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Everything posted by Life

  1. Be right back. Someone has to get the link to her, though.
  2. I would like to say when Paper posts Part 2 that the Wolf was designed beautifully. The only way the Wolf could have won was by prolonging the game and keeping all the factions equal. Which means a ridiculous social and diplomatic game.
  3. I'm waiting to be drafted. There's NOTHING productive I can do at this point.
  4. Life


    Take 2: A weekend at my buddy's kibbutz. Fun stuff. The thing is, he's 27 and gay while I'm 20 and pretty good looking (straight as an arrow though). And he invited me. HMMM. Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with your sexual orientation. You like guys? Go ahead. Wanna suck off a deer or a horse? Be my guest. Don't ask me to join you because I won't. And I don't plan on it. Anyway, after taking a long ass bus ride (Haifa to Jerusalem is about 2 hours and change) and realizing that all the info for my bank account was left in Haifa (as in.. FUCK), I had to walk from the central station to Kikar Tzion because I don't have a fucking Rav-Kav for the train. So what do I do? Pull out the straps on my luggage, sling it over my shoulders and put my backpack in front of me. And walk. 27 kilos. I measured it at the airport a couple weeks ago and it hasn't changed. That's what, 60 and something pounds on my back with another 20 in front? And all this time, I can't help thinking back to my childhood. I sure as hell didn't get picked first for sports. "Didn't look strong enough" was usually the reason. For some reason, I was looked at as weak and slow. And I'm walking a click down Jerusalem with about 80 pounds on me and not flinching? Am I still weak? Still picked last for teams when gym comes around? Fuck that. It's really all the motivation I needed to put one foot in front of the other. Because otherwise, I can hear the kids jeering. Laughing about how a little bag was too heavy to carry. And I'm not about to submit to that kind of humiliation. I want to make them eat crow. To stop hearing the voices. And so I walked... Until I got lost. Let me make myself clear; I only took a monit because I was worried that I'd walk straight into Mea Shearim and get rocks thrown at me because I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans rather than an 1890's style suit with dress shoes and black socks pulled up tight. This is why us Jews get a bad name. The charadim. They dress like loons and act snobbish. They don't even like Israel. It's ridiculous. I mean, even the Amish have that ceremony where the young adults go out into the world and decide if they want the modern world or not to be their home. But the charadim are fucking backwards people. But now I'm sitting in a room. I've got a bed to sleep in. Sure I'm paying a lot for tonight but tonight, I need to shave and stuff and I want a room all to myself. I'm fine with a dorm tomorrow. But not tonight.
  5. Aside from the bolded part, I figured that I was going to do that.
  6. I think I should stalk this chick around the internet to keep telling her that her work is shit and avoiding me doesn't change it.
  7. Eternal Sonata Remembered another one I liked.
  8. How's that odd? Cuan is amazing. The turns that you lose by not picking someone who is around for the entire Gen 1 are instantly made up in Chapter 2.
  9. That means I can start... period. So my team is Sigurd, Alec, Midir, Ayra, Holyn, Fury and Levin. I have no clue how I'm going to get Levin down to Evens to recruit Fury in a timely manner (since I want to save the villages with items) but I'll figure it out. Prologue: 13 Turns Chalphy -> Jungby: 6 Jungby -> Evens: 7 Extra Objectives: - Save Speed Ring village - Get Silver Sword The Prologue is essentially that Sigurd solo that we all know and love. Well, the rest of Gen 1 is also basically a Sigurd solo too but that's besides the point. I got everyone into the castle with the exceptions of my drafted units and started the rampage. Alec used the chapter for self improvement by going down the middle while Sigurd raced for Jungby. Sigurd also had some decent level ups but I want Str on him. Once I got Midir, I had him clean up a little bit (he gets targeted by ranged guys on the enemy phase so I had him only attack non-ranged guys for maximum output) and sent Sigurd off to collect his SSS. I also changed out his Steel Sword and Iron Lance for Cuan's Steel Lance and Javelin (so there was a time where Sigurd was swordless). Midir also snagged the Speed Ring for right now but I lost Jungby (oh well). I was also a single turn slower than my AAAA count and that's when I have a full army which should tell you about how awesome Sigurd is. Person Level HP Str Mgc Skl Spd Lck Def Res Gold Rings Sigurd *11.39 41 15 0 16 15 10 10 4 60 Alec 6.09 35 10 0 11 12 6 8 1 2000 Midir 4.03 34 9 0 8 11 3 8 0 4360 Speed
  10. Horses > No horses. Besides, you'll have the most fucked up Fee to kill shit with. I already have my inheritance items ready.
  11. Life


    A fucking plus. I'm dying here.
  12. That was shit. You should be ashamed of yourself. I SAW TOO MANY COMMAS.
  13. I know that there's about a 0% chance that Anacybele has pulled me off of her ignore list but if she hasn't, it would be wise to read this. If I can point out mistakes in your writing and many people agree with me, it's not a smart idea to say "well, I think your critique is terrible". Mostly because via laws of the English language, I'm actually right and you're incorrect. Stop being stubborn and just accept the help. Furetchen was pointing out major holes in your writing ("sniffling with joy"?) while I went after run-on sentences and your abusive relationships with commas. Come back down to Earth and learn some humility.
  14. Can it. If I'm on her ignore list for calling her out on her lack of proper syntax, she's probably put a hit out on you for even MENTIONING Geoffrey.
  15. Took long enough. But you're still a hypocrite. Can't change that.
  16. FUCKING HELL, HERE'S MY POINT. How can you ignore criticism on an essay ABOUT criticism? That's what we call hypocritical.
  17. My bad about "or". But that last sentence STILL has too many commas especially since I can trade it out for some brackets (because that's what it needs). Try to restrict yourself to... let's say ONE per sentence. Maximum.
  18. Hi. That thing isn't about you. It's not designed to be a story or anything. It's not even supposed to be coherent. It's literally thoughts that pass through my mind.
  19. Challenge fucking accepted. It's a two-way street. If you want constructive criticism, we can give it to you. If we give critique, you have to actually accept it. If something's good, the majority of people will say so. If it's crap, you can bet your ass that I at least will call you out on it. First of all, there should be no comma after "or" in the first sentence. And, you, still, overuse, commas, in, sentences. Last sentence to be exact. This is fucking Grade 9 English. I shouldn't have to tell you that. Ok, elements of critique. Be firm. Oh, I was firm. Be honest. You bet your ass I was honest; your writing stank. Know what I'm talking about. Well, I'm going to study English Lit when I go back to school so I think I do. Good observation skills. Have tons of them. Encourage the person to keep doing what they do and to improve further. Hmm, problem arising. See, I would encourage you to try over but you're so resistant to taking criticism from anyone that it's really wasted on you. You are absolutely determined to stay a shitty writer, no matter the cost. Why? Because in your fucked up little brain of yours, you actually consider yourself a good writer. To be honest, if I didn't recognize that you have no fucking clue how to use commas, I'd think that you plagerized this entire essay. And besides, your definition of constructive criticism isn't the same as ours. If it was, you wouldn't be twisting my words and trying to turn everything into a personal attack.
  20. Then rewrite it. Because the entire THING is a grammatical error.
  21. Appreciated. And yeah, I know a thesis doesn't make an essay. But we got graded on individual parts of the essay as we were working on it.
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