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Everything posted by Life

  1. Do you mean that Yoni Netanyahu and Micheal Levin weren't heroes? Shame...
  2. Today, I prayed for peace at the holiest place in the world for the Jewish people and stared down at the grave of war heroes. What did you do? Not that. Peace.
  3. Correct. A game ends when EVERYONE has respectively won or lost. If a neutral wins, they win but the game continues until the factions start losing/winning.
  4. Well, this hasn't been touched in about... 6 months. Time for another run of FFVI. Locke > Gogo. The fact of the matter is that Locke has been around from when God created the earth while Gogo magically appears more than halfway through the game and is nothing more than an inferior carbon copy of everybody. Locke might be on the lower end of the shit scale during the time he was around and Gogo didn't exist but he's as good if not better than Celes/Terra until the Cave to the Sealed Gate and can still hold his own until the end of the Floating Continent simply from stealing and backrow Boomerang throwing. In the WoR, Gogo probably joins a lot earlier than Locke simply for stealing utility (since Phoenix Cave wants 2 parties) but he's not really doing that much. I mean, he might be doing some stealing before we get Locke back but that's the only niche he has. He can pull out Tool but he's a vastly inferior Edgar who's stopped relying on Tools at this point. He can use Blitz but his Magic is genuinely shit. Throw is an inferior Shadow. Magic makes him an inferior Relm/Terra/Celes even with more spell access than them. Lore is an inferior Strago. None of these jobs will give him a slot after Locke rejoins. And his armour/weapon situation is shit while Locke can pull out the Master Scroll and the Valiant Knife for epic damage. Locke's good WoB + decent WoR > Gogo's decent WoR.
  5. Chapter 13: I had two choices of who to give the Seraph Robe to: Nephenee for more Wrath goodness or Titania so that she's very usable lategame. Both have their pros and cons so I decided to flip a coin. Titania won. This will be epic. Supports are coming along nicely. So far, I have the following: Ike/Oscar B Mist/Titania C Boyd/Titania C Keiran/Oscar C Other stuff that happened was the selling of the Secret Book, a forged Iron Lance (+5 Atk, +6 Crit, +10 Hit) for Jill called the Partisan and not much else. Saving BExp for a major dump for Chapter 15. AND THEN... Dolphin has frozen. I can't play Chapter 13 for some odd reason. Huh.
  6. I personally think that Leaf is better than Sigurd simply because of how necessary it is for Leaf to be good just to make it out of Manster. 4 and 4x are two of the hardest Manster chapters and Leaf slices through Knights there with his 1~2 range Light Brand. Only Nanna and Fergus (if you brought over the Fire Sword) are nearly as good as Leaf at cutting through armours. Plus, the Speed Ring gives him +2 AS which could be the difference between doubling or not. Sigurd doesn't need to be God to destroy Verdane. But Leaf HAS to be good to have a pretty easy Manster. Hence, Leaf but only because of his circumstances.
  7. Finished the debate. Unfortunately, you failed probabilities.

  8. Once again, aiming for the problems in your logic. Snowy, if I missed the point by a huge margin, then you veered off to the other side of the world. Marcia comes on Turn 5. That beach should be cleared out by Turn 3 maximum. On my own run here, I had Titania (who did relatively little killing since she went south but helped out), 11 Mia, 8 Soren, Rhys and Rolf cleaning out the beach. It was clean before Marcia even popped up. And Marcia's going south because she needs to be, you know, recruited and she flies TOWARDS Ike. Next time you argue, make sure you play the game first. And level 11 Mia in Chapter 9 is essentially nothing considering the fuckloads of BExp we have up to now (1500+ when it costs around 400 to take Mia up to level 10). I took Interceptor's advice and BExp'd Mia and Boyd to the point where Boyd would ORKO Armours and Mia would do considerable damage with the Armourslayer (25 Mt and 6 AS doubles all the Knights on the map (she's fighting the ones on the left) and leaves the Knights with low single digit HP. Why NOT sink ~400 BExp into Mia to do that? It makes Chapter 8 so much easier and easily justifies a level 11 Mia in Chapter 9. Lethe on the beach does NOTHING. Lethe getting credit as a yellow unit is pointless but even if we put her on the beach, there's no point. If you need Lethe to help you at any point during this chapter, you're not playing efficiently. Mia is free up until the start of Chapter 10. Like it or not, she's getting played in Chapter 9. And for the record, Lethe is a bad unit to send north AND south. Why? Because she isn't needed. If you can't complete the chapter in 8 turns (which includes getting both villages and recruiting Marcia) without using Lethe, that's not a testament to how good Lethe is. That shows how bad of a player you are. You have the resources to make the chapter easy without using Lethe or Mordecai. Sure they make it easier but they can't speed the chapter up. Either way, we're looking at an 8 turn clear thanks to Marcia showing up late. Therefore, Lethe does nothing of value here since she gains absolutely nothing (Titania in retrospect gains a level from the Kotaff kill). Something doesn't seem quite right here. Not quite there. Almost... Nearly there... Umm... I guess that explains the problems with your numbers. You've never played Normal Mode, let alone Hard. You don't get it. This isn't CommunistFE where everything is equal to every unit. We don't allocate the same number of kills to Rolf as we do to Titania. Lethe doesn't get the same amount of BExp as Mia or Boyd. It just doesn't happen. Certain units use resource x better than others so they are the ones who get that resource. Nephenee uses BExp a hell of a lot better than Lethe because 527 BExp on base Nephenee is worth 5 levels and puts her in the range to 2HKO stuff. In return, that same 527 BExp is barely 3 levels and doesn't improve her performance from a 1RKO to a 1HKO. Nephenee gains +2 Atk and +3 AS from that BExp, allowing her to now double stuff in Chapter 11 like 9 AS Sword Knights or Mages. Lethe gains +1 Atk and +2 AS which don't mean squat since she's already 1RKOing everything on the map at base level (Boss and Knights aside). That BExp on her is a waste. The point here isn't to show that Nephenee uses BExp better than Lethe. It's to show that BExp is best used on units who will immediately have a change in performance from a couple of levels. And Lethe's pre-promoted status means that any BExp thrown her way has an even greater cost to it since it's worth almost double a non-promoted unit's take. Let's flip a coin. 50% of the time, it lands on heads. 50% of the time, it lands on tails. So we flip it and it lands heads. Does that mean that the coin has a 100% chance to land on tails for the next flip? So let's flip it again. And... heads. Again. Well, I thought we had a 100% chance of getting tails! I mean, clearly you state so! [spoiler=Actual proper math]The true math works like this: Lethe has a 50% chance of growing Str on any given level. Her Spd has a 70% growth rate. Thus, the percentage chances of Lethe growing stats looks like thus: Str: L: 12S 13S 14S 15S 4 50% 50% 0% 0% 5 25% 50% 25% 0% 6 13% 38% 38% 13% Spd: L 12S 13S 14S 15S 4 30% 70% 0% 0% 5 9% 42% 49% 0% 6 3% 19% 45% 34% That would be the correct math. At level 6, Lethe 13- Str 50% of the time and 14+ Str 50% of the time. She also has 13- Spd 22% of the time and 14+ Spd 79% of the time (on average). I got lazy with decimals but the math is correct. While a unit with a 40% GR does gain a level up in that stat 4 times every 10 levels on average, there is no self-correcting mechanism that forces 4 level-ups of that stat every 10 levels. Basically, you slept through basic math and I will treat any numbers you pull from this point onwards with incredible caution. EDIT: To be honest, if you SOMEHOW win this debate at this point, I will throw back about 5 Jaegarbombs and then toss myself off of a cliff. Seriously. There's no fucking way you can make such a basic mistake like calculating growths properly and still win a debate. It's like Palin saying "I can see Russia from my backyard" and everyone in America believing her and then voting her to be President. No, Snowy. This is just plain wrong because you don't understand how statistics work. Lethe doesn't have a 50% chance of having 20 Str vs. 21 Str. Lethe has a 50% chance of having 20 or under Str and a 50% chance of having 21 or over Str. The chance of her having 20 or 21 Str is the highest due to probabilities. Hence why I made her sit at 20 Str. 20 Str at level 8 is slightly under the average but 21 Str at level 8 is slightly over the average. Your argument holds more water if Lethe performs just as well under the average as she does over the average. I didn't drop her stats down to be mean or anything. I did it to HELP you. Let's see why: - Lethe deserves the Demi Band even though there are much better users for it, not to mention that Lethe starts with a full Cat gauge and the Demi Band effectively cuts her transformation boosts in half. - Lethe's gauge problems (AKA not being usable for the 2nd half of a map) are being handwaved. - Lethe's offense is clearly worse than Stefan's as proven through hard numbers while you continue to state the opposite. - Lethe is entitled to equal resources as everyone else even if she doesn't perform as well with them as person x does. - I had to give you a basic math lesson. Yeah. Brain aneurysm given. Thanks Snowy, it's just like Christmas! Are you telling me that even though Lethe will not fight Danomill in a realistic playthrough, she deserves credit for doing well against him? What if Micaiah can ORKO Ike in 3-13 with Thani? Does she deserve credit for being able to do that even though the game doesn't let her physically reach him? What if FE4 Fin can ORKO every boss in Chapters 4 and 5? Should we give him credit for that even though he doesn't exist? What about Shinon in this game? Lethe cannot fight Danomill in a realistic efficient playthrough. She detransforms too early if you try to blast through or take the stealth route. I've tried. I couldn't make it to Danomill on time because the tight corridors are blocked by enemy mooks. Why are you giving her credit for something that she's not ever going to do? You forget that Lethe is a combat unit for 50% of the map and a useless character for the other 50%. If her combat isn't miles and away better than everyone else's WHILE she's transformed, that's a problem. See, I could have a good unit for 50% of the time or I could have a good unit for 100% of the time. Lethe is the first. Stefan is the second. So that comment of "Lethe isn't doing anything special" actually applies since Lethe needs to stand out in her combat to be as good as everyone else. Snowy, Lethe can only 2HKO enemies when she's transformed. Which, ONCE AGAIN, is half of the time. You keep handwaving the fact that Lethe doesn't participate for half the map. If Keiran is only 80% as good as Lethe but is available 100% of the time, he's better. Why? Because Lethe is always operating at 50% of her full potential throughout the course of a whole map. Meanwhile, Keiran is operating at 80% of her full potential. And Stefan is operating at 105%, mind you. First off, you STILL haven't secured the Demi Band for Lethe. Especially since we just got Muarim who's miles away better than her. But sure, let's give level 7 Lethe the Demi Band. 25 Atk and 16 AS. She doesn't double the Myrmidons anymore or the Sniper. In fact, the Sniper is now a 3HKO for Lethe since the Demi Band JUST puts her out of range of killing him. And Lethe has no supports to help her there. Also, if she was barely scoring a 1RKO on the Knights before the Demi Band, not anymore. They're a 3HKO for her with Lethe doing a paltry 10 damage to the 28 HP, 15 Def Knights. Kimaarsi is a 5RKO so she's not fighting him. Oh and she can't even 1HKO Thieves. Everything else is pretty much borderline. What about Stefan? 35 effective Atk with the Armourslayer puts Kimarsii at 2 HP so that's a 3HKO. Everything else is a 1RKO with the exception of the Knights but an Armourslayer solves that problem. And Stefan doesn't have transformation problems. Stefan is kicking Lethe's ass in his first real chapter of work and it only goes downhill from there for Lethe. What's the point of this paragraph? He has S Swords. He never has any sword out of reach. This cannot possibly be a bad thing. Ever. No, it matters a lot. Lethe's already borderline on enemies after doubling. She's going to stop ORKOing Soldiers (fucking Soldiers) in Chapter 18 with the Demi Band at this rate. Hell, it might even be in Chapter 17-4. Lethe needs a full Str proc by then to continue ORKOing Soldiers since 26 Atk just 2HKOs them. That's 2 levels on average but she's got a 25% chance of not getting it. In Chapter 18, that number jumps to 28 Atk. That's not reliable for Lethe until level 13. But look! Stefan starts with 28 Atk and needs 2 levels on average to hit that number after WTD. 2 levels between 15 and 18 including the 4 Part Chapter 17? That's definitely happening. 6 levels for Lethe in the same time span just to match offense? Forget it. Before you say that Lethe has enough Attack to reliably kill stuff, check the enemy stats. It actually matters quite a lot. Stefan takes a hefty shot (like anyone, mind you) from both Oliver and Keyachey. Not to mention that Oliver heals back if he connects. The Vague Katti has a 40% chance of OHKOing Oliver while a simple Iron Blade won't 2HKO if Oliver heals up from a connection of Nosferatu (Level 9 Stefan leaves Oliver with 1 HP). But remember how Lethe was at best matching Stefan? Level 8 Lethe with no Demi Band is the exact same story. 28 Atk ends up leaving Oliver with 1 HP after the Nosferatu connection. Huh, that's the same as Stefan! That's a perfect example of where the Vague Katti is great and Stefan is the only wielder at this time. It doesn't need to critical to do its job. If Lethe was ORKOing Oliver, I'd say that you're right. But she also can't ORKO Oliver. She and Stefan are in the same leaky boat until Stefan jumps onto his new Ski-Doo and lets Lethe drown alone. Gamble says hi since if I recall correctly, there's no competition over it at all. And while Stefan's supports are usually ass, his Heaven affinity is good for 5+ Acc which helps Gamble a lot. Oh and that's 100 Crit right there. 65+ Hit but Stefan will crit for sure? And he can do it at full HP without worrying about dying? Yes, please. It's not about Stefan being the best SS user or not (and for the record, Mia isn't getting either dust or the band unless you're in love with her a la Ether). It's about the fact that Stefan has 1~2 range and Lethe doesn't. End of argument. Gems: Lethe promoting on turn 1 will not make a chapter go by a turn faster. Reyson promoting on Turn 1 will. Especially with a chapter like 20, 21, 24, 25 and 26. Whoops, that's 5 chapters and only 4 uses. Looks like Lethe isn't eating a stone. Demi Band: As I proved earlier, Lethe fails to kill unpromoted enemies as early as Chapter 18 with that thing on. Forget it at that point. We already know that you don't play efficiently but when you're arguing two characters, we assume some sort of efficiency. Hence something stupid like "Reyson doesn't need all the Laguz Stones" when he clearly saves turns being able to allow 4 units to act again isn't accepted here. Fact: Lethe is equal to Stefan when transformed and useless when she is Beast Tribe. Logical conclusion: Lethe is inferior to Stefan simply because of that damn gauge. Bullshit, that is very relevant. You should have used this kind of argument to show how Lethe saves turns but hey, it's your argument, not mine. You easily had a chance to win this one and failed to do so. Bolting is 2+ Mt on the free Meteor with Calill. That's valuable since it allows us to, you know, 1 Turn chapter 22. And the real fighting is AT the throne room. I count 12 enemies there with another 4 guarding the Full Guard room. Sucks to be Lethe since she's useless there. Now THAT'S a lot of fighting. 1. Demi Band doesn't fly anymore. Lethe isn't killing anything at this point. The only thing she 1RKOs with 26 Atk is the Archer (OOOOH) and Mages/Sages. Not to mention that she, you know, spends the first 4 turns transformed and you're just turning her into a vastly inferior version of Stefan for the sake of keeping her going. 2. A 26 Atk unit does not deserve the Knight Ring. She's borderline killing ARCHERS. That's how shitty Lethe is. Lethe still isn't killing stuff with the Demi Band equipped. At level 11, she's got 27 Atk. She barely kills Archers and then Mages/Sages here. That "God-damned demiband" is going to waste on her. And a rescue-drop of Stefan can have him kill Shihiram easily on something like Turn 3 and Ike can seize. 12 Stefan has 32 Atk with the Vague Katti and something stupid like 63 Crit. That's an 86% chance of criticalling one of his two hits. If he criticals once, Shihiram will die if someone sneezes on him. If he gets both (happens almost 40% of the time), Shihiram is dinner. Lethe can never produce anything like that during her lifetime (fun fact, Shihiram is also immune to arrows thanks to a Full Guard). Can you find me anyone who could possibly replicate this performance? Oh and Gamble!Stefan has 80+ displayed Hit on Shihiram with 100 Crit. Pretty cool. Why not? 39 Atk with the Laguzslayer (Level 12+) means that he 4HKOs Ena (52 HP, 25 Def). With a crit, that's a 1RKO. How many other units can produce that kind of offense? Oh and Mia needs A Rhys to be nearby (forcing him to also be rescue-chained) along with sitting at 20/12, just before you say her name instinctively. I'm done here. At this point, I'm repeating myself. Stefan puts on a performance that is unmatched by so many people when it comes to boss-slaying, never mind Lethe. And I have proved that Stefan > Lethe. This debate is now closed.
  9. You clearly have no fucking clue what's going on. If Anouleth is mafia/wolf, he loses his LPV. Win for the town. Chances are that he's a wolf instead of mafia simply because the wolf would need some proper protection while mafia doesn't. If Anouleth is town, we've proved that he isn't lying about the LPV. And that if we need someone to trust on a dime, we go to him. Win for the town. Substitute we with you because I don't care about whether he's mafia or town, just that I don't die.
  10. In that case, fuck your apologies because you're back at square one after the lynch and I lose. Therefore, this strategy is clearly wrong. An investigation is better than a lynch.
  11. Evidence why Life clearly has to be mafia instead of you know, telling the truth: ...none HMMM... I hate the double standard that I AND ONLY I am held up to. If I say something, I have to be mafia or at least anti-town for whatever stupid reason. If I don't say something (and this has happened in the past), I have to be mafia for NOT being myself.
  12. ##unvote ##vote: Kevin Because he's a cunt. Seriously. I don't expect this to be the lynch but from this point on, it's my vote unless I'm given solid evidence of who's mafia.
  13. I idled. I went on a trip around the Negev for 2 days (with the rest of the volunteers in my kibbutz) and completely forgot to send in an action before I left. If you want details of the trip, I can give them to you as proof.
  14. You little fucknugget, you can go fucking die for all I care. Don't you ever talk to me with sarcasm ever again. Bitch. And I think we should lynch Anouleth to test out his claim of LPV. I highly doubt that a mafia member has an LPV because the town's only weapon IS the lynch and giving a mafia member immunity from that is essentially neutering that. Furthermore, worst case scenario, Anouleth is a wolf but we can just investigate him too anyway. Not me though because I'm trying to stay neutral and not get pointlessly killed.
  15. Let me refute every point here. 1. If I play the paranoid game and I only volunteer info when my back is against the wall (and not accidentally to a mafia faction), you guys will know where I stand and not throw pointless lynches or inspects or whatever my way. I'm harmless. Please inspect me tonight if you don't believe me. 2. Now why would I ever do that? One mafia might think that I was part of the second mafia or vice versa and then I'd get killed and LOSE for no reason. I have no reason to back anyone other than the town because I am a non-threat to the mafias if I refuse to actively help the town and search for mafias. And I am a friend to the town because I am adding a lynch vote on. Both sides have reasons to keep me alive. 3. I have no idea what the fuck Haze was talking about. I would have been skeptical of that in a heartbeat. A way to prove that I'm telling to the truth but Psych was lying? For the record, the Psych lynch was stupid but only because Psych tried to act as town when he should have just said "I'm neutral".
  16. You're all idiots. I'm an extra vote for the town since I don't give a shit what goes on behind the scenes. Oh and the guy that I checked on N0? He's dead (WoMC). You're wasting a lynch on me but if you really want to shoot yourselves in the foot, go ahead. I guess that SF hasn't actually gotten smarter anymore.
  17. Why are you idiots venturing out role PMs this early? Watcher shouldn't go public yet. ##vote: Anouleth Makes logical sense for this vote.
  18. Umm... what? I can't remember the last time I chose the easiest mode possible for a Fire Emblem game if I could do the hardest one. Oh, except for H1 FE12 and FE5 Elite Mode. And response coming soon since my response will be the one that ends the debate In case that made no sense, I have never played Easy Mode in FE9. Only Normal and Hard (first run was on Normal, every subsequent has been on Hard including my current one).
  19. Well, it's because I realized today that I am the Tucker Max of SF.

  20. It still HAD to be said. And face it, she's so ugly that the mirror cracks every time she smiles.

  21. Dude, it HAD to be said. We all think it, someone just needed to man up and put it in writing. Besides, I'm not insulting him, just a random ogre I'll never meet in my life.

  22. Nobody gives a shit about what you think. Honestly.
  23. My Ike had 20 Strength when he capped his level on my last playthrough. How much damage does he do to the BK a round?
  24. Ah but that wasn't the inception of SF Mafia. That only happened when we started a year and a half ago (about that much time, I believe).
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