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Everything posted by Life

  1. Kanye's verse is solid. Nowhere near Nas dropping Ether or Biggie on Notorious Thugs but he spat that shit well. Kendrick is pretty dope too. The problem with this song is the background and hook. They're god awful and the background is far too loud and drowns Kanye out sometimes.
  2. Again. Alexei is not a hard boss. You are bad at the game. The only bosses that are even a little bit difficult are Gattuso (because of how early he shows up) and Yeager only if you're going for SM17. Other than that, the game is a cakewalk, even on Unknown. As for NCS being an altered arte, yeah you're right. And so is Nightingale. In fact, Nightingale requires 50 full Nurse casts to be learned. As for NCS, it only need 100 instantaneous uses of Nice Healing Smash which is already awesome. Plus, Karol starts becoming a legit tank at that point in game where he just doesn't die. Ever. Aww, boo hoo. Did Mommy teach you that stupid is a bad word? How about I give you a glass of warm milk and cookies too. Grow up.
  3. I like the fact that you turned the Americans and Europeans into the evil side and the Chinese/Russians are good. Slight break from reality. However, I personally am not a sci-fi fan. And I think you could actually pull off the same idea on Earth starting from the end of WW2 (FDR declares himself a monarch during WW2, Stalin actually gives a shit about his people in a break from tradition) and move your story about 100 years in the future with similar technology to what we have today. That's my own personal feeling.
  4. It's difficult for me to take stupid people seriously. Especially those who just make shit up to cover for their inadequacies. This is a post where I point out why Raven and Karol are so good. They both heal fast in a game where you actually need fast healing (I'm assuming that you've never played on Hard, never mind Unknown) and are incredibly good at their jobs if you understand how to work them. And both are better than Estelle by a country mile.
  5. This is why I'm saying that you're bad at this game. Because you refuse to agree with shit that is correct. Both Nice Curing Smash and Love Shot are immediate artes that don't get interrupted. Nice Curing Smash heals 50% of max HP while Love Shot is 15% per arrow and targets the person with the lowest HP percentage. They're also better on TP. Oh and Love Shot CAN target the same character more than once. This is like you saying "Big Bang can kill". It's flat out wrong. Want some proof? Nightingale heals 48% max HP (to the full party), needs a long incantation, can be interrupted and costs 55 TP. Nice Curing Smash is 50% max HP heal in a good sized radius, is instantaneous, can be aimed if you are even half decent at this game and costs 30 TP. Karol's "slow speed" is nothing compared to a fucking incantation.
  6. You mean Raven? Or Karol? Because Karol with only Nice Aid Smash is still better than Estelle at any given moment in the game. Schwann is not a difficult boss at all. He's a goddamn pushover, even on Unknown. Catch him outside of a combo and he can't break out, even with Just Like Dancing. Plus, Yuri's just gotten Guardian Field and he can heal and hit Schwann repeatedly, allowing Rita to get in a spell or Repede/Judith to start a combo. Barbos is more of a challenge and you fought him a long time ago. Just because you're bad at the game doesn't mean that a boss with a little bit of challenge is suddenly THAT ONE BOSS. That's what bothers me about this thread. A lot of people are just throwing out names because they're not actually good at said game. My best example is Guillo from BKO (even though the Holoholo Bird comes close). If a boss makes you physically break things like controllers on your first playthrough of the game, he's THAT ONE BOSS. A good Final Fantasy example (and this is one that is going to resonate with people here to understand what I mean) would be Yunalesca from FFX.
  7. Favourite EitS song has to be First Breath After Coma from The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place. But that band just knows how to build albums. They're even better than Radiohead when it comes to pure album building and Radiohead is usually considered one of the best out there (listen to Kid A to see what I mean). The start to this new song is pretty cool. I'm in love already.
  8. All I know is that this is the end of Ana gloating about how good her team is for the rest of the season and how we're all not worthy to be in the presence of the Steelers. Gimme a Broncos/Cards showdown. Because the last thing I need is to hear from Pats friends of mine about how great NE is and how shitty Buffalo is. I can't wait for the tables to be turned... one day. EDIT: Raven, I said the same thing too when the owner of my bar showed me the Hail Mary this morning. First reaction: Why are you blitzing and not playing Prevent?
  9. Shows how much I know about American geography (I don't know shit). Lord Raven, Ed Reed is now a Buffalo Bill. Assistant DB Coach to be exact. Holy fucking shit.
  10. California teams: Oakland, San Francisco. New York teams: Buffalo, Giants, Jets. More teams in New York than there are in Cali. Just saying... EDIT: Didn't realize that you meant all sports. Well, that's 1 Hockey, 3 Basketball, 2 Football and 2 Baseball, I think. Considering the sheer size of California, it makes sense. And it's still similar to New York.
  11. More thoughts. Arabs are fun, especially once you get Camel Soldiers. But I know my camels and those fuckers are not fast at all. You'd die too quickly. Accidentially played out Israel/Gaza with England and Arabia (I was England) from the Israeli side. Didn't realize it until they sued for peace and everything I own (which was bullshit). Turks are way too strong. I know that I'm only playing the base game (no DLC) but when I can push off a Songhai assault twice in the first 150 turns (first time razing 2/6 of their cities and second time going for the capital) and then take out the Aztecs who crushed Siam within 100 turns and took two Songhai cities in about 3 turns flat by just throwing Janissaries and watching them heal up, shit gets real. Seriously. Got the first few techs for building shit and then just went straight for Janissary (I also saved a Great Scientist until I had finished the tech before them along with an early Great Library). Made about 5 and then crushed my way through cities (also did that with some Longswordmen before the Jans arrived) with support from a Catapult that's gotten something like 4 levels. What the hell. I almost want to try to get another Great Scientist so that I can concentrate on money (short supply right now) and a navy and just snag Sipahi for free. But that won't happen. I love this game. So intricate.
  12. Wow... I now want KC in the Superbowl or this year is ruined for me. So Steelers vs. Broncos? Can both of them lose and be automatically eliminated? Please? Because fuck those franchises.
  13. Makes sense. This game makes me want to rage and I'm not even playing a hard difficulty. Playing as the Arab and I got gangraped repeated by Barbarians, Rome, Greece and Rome again. I had maybe like 10 to 15 turns rest between all of them and lost a city to Rome twice. I got maaaaaaaaaaaaad.
  14. WRT the Chiefs, they absolutely got hot at the right time and deserve that playoff spot. They got hot just as they started to play all the contenders (Denver/Houston/Buffalo) and beat all three of them in unconventional ways (we were two blown challenges away from winning that game). It's the same way how Chip Kelly ruined the team that Andy Reid built: it's Andy Reid. He stinks in the post-season but making it there is no problem.
  15. A little bit of a necro but oh well. Just started playing Civ 5 and I'm very much enjoying it. But fuck the Harbours. I know that you need one in both your capitol and the other city to create a trade route but I don't think the game is registering a trade route.
  16. I do. I just haven't played any of the games in a long time (I also don't like anything from FE10 onwards but that's a different story).
  17. You and I are the exceptions. And there's a lot like us but nowhere near the millions of people who choose to go with an Xbox or Playstation because kid friendly is not their cup of tea. One exception or even 50 does not cancel out a trend that involves tens of millions. It is that simple. You can be your own personal example but data does not lie.
  18. You do this constantly but I'm going to have the patience to answer you in a civil way (better than trying to do so when talking football). First of all, Metal of Honour and Bayonetta (which was released on the Xbox 360 and PS3 a full 5 years prior to the Wii U) not exclusive to Nintendo. Both of those are immediately nullified from your list because it's just Nintendo adding a few "big-boy" games. This is nothing on the level of Battlefield or Farcry that are series that are rated for mature audiences and will never be endorsed by Nintendo. Next, Fire Emblem is designed visually for young teenagers, not adults. Civilization 5, for example, is designed visually to be appealing to an adult audience. Difficulty of the game aside, the target audience is not anyone in the 21-30 demographic (the first group of people who can afford their own system by working for it). In addition, Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei are cult series. Unless you know and have played those games, you will not actively search for them. And once again, I'm talking about my demographic. Here's an example. I go out to drinks with a friend. Eventually, we get to the topic of new video games. Between Fire Emblem and Assassin's Creed, I'll mention Assassin's Creed first because that is the better known series in general, my love for Fire Emblem aside. Because of that, those games are not the reason why the average person goes and buys a Wii (only a superfan would). But for a series like Pokemon, Mario and Zelda, that would be a more reasonable thought. Those are the series best associated with Nintendo and all of them are aimed at children and teenagers. As for your claim that lots of people buy the Wii and don't have kids, I want you to prove that they do that more than the Xbox or Playstation systems that specific target an older demographic. Don't bother trying, you won't find any data that backs up your claim. And for your last comment, kid-friendly doesn't mean bad. You're absolutely correct. But kid-friendly is unattractive to more mature audiences. Here's a great example that doesn't involve video games. Girl Meets World is an excellent show (or was if it gets cancelled) when you look at the writing and serious acting sections (basically any scene that has to do with Sabrina Carpenter and her character's family). But it's aimed at kids and that makes it unattractive for a more mature audience. The "jokes" are funny for children but silly and immature for adults (Rowan Blanchard is the guilty party here). As a result, a lesser amount of adults will watch the show. But guess what. Children can't afford a television so GmW is missing out a greater amount of viewers (which directly correlates to more money) because it relies on parents who will buy televisions for a house and then let the children watch rather than a program that they might prefer. They specifically do this but it can never be compared to Game of Thrones or Orange is the New Black in a serious manner. End of argument. You can interchange Girl Meets World, Game of Thrones and Orange is the New Black with Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony respectively. Then you will understand my point.
  19. You don't really get it, do you?People look at the Wii or WiiU and laugh. That shit is for kids. Yeah, it's got good sales but for the most part, it's parents buying it for kids. Look at this forum alone. I want to know the percentage of people here that go to high school and have a Wii or WiiU (as opposed to another console) and then the same number for people who work for a living (like myself) and have a Wii or WiiU (doesn't include parents). There's a reason why Nintendo isn't taken seriously out in the real world. It's too kid friendly for its own good. Nintendo's heyday was in the 90s and early '00s. Not anymore. EDIT: On this forum, the Wii will be liked and very much so. I know this because I also know that the vast majority of users here don't drink alcohol (because they don't like it, not legality) or smoke pot (same reason as above). So I know that I'm in the minorty here. But a lot more people share my point of view than they do yours.
  20. Next update! Since all I'm missing is Umaro, let's get him? Ice Dragon was fun. Flame Shields and Minerva Bustier block all his spells to begin with. But when you've got a weakness to Berserk, then you just suck. Berserk, Vanish and battle over. Valigarmanda has a similar problem. He's got Rasp as his counter but can't actually damage my party. The Force Shield that Ice Dragon drops really helps to block Rasp. And... Yeti goes down to Sleep, Berserk and Vanish. These bosses all suck and I haven't even leveled up my characters. Anyway, I'm now grinding at Cactuars in order to pull Gigantuar. What's great about that is that each Cactuar is worth 10 AP. That means that Terra will have Blizzaga/Firaga/Thundaga for the rest of the WoR. Umaro is a godsend because he's the only person who can kill a Cactuar (true story). That's a sentence I thought I'd never say.
  21. Don't be a pussy. Drink more alcohol. In all fairness, the trick is drinking water BEFORE you go to sleep. Not many people can do this but not a lot of people understand limits with alcohol. I work at a bar (as a line cook but it's a pub) and I drink quite a lot. As in I'll start with two shots-worth (in Israel, a shot is a chaser and a double shot is a shot) of Glenmorangie in a lowball. That's just my shift drink and it lasts me an hour at least. I had one night where I drank about four or five of these (half the bottle).
  22. Mike Pettine's been fired? I want him back in Buffalo. Get rid of Dennis Thurman and give Pettine the DC job back. We would destroy (considering that Pettine actually built this D in the first place). Oh and remember that list of buffoons coaching the Bills in the last decade and a half? I forgot Mike Mularkey. I've been reading up on leukemia after my uncle was diagnosed about four months ago and I can safely say that you have no fucking idea of what you are talking about.THIS is why we "bitch" at you. Because you make stupid comments constantly with no evidence to back them up and when we continuously prove you to be a moron, your only response is "No, I think I'm right, therefore I must be right". I usually do it because it kind of gives me pleasure but your above comment actually offends me due to it being a personal thing. So when it comes to things that you don't know, just shut your mouth. EDIT: Around 90% of people with leukemia are adults. But it is the most common form of cancer for children. But 10% is not "typically children". Now please tell me I'm wrong because you know better.
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