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Everything posted by Life

  1. Needs to learn how to aim his comments at the RIGHT people.
  2. Insult the poster above! You know the drill!
  3. Actually cares and is sobbing into mommy's apron right now.
  4. Doesn't know that people look down on those who play Yu-Gi-Oh.
  5. Has a not so secret crush on Bizz.
  6. Knows damn well that I demand and deserve that shit.
  7. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    Great, a worthless post. If you are not playing, do not post.
  8. If you want a tip, here's one. Don't go around looking for some action. It won't work.
  9. First kiss: 14 at the time (geez, that's like 5 years ago) at my summer camp with a girl I kinda liked. For someone who grew up as a bit of a nerd, that was kinda impressive. First crush: Couple years earlier at the same camp. Liked a girl who was in the same cabin as the girl I kissed a couple years later. First love: One that fucked me up and still does to this day. It would be incredible if it actually works out though.
  10. 1. You're dead. 2. I believe that your leader was King Ingobart or something like that. 3. If you were actually the leader, you did a shit job of it.
  11. Once again, if you are the last leader, speak up now. Otherwise, you clearly don't want your team to win.
  12. Life

    Why don't you come to Israel if you live חוץ לארץ?

  13. I'm not in school. I'm taking a year off after first year university (technically would be in 2nd year university) and may enroll in culinary school this coming year or the next.
  14. Then you die tonight or tomorrow.
  15. I don't think this is possible. I can't even beat this game on Elite with my choice of units...
  16. Don't worry Lightning, if you don't die tonight, it'll be tomorrow. Unless you're not Tear.
  17. I'd like Balcerzak to speak to me ASAP.
  18. I don't mind 8's battle system but I don't abuse Renzozuken at all. My problems stem from 2 things: 1. The entire orphanage scene. I find it completely stupid that 5 people who barely knew each other (Zell and Squall weren't friends and Quistis was kinda distant due to her being an instructor) all suddenly realize (well, not Irvine since he knew) that they all grew up with each other and their foster mother is the same woman they need to kill. There's coincidence and then there's stupid. Clyde and Relm fighting in the same team against Kefka can be written off as coincidence. Galuf travelling with Dorgann and then Bartz can be coincidence. I'd say the same about Auron and Tidus but Jecht asked Auron to do it so fuck that one. But 5 people who grew up together? I just call bullshit. 2. This one also applies to FFVII. There's very little that makes characters special in these two games aside from Limit Breaks, weapons and personalities... oh and base stats. FFVI and FFIX both had very distinct characters, especially in battle. FFVIII doesn't and there's no real incentive to use anyone aside for specific tasks aside from what the plot requires. Fuck, even FFXIII was better in this regard (even when all 6 l'Cie had access to all the classes, they are still used for different purposes). I know that I seem hypocritical when I then say that FFV is my favourite game in the series since that also suffers from the same problem. But the difference is that you have to build your team in that game (somewhat). So... yeah.
  19. @ Bold: Of course you're not me. You're too fucking retarded to BE me. You just don't understand why this is a dumb idea. If you choose a faction, the other two know which one you picked. And the others want you and your faction dead. So way to go. You just handicapped the faction that you pick.
  20. Your loss. By the way. If your name is Tear, you are a dumbass for revealing that you can choose your faction. I now know my first target since this kind of stupidity cannot go unpunished.
  21. Pretty sure it was chocolate with cherries on top.
  22. Tangerine told me that it was like 6 hours. I need to check though. EDIT: 12 hours. You have to beat Lich in 12 hours. Honestly, I can't see HOW this is possible but then again, most Low Level Challenges seem silly in my mind.
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