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Everything posted by Life

  1. Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth both say hi.
  2. I don't like Oval. For lack of a better term, I think he's a faggot but that's just my opinion. So no, I won't credit him.
  3. Personal experience speaking. I hunted on the Veldt for 1.5 hours and didn't find him once in the SNES version (I know what he looks like). I find him about 2 times every half hour during the first Veldt hunt. On average. Hell, I have more problems finding fucking Oversoul than Guard Leader. I swear to God that it isn't there. I remember being visibly disappointed by it. I mixed up Iron Fist and Zaghrem. During the time of writing, I thought that Zahgrem was level 15. Which is wrong (duh). Umm... where did I say the first line? As for the 2nd, the Snow Scarf lets Gau hit 255 Def. That's beyond nuts. Throw in a Force/Thunder Shield and Gau is absorbing/nullifying elements while taking next to no damage from the physical front. Then add Magic Urn...
  4. Time to do an analysis of everyone that I have! I'll do one that reflects the full game. Terra Branford: Terra is nothing short of amazing in this game. Her earlygame (up to the Narshe Battle Sequence) isn't bad or great but she can dish out pretty good damage with Fire for 4 MP a pop. Having Cure is also really nice too. However, she leaves your party right before one of the more difficult WoB dungeons (Zozo) and doesn't come back until after the IMRF is over. After that, she's underleveled. So therefore, she's bad, right? Wrong. Terra is now forced into the next two dungeons. She gains Trance which is an amazing boss killer (Trance Blizzara might OHKO Flame Eater but at worst, 2HKOs it) and Esper time with real good Espers rather than the crap that we dealt with before our new additions. We're talking about Shiva, Ifrit, Golem, Zona Seeker, Phantom, Shoat... you name it. By the Floating Continent, she will at least have Blizzara, Fira and possibly even Death (Shoat gives out Bio, Petrify and Death so I can't see a reason why she wouldn't have it). As a result, Terra makes absolute quick work of both Ultima Weapon and Nelapa (bounce Death off of yourself to kill him) along with the rest of the Floating Continent. The WoR is even funnier. Half of her sidequest can be done as soon as you reach Mobliz which can happen as soon as Celes leaves Solitary Island (the first thing that happens in the WoR). The second half is after you get the Falcon. Both involve beating up Humbaba who is pretty easy in his own right. Therefore, Terra should always be the first person who joins your party in the WoR. Everything after that is just straight up AP training. She hits 9999 with Ultima but Ultima stops making this game fun. She gets the Minerva Bustier, probably the second best armour in the game (Snow Scarf is the best). She can hold the Lightbringer and basically everything dies as a result. Enhancers are store-bought 7+ Mag swords... Basically, Terra is nuts in this game. Bring her to Kefka and let her wreck havoc on the guy who stuck a fancy crown on her in the beginning of the game. Locke Cole: Eh... Locke. He's your WoB thief and probably the better WoR thief (Gogo can't hold the Valiant Knife so suck on that). Locke's combat is pretty ass though, especially when you consider that his Mag is too low for him to be a decent mage (c'mon Narga, you build the guy up with either Str or HP). The Valiant Knife is pretty cool since it's almost exactly like FF8 Limits since low HP = high damage (every point of HP that Locke is missing is +1 damage with the VK). The VK also doesn't suffer the 1/2 damage penalty from the Master's Scroll so that's some pretty nice damage that Locke can deal later in the game. Aside from that, Locke's nothing special. He also requires the most effort to recruit in the WoR, especially after you consider his amazing availability in the WoB. He also gets the Lightbringer so... yeah. Edgar Roni Figaro: When you walk into your first boss battle in the game after 0 training and 2HKO the boss (who's made up of 2 guys), you are overpowered. Edgar is fucking hilarious. Up to and including the Narshe Battle Sequence, every single enemy has a counter of Auto Crossbow, Bioblaster or Noiseblaster. Every single one. Edgar destroys the entire earlygame and is your best source of damage (Gau is too inconsistent since 50%, it's just a physical attack). Then Zozo and the IMRF comes and Edgar refuses to slow down after grabbing the Flash, Drill and Chainsaw tools. It's only when he rejoins does the damage from Drill and Chainsaw not look so good anymore. However, at that point, you should have a Murakamo and Ward Bangle. You can immediately trade those in for the Holy Lance and Dragon Horn (providing that you win the battle) which gives Edgar nuts damage for the rest of the game. So what if he hits enemies only twice 75% of the time? That still does 4x the amount of damage as Attack would (2x for Jump with a Spear and 2x for jumping twice). And that's only jumping twice and not having Holy connect. What if he jumps 4 times and hits Holy? That would be fucking insane and it will happen more often than you think. Oh and Edgar is also a Lightbringer wielder, the third of 4. Sabin Rene Figaro: I'm going to make this short and sweet. I like Sabin a lot. I really do. And yet, Sabin isn't incredibly amazing. His defense is horrible and he can't target at all. That's the bad. Now the good. Phantom Rush is amazingly stupid damage and you get it early in the WoR. Even before that, Sabin is doing really high ST damage with Aura Cannon. Then Rising Phoenix kicks in somewhere around Zozo and there's your MT damage, Fire Elemental to boot. Razor Gale is next at level 30 which should be early in the WoR but before Phantom Rush comes. So he never has damage problems. The problem comes in his defense. When your best equips are the Red Jacket and Red Cap, you know that you've got a problem. The Merit Award works well on him since he gains a lot more than he loses (he can use the Enhancer for 7+ Mag, equip actual good armour...) with that Relic slot. That being said, he's got to give up a Relic for his defense. I could have put in some Prayer Beads, an Earring, a Zephyr Cloak, Miracle Shoes... You name it, the Merit Award takes its slot. That's a pretty decent analysis for all the characters so far. I'll do another one of Celes, Cyan, Gau and Shadow in a couple of updates.
  5. You do realize that the Etrurian Army was already weakened thanks to civil war, right? And it's a continuous battle against Bern which obviously takes a toll on the army (since most of the enemies are Bern from halfway through the game onwards). The first half of Part 1 is against bandits or very small pockets of Begnion soldiers if I remember correctly.
  6. Walking into the Figaro Cave leads us to the Recovery Spring, which heals HP, MP and KOs. This is really good since this won't happen again for a LONG time. Ok, Edgar is so good in this game that it's not even funny. He's the best source of MT damage from now until Sabin gets Rising Phoenix in a normal game. Hell, he even outdoes earlygame Gau in a regular run. This guy is so fucking key in FFVI that it's not even funny. Just imagine what he's going to do on this run. Anyway, the key in this cave is to cut corners as short as possible and abuse the Auto Crossbow. Locke's only stealing Potions right now while Terra should NOT waste her magic. Locke should also equip the Mythril Sword while Terra now has the Mythril Knife. Ix nay on better armour though. Sorry. South Figaro is the first town that we're going to completely skip. The only thing of real note there is shopping and naming Shadow, something that automatically gets done on the way to Thamasa. Which means that it's worth passing over. Head northeast to Mt. Kolts. See why saving Terra's MP is good? If you thought that Defend Terra was bad, here comes the beginning of the awful parts of this style of run. I NEED to steal two Bandannas from Zaghrem. While Zaghrem can be found quite commonly inside Mt. Kolts, getting them to drop Bandannas is quite annoying. Considering that it's a Rare drop (note that Locke at best will steal this thing 12.5% of the time) and that these things are a much higher level than Locke... yeah, this is going to be fun. This is actually the second successful steal since I missed capturing the first. It's the first time that I've ever grabbed this thing and thank god that I did. Only cost me ~20 MP (4 Cures). Equip them on Terra and Locke for 5 Defense and 3 Magic Defense (beggars can't be choosers when you can't shop for shit). Here's my next boss. Bastard's tracking me. Can't wait for Sabin to beat his ass up. In any case, we skip all the good shit about this place. Like the Main Gauche, a Tent, Gigas Glove... Really good stuff that I would kinda like. I know that it's going to get real boring when I keep showing pictures of Edgar destroying shit with his Auto Crossbow (Cirpius goes down in one hit, Trillium in two while Gorgias just barely escapes being two hit but dies from a physical at this point) but that's really all that's happening. Edgar truly is that good this early. So close and yet so far... Considering that my last save point is before I spent a while hunting for Bandannas, I really want to use this one. It also means that Vargas is coming up. Here we go. I kinda forgot to heal up before the battle started which wasn't exactly good. I also really want those Hi Potions that the Ipoohs have so stalling must exist here. Locke does manage to snag both of them in three tries, allowing Edgar to put them to sleep. After that, it was the Auto Crossbow show until... Guess who? Shit, I was hoping someone useful would show up. So Vargas and Sabin banter back and forth for a bit until Vargas goes all Dragonball Z on our asses with Blizzard Fist. And then Sabin performs the most complicated thing in the world: A Blitz. Rising Fist immediately ends the battle so why not use it ASAP? After the battle, Sabin joins up with the party and we can finally leave Mt. Kolts. There's a Tent in a chest that I can see and it's so tempting but we have bigger fish to fry. Walk to the Returner Hideout in the Sabre Mountains and save. 1232 Steps.
  7. I really like the layout of the menu and everything in the GBA version. The SNES version is... eh. You have to realize that Evade was broken (literally, the stat meant nothing in that game while MBlock was god) and it had bugs up the wazoo. This game still has bugs (Rippler is the famous one) but it's a much better version. It also has a couple of new Espers (well, Cactuar sucks but Gilgamesh and Leviathan are both great while I can't remember what the last new one is) and other goodies.
  8. You're just butthurt because Bizz picked me over you.
  9. The trip to Figaro doesn't really amount to much. Locke's basically stealing Potions since you can never really have too many in this game, especially when you only visit 2 shops. Terra can Fire shit to death but she's really going to want to conserve her MP unless it's for groups. Welcome to Figaro Castle! Usually, this is the place where we can buy Edgar's Tools. I say usually because... I'm not. Going north through the doors has us landing up in Edgar's throne room. Before talking to Edgar, change Locke's shield to the Buckler. Don't stick either of them in the front row even with a rear attack. Yes, we know. You're the resident pervert. Now go off and be awesome, will you? Ok, I'm no Paperblade and I can't come up with snappy answers. But beauty? Terra Branford the furry? What are you, blind or something?! Anyway, Edgar and Locke both leave and my next job is to uncover the tragic story of Figaro. It's a bit of a walk to the priestess with a very corners that can be cut. Speaking to her lets us name Sabin. Afterwards, head outside and LEAVE the castle. See, I actually did the math myself here. If you leave Figaro by going West or South and then re-enter, you'll save 10 steps over traveling back through the castle. Nifty, huh? Talk to Edgar in order to introduce... I've realized something about Kefka specifically in this game. By taking out all of the swearing that Ted Woolsey had Kefka doing (Kefka basically swore every other sentence which is more than Relm, mind you), Kefka suddenly got creepier. In the SNES version, I could never take Kefka seriously until he managed to fuck up the world. Here, Kefka seems insane and sane at the same time. That's a scary thought since this is a crazy guy who knows what the fuck he's doing. We finally get control of Edgar! Give him the Mythril Spear that we stole from Mog a while back. Edgar's basically going to end up making love to this thing at this point. Also keep him in the front row to anticipate the boss. Clearly math was not Edgar's strong point in school. I love how Kefka always claims that Terra took something that isn't really important but desperately wants her back (and burns Figaro in the process). Do you think it was his virginity because that would then make sense... Locke, the next time you say "Follow me", make sure you're in FRONT of the person that you're leading. Anyway, Locke takes a hilariously long way to get to Terra's room while I can just cut a corner for 2 less steps. Right... You sound less convincing than me in a Mafia game. Kefka: I'm busy sipping on this herbal tea right now. Why, is something the matter? Forget Kefka and just speak to the soldier in front of the main castle. This will prompt a whole long scene which culminates in this. Two fearsome Magitek Armours will attack you. These things can hit pretty hard so the best way to deal with them is by confusing them with the Noiseblaster... until you realize that we can't buy it. This is just the start of our problems, mind you. That being said, Edgar still two hits these things with his Auto Crossbow. How he got that into my inventory, I have no idea. Thank god he did, though. They'll drop Hi Potions after the battle which ALWAYS help. In all seriousness, I can't find the "son of a submariner" line in the old FF3. So I'm going to assume that it doesn't exist and only this version does. Ride the Chocobo to the start of the Figaro Cave and hop off. Put everyone in the back row (Locke's just going to be stealing right now) and save. 688 Steps.
  10. Does this look familiar? EDIT: Doesn't her 3-1 Limit give you Peerless? I'm not suggesting that we train her only to completely lose her but yeah...
  11. Under my rules (which is the rules set that was posted above), no.
  12. It's my Smogon version of Country Mafia with the name changed.
  13. Because half of them don't really have lines and can be replaced by cardboard cutouts?
  14. Warp, Berserk, Unlock and Physic all say hi. Renault isn't a bad choice. I do have a pick that would absolutely fuck someone else right about now. EDIT: Wish I could join. I'd love to get in on this action.
  15. So here we are, Final Fantasy VI. Home to espers, humans and Gestahl, the freakishly looking emperor who reminds me of a shaggy dog. Kefka also lives in this world, waiting for the day that his insanity can destroy everyone and everything. So the game starts up and Biggs, Wedge and Terra all head for Narshe. The first battle has this happening. No, this isn't an accident. If Biggs and Wedge both die in the first battle, Terra should gain enough Exp between now and Valigarmanda in order to hit level 6. If she does this, Locke will join at level 8, something that I definitely want to happen (makes the Heavy Armour battle much easier). I will miss the Bioblaster. A lot. This is my only chance to see it (unless I snag it from Tunnel Armour). Anyway, after I pass through the town and the mine, I reach Ymir after 118 steps. Time for a fight! Ymir's quite pathetic, like usual. Three Magitek Missiles do him in and you can actually pump out two of them on your second go-around with the snail. Twenty steps later, Valigarmanda blows up my awesome Magitek Armour. Aww, damn. Terra wakes up in Arvis' house and has to run out ASAP. Yes, that means no Elixir from the clock. A bit through the caves, you'll find a save point. This is the first time (and not the last) that a save point could save me a lot of frustration but I cannot access it without going out of my way. So I pass by it and the treasures. At the end of the cave (255 steps), I yank the Mythril Knife (I forgot the Buckler to be honest but Mog's Mythril Shield exists) off of Terra to give to Locke. It's a pretty standard move but the fact of the matter is that Locke absolutely needs it for the next sequence of events. His Dagger just can't quite cut it against the Guard Leader and I'm not planning on snagging that Mythril Knife (I just want to get out of that battle alive). After doing this, one more step knocks Terra out for good and introduces me to my new best friend. Yeah. He hunts the treasure from my enemies and grabs it for me. You damn thief. Honestly, Locke is probably the most important person in this run. And he's not even going to exist in the World of Ruin. That's saying something. There's quite a few stealable items in this game but some of these (Dragoon Boots, Blood Sword, Golden Shield...) are absolutely necessary for this run. And without Locke... yeah. Now comes one of the hardest challenges in this run. The Defend Terra sequence. On any other run, Mog will dominate here without even trying. But guess where Mog's placed? That's right. Mog's party is an extra 2 steps away from the Guard Leader. And not only that but Locke's party would then have to move out of the way to let Mog through. So... Locke's fighting the Guard Leader. Now, this isn't a problem in normal runs except for the fact that Locke and his moogles are going to be eating this. Snowstorm hurts and nothing blocks it this early in the game. I manage to eat only two Snowstorms on my way to the Guard Leader which is a big help. Before fighting the Guard Leader, strip Mog bare of his Mythril Spear and Mythril Shield. Most people do this anyway but from now on, this Mythril Spear will always have a special place in my heart. The fact of the matter is that until Demon drops the Radiant Lance, I will not have a better lance available. And I get this one twenty-one minutes into the game. Walk up and challenge the Guard Leader. On a side note, this guy's Rage is awesome. But it doesn't appear in the old FF3 game (SNES version). Anywho, Guard Leader has Net which inflicts Stop. As long as it doesn't hit Locke, you're good. Locke's job here is to grab the Potions off of the Silver Lobos and then help on the offensive. The three moogles kill off one Silver Lobo (after Locke has robbed it blind) and then finish off the Guard Leader. The reason why the other Silver Lobo must live is because when both go down, the Guard Leader starts using !Charge which does a shitload of damage. That being said, this guy is either next to impossible (from eating at least three or more Snowstorms) or downright pathetic (two or less Snowstorms to the face). I've seen both versions and believe me, the less Snowstorms you eat, the better. He drops a Hi Potion after croaking which is very nice. Locke rescues Terra and the pair hightail it to Figaro Castle where a virtual god exists. His name is Edgar Reno Figaro and he is fucking incredible. 292 Steps.
  16. Sothe's missing. Pretty sure he should get his own category of "Pussywhipped".
  17. I enjoy FF6. It's one of the two FF games that I've actually beaten (9 is the other one) and is quite easy and fun at the same time since many of your characters become all sorts of broken. However, I want to try an unorthodox style of challenge run. Many people speak about the Low Level Game or the Natural Magic Challenges but not many talk about beating the game in as few steps as possible. FF6 has a step counter right on the Start screen and most runs usually take around 40,000 steps if not more. Probably many more, especially if you are trying to get some of the nicer goodies like the Paladin's Shield or more than 1 Lightbringer. So why don't we try beating the game in as few steps as possible? For the record, I am using this guide as reference points only (along with boss strategies for the harder bosses). It is the only way to make sure that I'm taking as few steps as possible. If I'm under o_chew's final number 9017 steps, then great. If I'm above it, I'll find where I made my mistake and rectify it. Pictures will come along with a pretty detailed explanation of what I'm doing. Currently at: Killed Kefka in 9017 Steps. Challenge over. Final update is posted. Thanks for reading!
  18. I'd consider that a cheap shot except for the fact that Psynergy is fucking broken in GS3. And regains very quickly when you consider that there are very few random wild battles in that game (GJ will back me up there). And don't make me laugh with Zona Seeker. It's important to remember that Zona Seeker teaches Osmose at a 15x rate. So 6 AP and whoops, all we're doing is learning Shell (Zona Seeker is great for bosses though) at this point. It's a waste of perfectly good AP. Not to mention that Shiva also teaches Rasp and Osmose on top of 5x Blizzara. To me, learning the spells takes precedent over stat boosts. It's quite easy to beat the game with the stat boosts. It's considerably harder when your best spell is Blizzara for the end of the game (cause the good stuff only teaches spells at 2x rates at best).
  19. Well, see, when I do my magic training DURING the game, I level up without having the right Espers on. And I'm not going to be assed to change them right before a leveling. FF6 is not a hard game that you need these boosts. They just make it easier.
  20. With regards to fanservice (like drawing chicks)... Tits or GTFO of the business.
  21. I'm saying that I don't go out of my way to train magic on the Veldt. I think you can see where that's going.
  22. Once you break the damage cap, consistency goes out the window. Setzer is almost guarentee'd to break 9999 damage with 4 rolls of the Fixed Dice. Note, this doesn't include Cyan because fuck Bushidos. There's your problem right there. I don't go out of my way to kill myself for stat boosts. I usually have the team at around level 20 at this time and I don't mind. In fact, I like it since I don't have to pray every time I get hit by an attack.
  23. Actually, a couple problems with this line. Terra - Actually better than Celes (Trance is offensive, Runic is defensive and way too situational) and gets the Minerva Bustier. That means that she absorbs the big 3 elements and nullifies everything else. In a single piece of armour. That's fucking nuts. Relm - Highest Magic in the game and this actually means something. If you give her the time to learn Bio ASAP from recruiting her in the Esper Mountains, she keeps up with Terra and Celes who have been around all game. This isn't like using Est since Bio is 8x and is just a bit weaker than Fira/Blizzara/Thundara on a character with 50 base Magic. Granted, Sketch is pure shit but her stats more than make up for it. Cat Ear Hood doesn't hurt either while the Nutkin Suit isn't bad. Shadow - Hi there, throwable nuke! Shurikens and Fuma Shurikens are dirt cheap in this game at their respective points in time. Not to mention that you can buy Flametongue/Ice Brand/Thunder Blades for elemental damage. Locke - Valiant Knife and Master's Scroll. Doesn't take the 1/2 damage penalty. Fuck him for making me beat the Phoenix Cave though. Setzer - With the Moogle Raid, Setzer gets the Fixed Dice early and Master's Scroll lets him hit 4 times also without the reduced penalty. On average, you're looking at 20k just for a single "Attack". The rest fail though. You also forgot to mention Strago.
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