch the secret ending on youtube.
  18. Hey, since entries seem to come in well, I wanna a proposal: in case there are more than 10 entries before the 17th, and nobody announces that he/she is working on an entry at that time, I want to bring the voting forward. Everybody agrees?
  19. @Seph: Should I add this to the first posting until you are finished or should I wait until you're giving your "real" entry?
  20. Thank you, but I actually meant the music, not the videos^^"
  21. It's a bit in the back, so that you can't see it. A bit like possessed Lyon, it was on purpose, even though I knew the shading wasn't right like that^^" Whatever, I finally managed to finish Kevin's and Carolyn's daughter^^ I just couldn't sprite a custom body that would look fitting, so I made a semi-custom-splice body for her, and I like it^^ I hope this goes for you as well, so... Lelouch Vi Britannia commends you: Comment! XD stupid from me, huh?
  22. Okay, than I absolutely don't want to see a female Karel >.< muhahaha And I've already seen Ghebriella. ^^
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