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Everything posted by Life

  1. This is exactly my point. If we give Sain certain treatment, why can't we give the same to Kent? Kent at his best =/= Sain at his best but he comes very damn close to it.
  2. I am still waiting for contact from anyone who leads a faction. But then again, since Ether's the only who's posted here, I suspect that the other 2 faction leaders are: 1. Dumb. 2. Don't care about winning and should GTFO of the game right now if that's the way that they're going to be.
  3. I'm pretty sure that this list assumes that we, you know, use a unit properly if we're talking about them. My problem here is that Kent is under Lowen. If we were to give Kent the same treatment, obviously he wouldn't perform as Sain would. But he would still be better than us assuming that he arrives at Lv. 7 once NLoC starts.
  4. It has the lowest drop rate in the game. I have gone 2 hours without stealing that thing. At this point, I don't even try anymore.
  5. Why is Sain above Raven when Kent is under Lowen? Why can't we pull the same shit for Kent as you did for Sain in LHM? Never mind the fact that I think promoting Sain in LHM is beyond favouritism since that point doesn't hold much water.
  6. Wrong. I don't care if people claim to me. In fact, it's more fun for me if you don't. I care about everyone who's claiming to WoMC.
  7. The Hill Gigas' stealable Flute (can't remember which one) is proof that Square likes to troll players. The thing doesn't ever drop.
  8. He didn't outwit me at. He just has me at an impulse because this whole game is about flavour. Here's a heavily editted version of my role PM. Anything that implicates the character has been taken out. Also, certain info has also been omitted. That's the bare bones of it. If I were to give anyone any more info, I might as well cough up a fake PM. 1. This is Mafia. Who doesn't lie? 2. I prefer the term Wolf. 3. This is wrong. I haven't been gathering role PMs because I don't give a shit about what role anyone is. The only thing I've been looking for is win conditions. Anyone who has talked to me can confirm this. 4. Let me just say this one out loud. I am not trying to be a leader. I am simply making temporary alliances. If I do not, there is no chance I can win. But I don't even expect to win anyways. I'm pushing for the Van lynch once Day 1 comes because WoMC has information that can harm the other 2 factions. If anyone wants to give a faction a clear cut advantage, go right ahead.
  9. I can't do this. If I do it, I give away my account name too. Because lo and behold, my character name in my PM is my account name too. Which is a fuck-up on JB's part.
  10. Proof right here. Lynch this motherfucker now. Really? If I was one of the factions, I'd keep my mouth shut and just recruit you instead of asking you to be lynched.
  11. Lott - Level 3 Fighter Iron Axe - 15 Att, 78 Hit, 7 AS, 16 Avo Hand Axe - 14 Att, 63 Hit, 7 AS, 16 Avo 29 HP, 4 Def, 1 Res Treck - Level 4 Social Knight Iron Sword - 13 Att, 99 Hit, 7 AS, 19 Avo Steel Lance - 16 Att, 69 Hit, 3 AS, 11 Avo 25 HP, 8 Def, 0 Res Above quote is true. If Treck wants to come close to even matching Lott's damage (Steel Lance), his Hit drops down to Lott's level and 3 AS doubles nada. On the defensive side, 8 Def is cool but Lott's already been improving his since Chapter 2. Lott at level 9 has about 6.4 Def along with 33.8 HP. So much for Treck being able to beat Lott in offense or defense.
  12. Guys, for tomorrow, I'd like to back a WoMC lynch, also known as Vandedelca Musto Fende. He has been collecting roles for the purpose of "leading" a non-existent village. When he gets recruited of any one of the three factions (read the first post of the real thread for proof), his team starts with a major advantage over the other two if even a single person has fully claimed to him. If you are on the other two factions, you do not want this. I certainly don't want this.
  13. I haven't broken a single rule yet. And I even got JB to change one of his rules. Also, no you can't. First you must become decent at mafia. Then you may laugh.
  14. OK, I'm going to put you out of your misery. And JB, thank you for changing the "no showing your PM" rule. Because otherwise, shit that you intended to happen would not happen. Many of you (not all) have told me that your win condition is as follows: This is not wrong. It's just horribly worded since JB didn't want to give away the main theme of his game (TOO BAD I FIGURED IT OUT DURING N0, BITCH). What it should say is this: That is all I'm going to say on the matter. If you have anymore questions, go to smogon.com/forums and look for a Mafia game called Viva La Mafia.
  15. I always recruit Locke last. I could probably speed it up with the Moogle Charm but at the same time, I can just get Gogo quick for Steal. Also, Terra's a better 5th recruit than anyone else. If you haven't gone to Mobliz yet, fly there, fight Humbaba who can be beaten with a weak Celes and Sabin, so never mind Edgar and Setzer. Leave Mobliz, go back in, kill Humbaba again and recruit Terra. Gau can still be your 6th pick-up. Edgar may not be 11th person but he can easily be in the front 4. There's no good reason why Edgar isn't in your party from Opera House all the way to when Locke and Terra go to Thamasa. IMRF? He rapes that place with Drill and Chainsaw with Gau being the second best person there (if you picked up Aspiran since it hits weaknesses like crazy there). Esper Gate? He's already far ahead of everyone else in the Esper department and still does very fine damage with Drill. That's more than half of the WoB right there. Then he comes early in WoR and has a giant Esper lead on everyone not named Terra. Cyan and Umaro always have 13 and 14. Always. Unless you hate Gau (like me) and don't mind the fact that Umaro gets outdamaged heavily. No, it doesn't take long to fight the Holy Dragon in that tower and it's piss easy too (Silence it and the battle is over). But having 2 Holy Lances > 1 Holy Lance. The only problem is that the 2nd Dragon Horn is in Phoenix Cave and like I said, I don't do that dungeon early. Mostly because the enemies there are harder than most other places. Quick. Are you kidding me? Both Gilgamesh and Raiden teach it at a 1x rate. Gilgamesh is possibly better since he also teaches Valour so that gives Cyan some more power but that means 500000 Gil. Learning Quick on CYAN of all people is fucking nightmare with Raiden since he's got to, you know, earn 100 AP. And I'll pass on farming at Cactuars just to make him usable, thank you. This one was probably my bad. I kinda decided to fight Leviathan ASAP for quick Flood and decided to farm Tortoise Shields to make the fight a joke (they absorb or nullify Water). Took a while but it made the Leviathan a complete joke.
  16. Finally, people are playing properly. Once again, I want to be contacted. If you run a faction (you know who you are), contact me. If you plan to lead the village, contact me. If you have a win condition that is not ambiguous, contact me. Do so and you'll probably like the results.
  17. Actually, forgot one. All 121 Stars in Super Mario Galaxy on both Mario and Luigi.
  18. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    Vigilante says hi. EDIT: Wait, he's dead, he can't really say hi.
  19. My opinion of you just spiked. EDIT: JB, I hate you. Officially. Viva La Mafia my ass...
  20. I never even knew that that pink dog (I guess Poshul is his name) existed until I blew off Kid.
  21. I just realized something. So if your account name is Luke Fon Fabre or someone else important and morally good in this game, I am killing you ASAP since you can't possibly be mafia. And I will continue to do so until JB decides to change every account name to a different theme. Like you know how Spoon had all of the accounts as dog names? Yeah.
  22. So I restarted and this time tried blowing off Kid. Lo and behold... Leena, Poshou and Guile join my party? What is this shit? Also, Van started with Serge and Kid in the opening scene, not Nikki. Huh. So I can have a thief... or I can blow off the thief and recruit everyone else in the game? Huh?
  23. This is bullshit! I'm starting over! And I'll record it too (I have HyperCam). So yeah. Starting over. Forget the updates above. EDIT: I'd like to point out that GJ started over when he missed a Mercury Djinni. While I'm not so anal about missing shit, characters as cool as Glenn and Doc are NOT worth missing.
  24. I like Kid. Probably because Pilfer has been fucking awesome to me so far. I do want to recruit Glenn though and I did give Glenn some flowers of some sort so maybe... Also, yes, I have been KO'd already (Kid died a couple times, I think). And my party right now is Serge, Nikki and Korcha who needs Elements. And I heard that there's something like 40 characters that you can recruit in this game. EDIT: I think I just cried when I found out that I missed out on Doc. FUCK HE LOOKED SO COOL.
  25. Life

    The Assassins Guild

    Night was over a long time ago. WoMC and Pariah are dead.
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