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Everything posted by Life

  1. Guess we know our next lynch, then.
  2. I think Wendy would have been a lot better if she had more speed.
  3. Ok, I've spoken to Haze and he's moving the start date of SF Mafia Mafia for a week or so. Basically, he's waiting for Bizz to come back. And he also promised to start when PLM was pretty much done and that's not happening anytime soon. So in the meantime I (and Excellen) present to you... Bullshit Mafia! A couple things to note in this game: 1) Random flavour. Don't assume anything to be too farfetched because Excellen and I have probably gone there and further. This goes for anything, pretty much. 2) Moles will run rampant in this game. The amount of info you want to give out to even your teammates is your call. 3) There will be an IRC channel for this game. Yeah, I know I originally promised NOC but that idea got kicked in the head when Paperblade correctly guessed the format. Sorry about that. 3a) If I don't see you on the IRC channel at least once every two phases, you will probably be subbed out. Probably. 4) There are two features that SF Mafia has never seen before in this game. I give you my word. 5) If you don't try to help your team, chances are that you will lose. And by try, I mean trying to figure out ways to win. So sign-ups! We need 25 players, which I hope isn't asking for much. Please play and be active, a lot of work went into designing and balancing this game. Sign-ups (24): SeverIan Jhen Mohran Luka Megurine Ceadeus Radiant Dragon Shade of Shadow Strawman the Sawman Shaman eclipse Spykor Obviam WeaponsofMassDestruction Pariah Kaoz Paperblade Wen Yang Kiku-Ichimonji JBCWK BK-201 Fear the Pika mikethfc Rody 7 Royal Ludroth Joerachi Frostbite
  4. Ike/Oscar A means that healing is overrated. Plus, the game becomes an interactive cutscene after Ike promotes.
  5. Wen is forced to help you. He's either village and obligated or mafia and still obligated to save his ass. I'm not forced to do shit. So rather than get myself lynched by quietly telling the village leader that I'm not going to do shit, I've decided to be open about it. Fuck you guys for never believing anything that I said. Every game, I try to tell the truth but nobody ever listens because it's me.
  6. That would suck for you guys because I have no intention of helping anyone.
  7. I'm not, I'm just slightly pissed (and drunk) about the fact that my name is STILL being thrown up as a lynch target. I want to win this game. And by not DOING anything, I can win. I only periodically check here to make sure that nothing stupid happens (like lynch votes on me).
  8. How have I not been investigated yet? It's day fucking 3. I should have been investigated Night 1 at the latest since I CLAIMED on Day 1.
  9. You are a fucking moron. If I HELP you, the mafia will SHOOT me and then I LOSE. Why do they shoot me? Because I'm being your fucking cop. ##unvote ##Ban Jhen Mohran aka Slayer from the right to live from now on. The world would be a better fucking place if he died right now. His parents never wanted him and wish to this day that they could smash his brains open with a hammer.
  10. To be honest, I couldn't give a flying fuck about what 20/20 stats are. Stefan is not "horrible at first". In fact, Stefan is statistically better than both Mia and Zihark. He kills stuff without needing something fancier than an Iron Blade. He doubles everything. Mia and Zihark only do item number 2 on that list. Oh and Stefan is much stronger defensively than both Mia and Zihark when he joins.
  11. NoishxAyra is usually my go-to pair when I'm not lazy (since LexxAyra usually just happens). Average growths with sub-par Spd (like it actually matters on Swordfighters), Pursuit (Class), Nihil, Shooting Star Sword, Critical and Charge for epic killing. I also enjoy LexxSylvia. But I think everything else is pretty much standard.
  12. A bump but a well deserved bump. First off, I am of the opinion that RI was rigged for Rob to win. I think he was allowed to look at the Survivor's psych reports. I think there was a cameraman who's job was to tell him if he was in trouble. I think under the table agreements to Ashley, Natalie and Grant were made (like $500 grand each) so that they'd follow his every lead. Now for the good stuff. I'm on my first viewing of Fiji which is a much better season than anyone gives it credit for. I'm 3 episodes in and while the boots have been pretty predictable (Jessica, Erica, Sylvia), the editing is absolutely fantastic. And then I started chatting to Yau-Man. Similar to my conversations with Stephen but I actually have much more access to asking Yau-Man questions since he frequents the Facebook group Previously On Survivor (POS for short). So I wanted to get his take on certain things that don't get shown to the audience. Here's the transcript to date.
  13. You guys are overthinking this one. Self is individuality. The ability to think for one's self without mindlessly following the herd. This does not mean that you MUST act differently at all times, it just means that you have the ability to make the choice yourself of if you want to be different or not. Whether or not you are allowed to be different is another matter altogether but this is simply the mental choice of which path you want to follow rather than accepting your fate without a second thought and never being allowed to even consider any alternative deep within your brain. It's not about existence. It's about individuality and what makes me different to the person beside me, even if we are identical twins.
  14. What's a coming of age ceremony? I know what a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is but not a Coming Of Age Ceremony. First off, as a semi-religious orthodox Jew (black hat and all isn't required to be orthodox), I have no idea what the second guy meant. And don't worry, you got the spelling correct. Secondly, within religious events (at least Jewish ones), it's completely OK to make mistakes. During my own Bar Mitzvah (6 years ago), I read a portion of the Torah and kept making mistakes near the end. I just got corrected each time (since you're supposed to read it correctly and reread words that you make a mistake on). Don't take it personally, just accept it as more of a piece of constructive criticism. As for the meat of your own ritual, is it designed to be more psychological?
  15. I have problems with this. Simply because someone thinks that they can just add to bases and WHOOPS, hard game! Doubled boss stats and enemies that do sky high damage don't make for a hard game. It just reinforces the idea of crawling and buying a lot of weapons since yours will break faster now.
  16. I aim to purge this world of the Stupid. Psych, you're next up.
  17. 0% effort, 100% profit, 23.6% ???. Brilliant plan.
  18. First off, for the fucking record, there is no "problem" with tier lists. They simply have less activity than 2 or so years ago due to them being talked to death. Eventually, you're gonna get to a point where most people agree with how it looks. Secondly, the dictionary.com definition of "Efficiency" is this: Anyone who says that we should be measuring efficiency solely with turn counts is off their fucking rockers and needs to get their brains checked by a doctor. If something is done efficiently, it is done in the easiest and fastest way. Not the fastest. Not the easiest. Both. Extrapolate from there. That's really all I have to say on the matter but the fact that we're on page 8 is fucking ridiculous. You're arguing about peanuts. Literally. To everyone else in this topic, STFU no matter what your view is.

    Seriously though, good call with all of the promotions, Vincy.

  20. I know, I'm just messing with you. ;-)
  21. ##vote: Wen Yang As long as it ain't me.
  22. Tang is an Admin? *quits SF before she bans my ass* Anyway, congrats to Fox, LG and Sirius (again) and Tang, of course.
  23. He was probably speeding or some shit. Now let's say it together. Jackass. Seriously though, that really sucks.
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