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Everything posted by Life

  1. I believe that is imperitive that we all work together to ensure their success and our loss. Unless you feel that they don't deserve to win. By why on earth would you think that? They are "legends".
  2. In addition, I would like to collect everyone's aliases (no lies) so that we can make sure that Elieson and Makaze succeed in winning this game. I'd love to make sure that we all shoot each other in order to make sure that Elieson and Makaze get the win that they absolutely deserve.
  3. Naw brah, just want to know why a "savvy Mafia player" such as yourself would attempt to smear a "washed up has-been" like myself. I mean, everyone can absolutely take shots at me if they want. It's their choice. But I guess it would be important to mention that Elieson and you screwed me quite effectively and stripped my spreadsheet dry. So it seems to me that you and Elieson are in the drivers' seat and everyone else is just going to lose. ​Well done. You've outplayed a washed up player and bragged about it. I am absolutely cheering for your success along with everyone else. Nobody here wants anyone to win but you and Elieson.
  4. I support the entire removal of Aeris from the plot.
  5. Naw, you can be here. We just want you to be honest about your team which will be a breath of fresh air.
  6. The Gay and Proud Assassins are forming as I speak! We shall take over the world with our unicorns and Gucci purses!
  7. Sweetie, there are children here. Let's take this into the shower for a little privacy. In other news, Skype is Rafi.Broer. Speak to me if you dare.
  8. I have a friend who's had about 11 concussions. No permanent brain damage. Why do you care? He doesn't know you and probably doesn't care about you either. I don't get teary eyes when people insult Jim Kelly or Steve Tasker.
  9. Concussions are less serious than torn ligaments. By miles. A torn ligament can possibly end a career. As for telling you that Hines Ward was a headhunter, he was. Whether or not you want to hear it doesn't really matter. If you're hurt by that, run off to your safe zone on university. It doesn't change the fact that when Ward didn't have the ball, he was a DB-seeking missile.
  10. Jim Moriarty = Life = John Barrowman Can't wait to play with all of you kittens! And remember, I'll show you mine if you show me yours!
  11. I'm not sure you understand why you're arguing. In a nutshell, you're saying that because Nazi Germany found a way to more recently outdo both Isabella and the Russians in regards to killing/expelling Jews that these events are less severe even though they arose because of stereotypes of Jews. And therefore, they are explainable in a way of saying "well, it was a long time ago and modern culture isn't like that". Except that it is. You realize that Jews are fleeing France today because they fear for their lives? My uncle joked about 15 years ago that France would be entirely Muslim by 2020. It's scary to see that he's not only right but French Muslims have taken it upon themselves to loot Jewish stores in 2016 and rally troops with cries of "gas the Jews" and "Hitler was right". Or you can look at Arab expulsion of Jews over the last hundred years or so. Yemen, Morocco, Egypt... all of these countries once had sizable Jewish communities. They don't anymore. This is a lot more recent than the Inquisition. History simply repeats itself. The Russian progroms, yes. Not the Ukrainian ones that started late 19th century.
  12. Let me get this straight.Are you attempting to say that the stereotype of Jews being greedy and cheap is less harmful than the swastika based on its historical reference? How do you explain Cossack raids on Jewish communities in Russia (my family actually fled from the pogroms) where one of the motivations was the seizure of Jewish lands and properties if not destruction? Same thing with the Spanish Inquisition and Expulsion. Both arose from the stereotype of Jews being greedy rats and pigs with riches stored away.
  13. I'm going to stop you right here. Understand that I took it as a joke because it was by friends who had no problem with me being Jewish (and more so, respected me) and wanted to play a practical joke on me. And only because it was friends who both admitted to doing so for a laugh and helped me clean it up. If a random person did that, it would have been absolutely insulting. You realize that you are saying "don't sweat the small stuff" to racist actions as that. What if it was a swastika drawn on my door? Is it still considered a prank and a joke? Certainly the person who committed the act would think so. So should I dismiss that too as a joke? Because what harm has it actually done to me?
  14. Stop. Hammer time. You need to explain that last line. How is making fun of a stereotype's concept not reinforcing said stereotype? The logic doesn't flow here.
  15. I know that this is old news but whatever. One of my favourite rappers (Killer Mike) mentioned this experiment a while back when talking to Stephen Colbert. So I went and essentially refreshed myself since I had seen the original version from the 70's with young children. But then I found a version where Elliot tried with adults in GB and I was horrified. I honestly could not believe that I was watching people defend discrimination so openly and having the gall to say "but I'm not racist". They quite literally would contradict themselves in the same sentence. Me personally, I'm a white male so I should fall under the "have no idea this is really going on" category. But as a lot of you know, I'm also Jewish and have been discriminated for it. Sometimes with harmless pranks and sometimes it was more serious. Based on that, I probably fall under the "aware" category. A good example of a harmless prank was when I went to Dalhousie University a few years back. I was the only Jew in my entire residence and I was slightly religious at the time (I ate kosher and went to synagogue on Saturdays and holidays). I went to Toronto for winter break and came back to find that something around 5000 pennies had been shoved under my door by my floor mates. They intended it as a harmless joke and helped me clean them up but it still counts as discrimination since it categorizes me as loving money simply because I'm a Jew. It didn't hurt me in any way because I personally found it funny and when push came to shove, nobody singled me out for my religious beliefs (at least to my face). The other example is the first time I ever experienced discrimination. At age 8, I was wearing a kippah (skullcap) in downtown Toronto and a random man came up to me. He spat on me and called me a "dirty Jewish pig who should have been gassed". That quote is verbatim and I still remember it to this day. After that, he simply walked away and I never saw him again. I was a fucking 8 year old child who had done no wrong at the time. I'm not saying that I have it easier or harder than the Black community or the Asian or whoever. But I understand through personal experience. But how the absolute fuck can you say that as a white woman, you have probably gone through experiences in racism equal to many black people? In fucking England of all places. I don't get it. Anyone want to help me out with that problem? Feel free to expound as necessary.
  16. Both I guess. The acting isn't great (this is MTV we're talking about) but it's completely watchable. As I said, if I measure it against The Magicians, it doesn't come close. And I watch because of motherfucking Slade Sparticus Wilson and my future ex-wife, Poppy Drayton.
  17. Why don't you come over tonight to see for yourself? Then we can explain to your kid how he now has two daddies. I like pitching, by the way.
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