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Everything posted by Life

  1. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    I'm pushing the update off for 10 hours. That's 6:30 AM my time, which is like... 12ish for all of you. If I don't have your action by then, I will be slightly upset.
  2. Not as funny as Paper but I definitely laughed at points. Well done.
  3. Maybe he wanted to keep Mike from acting?
  4. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    I think I need a sub because Rody decided to pussy out (no pun intended) less than 48 hours into the game. Disgraceful.
  5. I wanted to be God of Pussy...
  6. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    24 hours left in Night 0. Please get your night actions in to me and Excellen. This is just the warning since you still have 24 hours. But I don't want to be chasing after people. If you're not using an action, just say that you're idling.
  7. I thought you wanted to "control" him because you clearly know more than any of us when it comes to mafia.
  8. Well, that's convenient. Mike's a liar and suddenly, he's unlynchable.
  9. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Who said anything about only night kills existing? And yes, kills kill either the alias or the player. Depends on who you target.
  10. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Sorry about that but what do you mean by the second one?
  11. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    There is always a rule 34. Seriously though, I copy pasted.
  12. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    All role PMs are sent. If you did not get one, tell me ASAP. Night 0 is on. Just a couple of things. 1. Each person has an alias. The alias is the name of a RANDOM (going to stress that) player from Survivor's history. Why? Because I like Survivor. 2. With regards to aliases, they are the second half of your life and role. If you want to give out your alias, be my guest. It's just like giving out your player role. Sometimes it's good to do so and sometimes not. Your discretion. 3. You are not dead until BOTH your name and your alias have died. Until then, you are still a living player. That should be it. Night 0 is on. It ends at 9:30 PM my time on the 2th. Which would be about... 5:30 PM GMT.
  13. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    You hear a loudspeaker blaring. After the voice dies down, everyone scatters. Might be a good idea to hide away and wait in this small village too. [spoiler=Rules]1. While you are alive, feel free to talk about the game. Once you have died in SF name and post restrict, you may not discuss the game with anyone not allied with you. You may not share information you gained after death unless your role allows you to, or someone else's role allows them to talk to you. 2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. During Night 0, no one may paste their Role PM. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM Life and/or Excellen for help in faking a role PM. Which you probably should do. 3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are human and can make mistakes. Part of the role PMs were written by Excellen while part were written by me. Because of this, if the style of your role PM doesn't match up with some of your teammates, it's probably because of who wrote it. If you believe there are mistakes, PM us and we will correct them. Do NOT correct them yourself. 4. You may paste things the hosts tell you, but do not anticipate everything we tell you is true. You can paste fake logs; PM Life or Excellen for help faking a log. Screenshots are not allowed. 5. Each Day period will last 48 hours at the start, then be cut to 24 as people die. There is no shortened time for majority because you have Day Actions. There are grace periods as we are working on the update after majority is reached, at a minimum of 1 hour. There is no announcement of what majority is or when its reached. Don't ask. 6. We will allow stealth lynching if you can successfully pull this off. Good luck. You'll need it. 7. During the day you must bold your vote and post ##flavor <USER> OR ##flavor <ALIAS>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to No Lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will count as No Lynch. If you wish to vote for nothing at that time but have already voted, unbold your original vote and state something along the lines that it is retracted. Any ties will result in a no lynch. 8. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received. This will be cut to 24 as people die. 9. Feel free to target dead users with your abilities. We cannot say if anything will come of this, and it is very likely nothing will happen. However, there are exceptions. 10. Priorities do not exist for the most part. I'll expand on this after the game is over but don't ask about them because they don't exist. This does NOT exclude the possibility of a Priority Up/Down role, mind you. 11. Inform Life and Excellen of all channels, spreadsheets, etc. you make for this game. Give us access: ask for our emails, our registered IRC nicks are Life and <Whatever Excellen's Is>. 12. IRC will be of great assistance to you in this game and other users may be very annoyed if you don't have it, to the point of asking you to be subbed out if you don't. It's not that hard to gain access to: you never have to pay to use mIRC if you hit Continue twice, Mibbit is free, etc. It is no longer mandatory to appear there but it helps a lot. 13. Send all PMs to Life and Excellen so we can both update. If you are choosing to idle, please PM "NX - Idling" so we know you are active. 14. Be active or get out. You will almost assuredly lose this game if you are not active and anyone who could rely on you will be hampered by your inactivity. We will send a warning PM if you do not send a PM a night/day. After that, we will sub you out. We will NOT postpone deadlines if you do not meet them unless you ask us to give you an extra hour to discuss/coordinate. If you want to sub in, tell both myself and Excellen. 15. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence. 16. We are your hosts and we will be writing the Postgame, so please talk to us about your thoughts on the game. While we cannot confirm or deny any suspicions you may have, we would love to hear them. We would also like reasons for your actions if possible. 17. The win condition for everyone is, "You are allied with (the) _________. You win when you eliminate all threats. The word "the" may or may not appear depending on the faction. 18. If you post in the thread when silenced or kidnapped, break a posting restriction, n, or fail to vote for the person you were persuaded to vote for, you will be godkilled. We will be making it very clear what you can and cannot do (Psych), should one of these actions be directed your way, so you will have no excuse for not following the guidelines. 19. The official IRC channel will be #godofsf on the SynIRC server. Failure to join will be a good indicator that you don't want to be playing. 20. If you have a non-information role, you will not receive a result unless it fails. If you think you should have received a result PM but did not, you should contact the host that performed the last update, or the other one if they appear to be free to review your case. 21. This is a multifaction game. Sorry, I designed it that way. 22. Day Actions affect events in the day and Night Actions affect events in the night. 23. Cake may be served. 24. Aliases are in this game. People must target aliases and people separately, except in lynches. A list of Aliases will be in the first post. 24a. Your alias is essentially the second half of your role. Think of your role PM as two separate roles. Alias is tied to the day role and Name is tied to the night role. This is important. 25. You do not die until both your alias and your SF name are dead. If your alias dies, you cannot use your day action. If your SF name dies, you cannot use your night action. These abilities will be revealed upon death (only the lost ability). 26. If your faction's killing ability is reduced, every player on the faction will be informed. 27. Don't break the game. 28. This is an open theme game. While the factions definitely have some sort of connection to their members, there are some who barely resemble their faction's theme. In addition, nothing is too ridiculous. 29. Lynching kills the user AND the alias, if one of them is not dead already. Any votes cast for an alias will count for the user, and vice versa. If the user or alias is dead, the vote will go towards whichever is still alive. If both are dead, it counts as no lynch. As stated before, you may choose to lynch either a <USER> or an <ALIAS>. 30. We are human and can make mistakes, if you're going to bitch and moan about any mistakes we may or may not make, don't bother signing up. Please refer to rule #3 if you catch a mistake. 31. Moles exist in this game. Be careful who you tell your info to. 32. There is no spoon. This is reality, Neo. 33. Enjoy and please don't do anything remarkably stupid. I will be writing a postgame and the last thing I want to write is "Person x was a dumbass". Being outsmarted isn't being stupid. Revealing your entire team to another faction (Psych) is. Player List (4 Alive): Jhen Mohran Wen Yang Psych Frostbite Alias List (4 Alive): Rudy Boesch Jenna Morasca James Miller Courtney Marit Dead: Luka Megurine (Brenda Lowe) - Mick Foley - Skillz That Killz - 1 Time Revive/Crazy Casaya Mole - Lynched Day 1 Joerachi (Stacy Kimball) - Abraham Lincoln - God's Bowling Buddies - Vote Negator/Martyr - Bludgeoned to death by a turtle shell Day 1 / Roundhouse kick to the face Day 8 WeaponsofMassConstruction - Francis - Animal Legion - Alias Checker - Roundhouse kick to the face Day 1 eclipse - Cookie Monster - Animal Legion - Evil Twin - Run over by an RV Night 1 BK-201 (Bruce Kanagei) - Shingo DJ - Latter-day Renaissance Men - BG/Killer - Forced to listen to bad music Night 1 / Popped Night 7 FearThePika (Robb Zbanik) - You Bastard - Animal Legion - Skillz That Killz Mole/Alliance Checker - Lynched Day 2 Radiant Dragon - Bowl of Petunias - Crazy Casayas - Killer - Forced to listen to bad music Day 2 Pariah (Heidi Strobel) - Batman - Latter-day Renaissance Men - Alliance Checker/Safeguard - Boojummed Day 2 / Godkilled Night 5 Balcerzak - Pickwick - Animal Legion - Persuader - Married and Poisoned Day 2 Snike (Ethan Zohn) - Megaman - Skillz That Killz - Post Restrictor/Killer - Godkilled Day 2 / Godkilled Day 6 Kiku-Ichimonji (Shane Powers) - Sexy Babe Petrova - Skillz That Killz - Kidnapper/Martyr - Lynched Day 3 Paperblade (Earl Cole) - Trekkie Monster - Crazy Casayas - Latter-day Renaissance Men Mole/Evil Twin - Met with MI6 Day 3 / Lynched Day 4 Blitz Kitty (Yul Kwon) - Eminem - God's Bowling Buddies - Killer/Safeguard - Deleted Day 4 / Lynched Day 8 Spykor (Corrine Kaplan) - John Pinette - God's Bowling Buddies - Investigator/BG - Died of Mad Cow Disease Day 4 / Speedcore'd Night 7 Ceadeus (Jean-Robert Bellande) - Obviam - Animal Legion - Killer/1 Time Night Continue - Forced to listen to bad music Night 4 / Popped Night 6 JBCWK (Danni Boatwright) - Joey Jordison - Latter-day Renaissance Men - God's Bowling Buddies Mole/Reverse Martyr - Lungs gave out when trying to talk Day 5 Kevin (Danielle DiLorenzo) - Mad Cow - Animal Legion - Freezer/Hooker - Lynched Day 5 (Ben "Coach" Wade) - Gilgamesh - Latter-day Renaissance Men - Mayor - Deleted Day 5 Strawman the SawmanShaman (Jenn Lyon) - Stephen Hawking - Crazy Casayas - BG/Mayor - Ate himself to death Night 5 / Bludgeoned to death by a turtle shell Day 8 Seven Deadly Sins (Courtney Yates) - Buckethead - Crazy Casayas - Hooker/Silencer - Lynched Day 6 Obviam (Jon Dalton) - James Quall - Latter-day Renaissance Men - Post Restrictor/Hooker - Godkilled Day 6 Shade of Shadows (Rob Cesternino) - Chuck Norris - Skillz That Killz - Alias Checker/Hooker - Lynched Day 9 It is now Night 0. Please do not post until you have received your role PM.
  14. Why? Both examples that are writen in Vayik'ra (Leviticus to you) are both "sins". Or to be exact, the term is "mitzvot lo ta'aseh" (deeds that you don't do). And I could be wrong but I think that a death sentence is mentioned which would mean that it is supposed to take seriously. The Torah doesn't have much of an order with regards to "this law goes here and that one goes there" so your argument of "I can't take it seriously because it's along with the eating and clothing laws" is quite silly. As for the Hebrew translations, I'd have to read them in Hebrew but I think you understand the gist of it.
  15. Life

    Psych, I want you to play in my mafia game. PM me first though.

  16. If this is your first game and you want to know how mafia works, PM me. I'll give you a quick little explanation that should be easy to understand.
  17. 5 more people needed. Please go ask others to play, this is going to be a good game.
  18. There won't be group PMs. If your faction needs to get organized, you have to do it yourself. Then again, I haven't been incredibly mean about it, mind you.
  19. Don't get me wrong, the "weakest faction" has some pretty awesome roles that could be used to win the game, especially one that could completely fuck every other faction if it is used well. It's just the weakest in my own personal opinion.
  20. Yeah but this is for real. This is the last game that I will take part with here. Since I won't be able to play mafia for the next two years, mind you.
  21. I hate you. This is going to be my last hosted game on SF. Promise.
  22. Well then, you better figure out WHY the results make you look guilty.
  23. I've noticed people bitching about the balance in the latest mafia game (Mafia of the Gods). Please note that the balance in this game from the start is about even and only tips to any faction because of your own actions. Even the faction that I think is the weakest has a great chance at winning if they know what they're doing.
  24. Consider your wish granted. *shameless advertisement for Bullshit Mafia*
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