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Everything posted by Life

  1. Imagine 4 or 5 chapters rolled into 1. 4~5 chapters that each take about 10 turns or so, depending on the situation.
  2. Scout actually flips on the revote, believe it or not.
  3. I think I'm not high enough. Add another tier between me and everyone else.
  4. I didn't know that I was that good. Am I really that awesome?
  5. 3 man teams? OK. So we for sure have lynches to spare. It's 5-1 and I want this game to end already.
  6. Why is Articuno a guaranteed clear if Zapdos and Moltres are town? We ASKED for specific pokemon, remember? If Tiger Woods is town, does that mean that Michael Jordan can't be mafia? Can Dracula never be town while Sonic the Hedgehog always has to be good? Your logic makes no sense. Besides, we still have lynches to spare. Unless we're dealing with 4 man teams (which I doubt), if we make a mistake today, we still have tomorrow.
  7. 1) You're dead. 2) This is the report that I got last night. Maybe it got fucked with somehow but this is the true report.
  8. Well, we'll lynch you today, if we're wrong, we'll lynch Anouleth/Snike tomorrow. Deal?
  9. Yes. A town silencer. Makes perfect sense. The whole point of the silencer is to stop a person's vote. This helps the mafia more than the town. And since I pulled Outlaw on what I think is the last person remaining, we lynch you and I (and the town too) win the game.
  10. Ok. I know I've said that I have no interest in this game but since we are down to finding our last mafia member, let's just end this. Results from last night (since JB forced me to investigate every single night, bastard...). And with that... Lynch Freohr Datia to end the game.
  11. Why am I missing from #feto tier?
  12. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Another morning. You yawn, crawl out of that sewer you call a shelter and ran to the town bulletin board. New notices were flying on it. Time to vote. Phase ends July 4th at 12:30 GMT like always. PLEASE GET YOUR ACTIONS IN THIS TIME.
  13. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Can everyone send in their PMs? It's getting annoying when you don't and I have to chase you. If you lose the game because you can't bother to check SF for 30 minutes every 2 days, that's your fault, not mine.
  14. Competitive lobby tier? Wut?
  15. I have Borderlands on my Xbox360 but don't sign me up (not in Canada right now).
  16. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    Snike has subbed in for SeverIan.
  17. Chris's FTC performance is something I can only describe as "BULLSHIT UP TO YOUR EARS". On the Vanuatu DVD, they took a revote and Chris actually ends up winning that one 6-1. Guess who flips.
  18. I should be in Bad Ass Tier.
  19. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    I just want to say this one more time. You are not dead until both your player and your alias die. Only Lightning is dead at this point of the game.
  20. Garcia can be recruited on Turn 2. Turn 1: Vanessa rescues Ross, Moulder take/drops him. Turn 2: Vanessa rescues Garcia, Franz take/drops him, Eirika recruits Ross who recruits Garcia.
  21. Chris puts on an absolute spellbinder of a show during the second half of Vanuatu. Watch the season from Chris's point of view and pay close attention to the vote at F9. At F9, the game completely changes (I mean F9, not F7). Vanuatu is a good season to watch.
  22. ##Vote: Mikethfc The faster this game ends, the faster I win. Hope you're mafia.
  23. Life

    Bull(crap) Mafia

    PLEASE send in actions next time. I'm STILL chasing after people. I don't want to have to remind you to play if you signed-up. In addition, please do not post more than one post with a lynch vote in it. That rule exists so that I don't have to guess what your lynch vote is. I see one post by you with a lynch vote and boom, I write that down. If it changes, I change it on my spreadsheet. It's a lot easier than going through 10 pages of changed lynch votes. You quickly cast your vote at the town hall (secret ballot is awesome in a tournament of killers) and quickly left the building. The notice board in the middle of the square seemed to have some flyers on it for once. You quickly checked them out. Slightly traumatized that Joerachi and WoMC have been killed so brutally, you quickly glace up at the corpse that is hanging from the top of the church. A smile comes to your lips since Luka Megurine was your lynch choice. You know that <SNIP> is <SNIP>. Your alias is Brenda Lowe. You are allied with Skillz That Killz. You win if your faction is the last one standing. Time for bed. Or time to prowl the streets after hours. Let's just hope that you wake up in the morning... It is now Night 1. Phase is over at 12:30 GMT on July 2. Self explanitory.
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