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Everything posted by Life

  1. Ok guys, I'm going to make this simple. I'd like the following people to speak to me on MSN or AIM or Skype or whatever you have that you can hit me on. My MSN is lifeadmiral@hotmail.com while Skype and AIM are in my profile. The following people have been chosen for a variety of reasons AKA they're smart and I've played Mafia with them before. Aside from Eclipse who's probably double my age so she should be smart. Radiant Dragon Anouleth WoMC Snike Ether Bizz Eclipse Dracohon Xeld Everyone else can fuck off. Or you can try to speak to me if you want but know that if you say something stupid, you will pay.
  2. Would you like me to show that I'm the Wolf publicly?
  3. Once again, if you are Mafia, contact me here on SF. EDIT: I'm serious about this shit, mafia. If I kill you at night, don't come bitch at me the next morning because you didn't contact me now. DOUBLE EDIT: I don't expect the town to get organized because this is Serenes Forest and EVERYONE wants to feel like a hero by scum hunting but if the town does get kinda organized early, I may offer to be your personal vigilante until the Mafia is dead. If not, I'm siding with the Mafia and picking you bastards off.
  4. Dear every kid here who has a crush on Bizz. You have no chance at getting with Bizz. The end. Now who wants cookies? ;-)
  5. Edgar and Mog? Benchwarmers in WoR? What are you smoking, Narga? Cyan - Go directly to the Bench, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Useless fuck... Gau - If you have patience, he's a tank. If you don't like the Veldt (he also came back 10 levels underleveled so WTF was that shit), he's also on the bench. Locke - Last guy that you recruit most of the time and only useful for Valiant Knife and Steal. Valiant Knife is awesome though. Umaro - Uncontrollable and does good damage (2000+ most of the time). Gogo - Mimic. He does everything everyone else does but just weaker. Setzer - Ok, I won't lie. I recruit Mog ASAP, grab the Molulu's Charm and raid Kefka's Tower for the Fixed Dice ASAP. It's nice seeing 9999 early in WoR although it ain't consistent. Sabin - Eh... Phantom Rush? Shadow - Fuma Shurikens cost 500 a shot. That's 49500 for a full stock. Throw on Scrolls and the guy costs a lot but he does clean house too so all is forgiven. No esper time though (doesn't need it but it would nice if he knew stuff like Stop before WoR). Terra - Goddess. Celes - Goddess. With Runic. Relm - Well, when I fought Kefka, I started Relm, Setzer, Edgar and Sabin off on the bottom tier. And Relm and Edgar both made it to Kefka while Shadow and Terra had to take Sabin's and Setzer's places. Then again, Shadow and Terra were sitting in spots 5 and 6, mind you. And Edgar was up in the air for most each battle. So... goddess. Strago - Grand Delta and Osmose but you're useless aside from those (actually, White Wind goes through Reflect so that could have been useful in Cultist's Tower). That's the 12 other characters. Edgar is basically there from the start and all you need to do to equip him properly is go to the Collesium and bet a Ward Bangle for a Dragon Horn. And the Masamune (either Masamune or Muramasa) can eventually turn into a Holy Lance. So basically, we have Dragoon Edgar as early as Darill's Tomb. That's quite awesome.
  6. Come on. How else do Mog and Edgar kill stuff late in WoR? Tools? Dance? No, they do it by equipping a Holy Lance, Dragoon Boots and Dragon Horn for pretty damn nice damage along with a chance of casting Holy after the jumps.
  7. I don't think so. I think that the more colours in play, the stronger a move gets. It's how I keep succeeding with Pilfer. The Element shop in Termina boast some pretty nice stuff. You have your average Lv. 1 +/-7 stuff of Fireball, AquaBeam, Uplift and Bushwhacker (a green version of the previous Elements) and then the Lv. 2 +/-6 stuff of MagmaBomb, IceLance (Blue), AeroSaucer (Green) and ElectroJolt. It also has 1x Brace (heals Yellow status effects and sprains), 1x Ointment (heals Red status effects and burns) and Heal (Green healing). Not bad. I stock up on what I don't have and buy multiples of other stuff. After the buying, I reorder my Elements. Each element is weak to another colour. White is weak to Black, Red is weak to Blue (I think) and Green is weak to Yellow. And vice versa. Serge and Kid also have 2 innate Lv. 3 abilities which correspond to their strong colour. Serge has Dash&Slash which is White while Kid has Pilfer (Red). Unfortunately, I don't have any White Elements so I can't power up Dash&Slash... but I can power up Pilfer! However, I want Kid to be able to hit Red based enemies too so I give her some Blue Elements to play around with. Serge goes more Yellow and Green based for the moment. If you talk to the old man who shines the Lord Viper statue, you'll find out about the layout of Viper Manor. Where guards can kill monsters in a single hit. AYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Kid then has the bright idea of... sneaking in. Great. Another man mentions mushrooms and some sort of secret passage leading to Viper Manor so that's probably the way to go. Termina boasts some other characters. That Nikki chick from the beginning of the game is on posters around here, a Dragoon by the name of Gleen has a dead father and brother around here and some sort of demi-human named Korcha raises hell on the streets. Oh and Glenn and Riddel (the girl he is with when praying at a grave) know Karsh is ghost-hunting... for me. Shit. Also. Nikki is apparently a guy... and he's missing. Huh. Miki (his partner) then recruits us to go look for Nikki. Great... Time to head to the Shadow Forest then. A screen in, you'll find Nikki who will then run off. Grab the treasure here which is an AeroSaucer and Uplift. If you're lucky, a Bulb might drop a Bushbasher which is a Lv. 3 +/-5 Green Element. That's always nice. After that, chase after Nikki and save his ass. Pilfer an Ivory Mail while you're at it, it's always nice. After the battle, chase after Nikki and he'll join the party. GrandFinale is Blue based so fill his Elements up accordingly. There's also an Angry Scapula by the notebook on the ground and Skully (the skull you picked up a while ago) will comment on it. Lead a jelly thing to the Quadffid and beat it up afterwards. He can use Heal and Bushbasher which will leave a serious hurting on its target, especially if there's any Green existing on the field. Change the colour to Red ASAP and bring out Pilfer for a 1x Antidote (free Elements are always nice). Serge's Dash&Slash will always do great damage too so don't be afraid to pull it out. A little onwards and you'll run into Zoah, one of the 4 Devas of the Acacia Dragoons. And he's flocked by... Solt and Peppor. Jeez, those guys are almost as bad as Adecor and Boccos. Solt will start the battle off with Golem... and fail since the Field Affect needs to be entirely the same colour. Sucker. Anyway, all three of the Dragoons are Yellow innate. Stick to your Greens and you should be OK. Additionally, Serge with the Copper Swallow should be able to ORKO Solt at the very least. Grab Zoah's Knee Pad before taking him down a peg. There's a Heal and a MagmaBomb after beating Zoah. Grab 'em for kicks. Keep going until we hit the bottom of a well. Once night falls, time to infiltrate. Fight the Dragoons since they can drop nice stuff like 1x Tablets and PhotonRay (1 +/-7 White Element, just what Serge needs). Chests include a 1x Ointment, TurnBlue and TurnYellow (the last of which is useless against Dragoons). And that this point, Serge should be doing nuts damage with Dash&Slash, especially if you put some White on the field. Anyway, go find the stable and feed some dragons. Grab the key and make for the main entrance. Once you fall down into the trap, Kid will bait the Dragoons who foolishly let you out to "teach you a lesson". Oh dear. Afterwards, you'll steal their clothes and get to check out the inside of Viper Manor. Raiding the treasure room nets you some pretty nice stuff. Oh and you'll find Glenn inside too. Grab the Silver Pendent from the treasure room to meet Luccia. She'll sick some of her creatures on you but aside from Bushbasher, they're not that scary. The next door contains Man-o-War suits of armour that can hit pretty hard but more importantly, give up GravityBlow (Black 1 +/-7) upon being hit by a successful Pilfer. Up the stairs you'll find... hi Karsh. Apparently, some visitor from Porre has a bone to pick with Serge and yet Serge has no idea what's going on (apparently). Go back to the first room and twist the statue 1 to the right and 6 to the left to unlock the door. The tower to the left houses the Prophet of Time and Marcy. And apparently, Serge isn't from this world... HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I HEARD THAT ONE BEFORE (Galuf, Zidane...)? Anyway, Serge is indeed dead in this world but in a parrallel one, he's still kicking. And somehow, he crossed the boundary between the two. Huh. Musta been those hash cookies that Marge used to serve... And turns out that Marcy is in fact a Deva. Which means that I've fought 3 out of 4 of them and the last one is dead. Marcy hits pretty hard for a little brat. She's also got innate Blue making Nikki terrible and Kid pretty awesome in this battle. Pilfer her Silver Loupe and then start wailing away. Heal is better for healing since Cure is Blue and it will power up Cat'sCradle and IceBlast. Head back to the main room to meet Harle, who has a thick French accent. After, find a switch on one of the poles to move onwards. First door contains Viper and Lynx. And Kid apparently has a score to settle with Lynx. So, let's fight! First things first. Lynx is Black while the field effect starts off Black, Yellow, Yellow. Abuse the Yellows and then start working on Red to get Kid to successfully pilfer Lynx's Magic Ring. After that, White is the best way to go. After that, Riddel decides to walk in and Kid uses her as a hostage, whispering in Riddel's ear that she isn't going to hurt her. That's our cue to book it out of here. Then we get cornered on top of a balcony and Lynx nails Kid in the arm with a thrown sword. Kid falls off and Lynx says something about the Assassin of Time AKA the Chrono Trigger. Makes me wish I played that game first. Serge and Nikki then jump off the top of the balcony and Lynx yells out in frustration. God, I love it when a plan just comes together. The next day, Serge wakes up in a strange woman's house, not unlike me after a night at the bar. Kid, Nikki and Korcha are outside waiting for Serge. Korcha apparently saved us last night so... yeah. And then suddenly, Kid collapses. Fuck, a poison sword. Should have known. Taking Kid to the doctor tells us that Kid has 2 days to live. And Harle then walks in. Way to make an entrance. So here's the scoop. The only cure to Kid's illness is Hydra Humour. But there are no more Hydras in this world. Notice I say this because I'm pretty sure in that parallel world where Serge lives, there gotta be Hydras. Kid also reiterates the Prophet of Time's words. Korcha now joins the party and it's time to save Kid.
  8. Ok guys, let's have us a good game. I assume that there's only one mafia in this game. And I'd like them to contact me ASAP. You will be rewarded.
  9. Narga, way to ruin my moment. I've never beaten an FF game before and now you're all "lol noob, try a llg run"? That's harsh.
  10. But it's funny! And no, I just don't support Dragoons that suck during parts of their game. Show me where Kain, Mog and Edgar suck and then I'll agree with you on this statement.
  11. On two of my friends having sex, one of them (the girl, obviously) that I've been hitting on for a while but never expected to go anywhere (she likes older men and she's 3 years older than me). BUT I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING FUNNY. FUCK. HELP ME, SF! GIVE ME EPIC LINES TO SAY FOR THE NEXT TIME.
  12. It's important to know that while your Amelia might have had great stats at that time, the average 20/8 Knight -> General Amelia looks like so. //8 42 HP 19.25 Str 21 Skl 21 Spd 23.5 Luck 17.5 Def 11.25 Res Either yours was blessed or you fed her a couple of Energy Rings and she was still blessed. But this doesn't matter since in a normal playthrough, Amelia won't be hitting 20/8 unless you decide to severely shaft some people and turns (why promote Amelia when you could promote Franz or Kyle or even Forde instead).
  13. This will be the first game since PTG that I've played here. And I'm glad that it's on a separate forum because otherwise, I'll just get name targeted (and killed). EDIT: Let the proverbial assraping begin.
  14. 57 WPM after 1 mistake. Not bad.
  15. You forgot this. | For a pink armor knight, she sure can rock. Alongside Bors and Barth, the | | three of them can complete the only Armor Knight Triangle Attack in | | FE History. Her stat gains are excellent. She starts at Level 1, and | | considering when you get her, you'll need to be patient training her. | Oh dear god. EDIT: Even better. |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rating: 4/10 | Fan Rating: 3.50/10 - 31 votes - 1 zero | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ...but as it stands now, the only army he could destroy is your own, if you | | use him too much. He's an experience hog (taking away good 30+ gains for | | people like Eliwood or Rebecca and gaining only 5 or so for himself), and his| | stat growths are terrible. The definition of the Jeigan character. He could| | be of some use as a meatshield or as your 15th character in one of the latter| | levels, but that's about it. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Waits for dondon to rage. Shit here is hilarious.
  16. Chrono Cross Playthrough: The Usual FF Stuff. Well, opening up the game immidiately reminds me of FF9. Don't know why but this is actually a good thing because I love FF9. Lot of characters and other stuff so... LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL! Main character's default name is Serge and I have no reason to change that... so I won't. We zoom in on a... what is that? It's some sort of tower or something but it's kinda small. And shit, game's in medias res. Definitely a Square game, then. Apparently, Serge is on some sort of raid or something. And two people follow after him FF8 style. A little down the path and I get my first battle! Battle system is similar to FF but hard to explain and I don't even understand it myself. So... I won't explain it. But Serge can shoot meteors at the enemies in his first battle which is better than any other FF character so I'll let it slide. Nikki (some emo chick) attacks with a guitar (yes, it's electric) while Kid uses daggers. So let it be known that I am killing enemies and have no clue how. Anyway, there's a switch somewhere in these towers. Flicking it lets us use the warp in the middle of the place and... "what the bloody hell just happened"? Kid is definately Australian. We get to a door and... WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT CUTSCENE?! Eh, turns out that it was just a dream. Great. Why does every RPG being with the person being woken up by someone? Anyway, I leave the room and chat to Marge, probably Serge's mum. We gotta go find some chick named Leena but outside, there's a giant sawfish! The guy who caught it loves his squid gut pasta... another reason why I'm happy that Jews don't eat seafood. Chatting to this guy lets you acquire a Komodo Scale. There's a shopkeeper a little nearby where you can buy Elements and Weapons/Armour from. Screw weapons and armour for right now, I'm going with Elements (skills). I buy a Fireball, 2x Medicine and 1x Antidote, noting that I already have Cure and 5x Tablet, both healing. Medicine heals the flu and blue status effects while Antidote heals poison and green status effects. Cool. I look at the Weapons quickly and realize that it's a synthesis system to make them. Shit. Oh well, good thing I went for the Elements first, then. Leena is north, at the docks. And she wants a Komodo Scale Necklace... wait, didn't I just get one of those scales for free? Leena wants me to collect 3 scales for her necklace so... fuck, I gotta go to Lizard Rock. Ungrateful bitch... West of the village you can find Radius who will finally explain how to, you know, kill shit. Basically, there are three types of attack levels that number from 1 to 3. Each have corresponding hit values and the stronger the attack, the more inaccurate it is. Also, Elements have colours and affect the field of battle. How? Don't ask me. Also, most Elements are similar to FF6 Espers in the fact that if you use it in a battle, it can't be reused in that battle. Others will be used up permanently, such as Tablet, Medicine and Antidote. And they can't be used right off the bat. After Radius beats the shit out of Serge twice, I set Fireball as the Lv.3 Element. My 5x Tablet are in Lv.1 and Cure is in Lv.2. Should be good for the moment. Heading out of the town to the east puts you on the World Map and Lizard Rock is pretty close. Head there to kill stuff. A nearby chest spits out Fireball after killing the enemy guarding it. Trap the Komodo Lizard and touch him for a battle. Fireball should basically OHKO anything including the Komodo Pups so use it. Another chest will give you 1x Tablet while a third grants you with a Bone (synthesis item). And then... AN IVORY HELMET! YES! And one final chest gives off a Silver Loupe which improves Hit %. God knows I need it. Grab your 3 Scales and head to Opassa Beach to meet up with Leena. Or not. Since Leena didn't appear at Opassa Beach, you can find her at Arni. BITCH WANTS ME TO COLLECT 3 SCALES MYSELF?! FUCK YOU! This is why I don't get shit for women. They bitch about whatever I get them. After you kill the third Komodo Pup, Mommy will show up to play. A full 1-2-3 combo followed by Fireball should put her down for the count. Time to finally meet Leena at Opassa Beach. Soon after you arrive, Leena joins you. She grabs the Komodo Scales and sits down on the beach, reminded of her youth. Apparently she and Serge made a promise when they were kids which Serge has forgotten (SOUND FAMILIAR ANYONE?!). Serge then starts hearing voices and let the FMV roll! He collapses and... yeah, this game is kinda weird. That was a nice nap... Serge comes to thanks to an old man and... wait, where's Leena? She's... babysitting? Wasn't she here on the beach with Serge? Running back through Lizard Rock nets new items in chests. An Ivory Helm, Feather and Bone, to be exact. Leena is at the dock but she can't remember who Serge is? This is kinda creepy, especially when Serge lives here... does he? In fact, nobody remembers him. Wait. The boy next door to Leena drowned 10 years ago. And according to Leena on the beach, Serge almost drowned 10 years ago... What the hell is going on? Apparently, Serge's grave is on Cape Howl so why don't we look for some clues there as to what's going on? Oh and Marge died soon after so... shit, there goes Mum. I grab an AquaBeam from the Element store along with bring up my Medicine and Antidote count to 5. Only costs about 110G so it's pretty cheap. Going north lands you at Cape Howl. The first chest holds an ElectroJolt so I suggest grabbing that. There's also a Bone in a nearby chest. Going on nets you at Serge's grave... if Serge was dead, that is. Suddenly, I'm ambushed by a guy named Karsh and... wait, is that Kid? Kid from the beginning of the game? Thank god, I'm saved! And time for a boss battle. Karsh, Solt and Peppor aren't that hard. Use Solt and Peppor to build up your combos and hit Karsh with your Elements. Kid comes with 2 Fireballs and a MagmaBomb while Serge has Fireball, AquaBeam and ElectroJolt equiped. Heal Kid if necessary since she starts with only 51 HP. For beating the trio, you'll get a Bone Axe, Ivory Vest and Ivory Helmet. After the battle, you get to name Kid. Let's go with... Kid! You'll head back to Arni for the night and then Kid decides to tag along. The duo then make their way to Termina since... fuck, where's a good Majora's Mask joke when you need one? She also gives me a Tele-Porter which does fuck all. I grab another Cure and AquaBeam from the shopkeeper and then GTFO Arni since clearly nobody likes me. Next stop is Fossil Valley (south). There's some sort of excavation going on but we can pass so it's all good. Sticking the low road has us running into... Solt and Peppor. Great. Beat the buffoons up again for a Copper and an Uplift Element. Rather than following them, tell the guards that you are the exorcist and you'll be granted access to the top level. The enemies get a pretty big boost in power, what with the Dodo being able to OHKO Kid with Peck. Just slowly work it over and do NOT use Dash&Slash since the White element will actually power up Peck (not a good idea). Work the Dodos over with Red Elements and Kid's Pilfer. Grab the Big Egg and Bellflower from the top along with Heavy Skull and then book it out of the valley. Termina is a big city on the sea. You can't miss it. Walking in, you'll see a man mention Karsh and a group called the Acacia Dragoons. Huh. Run into the Inn and save. That's it for now! EDIT: Here's my Element set-up as of right now. Serge: Uplift Cure +1 AquaBeam +2 ElectroJolt -1 Fireball +1 Dash&Slash Kid: Tablet x5 Fireball +1 MagmaBomb +1 Cure AquaBeam +1 Pilfer
  17. I can understand a love for Stella since we all know you love them furries but please don't share the same love for Freya. I find Freya annoying when it comes to gameplay. She's great up when you lose her (Alexandria Palace after Zorn & Thorn) but her next appearance isn't until deep into Disk 3 and she's super underleveled without stuff like HP +10% to back it up. Kinda bothers me, actually, since I really like my Dragoons and Edgar and Mog were amazing at Jumping. Freya's meh even though she has some strong points in Disk 3 (Oeilvert).
  18. I JUST BEAT FFVI. Yeah, I know it's not special but I've never beaten an FF game before. I always stop between the halfway mark and the final boss. And I absolutely raped Kefka with Quick and Ultima on a Tranced Terra with the Soul of Thamasa. Can you say overpowered?
  19. It's the elephant thing that sets Sap on your party which whittles away HP fast.

    He's not hard, it's just that Sap is so fucking annoying.

  20. I'm actually kinda glad that FF5 wasn't chosen. I haven't played it in a year and I can't remember how good or bad half of the jobs are. Not to mention that Garula manages to rape my ass on the first try for some reason.

  21. I'm fucking bored and it's SUPPOSED to be good. Plus, I have no access to Steam and no mouse so no FPSs for me. Otherwise, I'd be playing Borderlands and shooting skags.
  22. I have 10 votes and 3 for Chrono Cross. So... BLIND CHRONO CROSS IT IS! Just gotta download it first. Might also be interesting to note that I've never played Chrono Trigger before. Oh well...
  23. Fucking Meltigemini. That's all I'm going to say. Aside from Memoria having more boss fights than fucking Kefka's Tower (which has Inferno, Guardian, Demon, Goddess and Fiend before Kefka), FF9 is incredible.
  24. Basically, start playing Mafia again once you acquire a brain. Since you clearly have no grasp of basic thinking skills.

  25. I'm not the only one who called it disgraced. I've shown a bunch of people who play on Smogon this and they agreed that you should never play a Mafia game again.

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