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Everything posted by Life

  1. If we're talking about SF as " everyone else", my answers would be: Sex, alcohol (specifically beer and my prized single malt scotch collection) and minor drugs (farthest I've gone is cocaine and LSD but I stop there). If we mean the social base that I have, then my answers are: Buffalo Bills, Winnipeg Jets, Terminator 3, video games and sitting at home reading. And if it's specific video games, I'd say: FFXIII series, Eternal Sonata, MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge. Answer your question?
  2. Time to throw my shit into the mix here. First off, Of Monsters and Men put out a new album a few months ago. I highly recommend you all listen to it here. The one thing is that it is kind of dark and depressing which is strange when you consider the band but it still is excellent. I know I mentioned Purity Ring before but if you enjoy Grimes, it's another Canadian electronic based group to check out. Their second album (Another Eternity) was fucking brilliant and I don't listen to electronica. My next finding is Santigold. Santogold is an excellent album and her style really grows on you as you keep listening to her. That's all for now.
  3. Super Bowl XL? You mean the one where the refs stole a win from Seattle every time they started to get momentum? At least it wasn't like pure physics was ignored just so you could create a legendary game with an alliterated title. And yes, I'm talking about the Tragedy. EDIT: In other news, the Bills are not dead yet. Which is typical. We still need to win out the season and hope that either KC or Pittsburgh collapse. We will have a tiebreaker over Houston and Indy so that's always something. Eagles, Redskins, Cowboys and then Jets to close out the season.
  4. Just because Russia walked into Eastern Europe before they got stabbed by the Germans doesn't mean that Russia was prepared at any moment for Hitler to go after them. The Russian line was spread thin to start with because they were busy controlling Eastern Poland and arguing with Hitler over the Balkans. Stalin honestly believed that he wouldn't get stabbed in the back less than two years after signing a non-aggression treaty with Germany and dismantling Eastern Europe. Plus, Stalin incorrectly predicted where a possible German invasion would come from.
  5. Wii U positives: Makes for a great paperweight.
  6. More like "we die like the rats that the rest of the world considers us to be". You can't have a world ruled by Jews, it defies the laws of history, time and space.
  7. Serious question: In said example of nuclear holocaust, is Israel actively targeted and if so, by whom?
  8. I'm going to resurrect this thread from the dead due to tonight. Learn to talk to people. That's the basic issue here (you're trying to ask about relationship advice from a message board where the vast majority of people here enjoy playing video games and would prefer to do so as a career rather than a hobby). High school is the worst time of your life to worry about this shit. Wait until college at the very least. I'll give you an example that happened tonight: I finished work and went to a bar that's across the road from my apartment. I sat at the bar next to two attractive girls and only half paid attention to them. Ordered a drink, had a cigarette and listened to music. Then I started talking to the girl beside me (I can't say if she was more attractive than the one beside her because they were both hot as hell) about almost nothing because we were simply sitting beside each other. We ended up talking for almost two hours over law and rape and other shit (she's 2nd year law at a college and I'm planning to start) and even though we kept arguing, we had found a common interest for the both of us. At the end of the night (about 15 minutes ago), I got her number and said that I wanted to keep talking to her because she was engaging. Left the bar and came home. That's all it comes down to. Human interaction. Find something that interests the both of you and the time will fly while the attraction grows. Don't use pick-up lines or anything like that. I have never used a pick-up line in my life and I've probably had more sex in the past two years than a lot of people here have had in their lifetimes (3 different women in a month trip across the USA kinda helped). All it boils down to is being able to engage the other person.
  9. I want to point out the obvious problem with this. The study of rape law should never be difficult to teach. It is the legal way of combating rape (teaching the intricacies of the law). Anyone who wants rape law not to be taught is actually helping rapists rather than the victims. I have a simpler solution. Why don't students who don't want to learn simply stop learning? A law degree is far from mandatory and if they feel uncomfortable with said subject matter, they could --- oh, I don't know --- not attend the class or even the institution.
  10. Only the Browns could possibly lose like that and make you realize that it's simply your average week for Cleveland fans.
  11. I need to talk about this. Or more like rant about it. What the absolute fuck is this shit? Safe zones? Places where "people won't be offended"? Are you fucking kidding me? People are killing others over religion and money (which is no different to 2000 years ago) and you get "offended"? There are so many issues here that make me want to slap people silly but this one takes the cake. Students at Yale attempted to equate sexual harassment (which now apparently means staring at a woman for over 15 seconds) with the rape and slavery of Yazidi women. You mean to tell me that a Yazidi woman who is sold like cattle and treated as a sexual slave can get rescued, brought to the USA because it is a country of "freedom" and decide to get an education only to be told by other students that their plight is no worse than your average college girl who wants to go out and accuse people of sexual harassment because they think that she's pretty and are looking at her? My best friend had an argument with someone over Facebook who told him that (and this is verbatim) "even though he is Jewish, he is still a white male which therefore gives him more privilege than anyone else". What the fuck are you smoking? Now you want "safe zones"? No. Just no. You deserve to have your feelings hurt and a lot more if I had a real say in the matter. This is despicable and makes me want to vomit.
  12. Stafford's been decent but Myers suffers from the same issues that every defenceman on this team suffers from; the fact that we can't play defense and are constantly losing games in the 2nd and 3rd periods after taking a lead. I don't know enough about Bogosian and Kane to make an informed opinion on the trade though. The Bills and Jets are both having terrible seasons after looking like they were rising. It's driving me nuts. Our play at home has been awful, especially since we've been shut out a few times over the past two weeks, especially in division games.
  13. You don't get it, do you? You're spoiled. Patriot fans are spoiled. Colts fans are spoiled. Packers fans are spoiled. You can't understand what it feels like because you haven't. You don't understand the futility of watching a team fail year after year and just hoping to have a winning season. If your team doesn't make the playoffs, you want the coach fired. If ours (mine, Jedi's, ClevelandSteve's) make the playoffs, we want statues built because we don't know when the next time it'll happen. Are Bills fans not allowed to be pissed at the Titans for stealing a playoff win back in '99? Bare in mind that we haven't been to the playoffs since then. It really is that much of a sore point, especially when you talk to a fan who is ignorant of what it feels like to support a bad team (you) because said fan has never experienced it. As I have stated time and time again, until your team becomes the doormat of your division for years on end and you don't have a future to look forward to, you have no right to comment on anything. And from all of us here, we all sincerely hope that the Steelers do become the joke of the AFC North just so that we can rub it in your face the same way you constantly do to us. EDIT: I'm considering making that GIF my avatar just to taunt Ana. But that would be "offensive".
  14. Different team, same result. I'll always support them but this season's over.
  15. What the hell does that mean? The Ravens have multiple Superbowl wins in the last 15 years. I have 0 playoff appearances in that same time span. Kindly shut the fuck up. The world does not revolve around the AFC North, for your information. The Ravens are having a single bad year. I'm in year 15 currently. And that's not including the theft in Nashville in '99 or the four blown Superbowls in a row in the early '90s.
  16. Rex just gave away the game and the season. WHAT THE FUCK. I'm done. I'm fucking done.
  17. Bills are moving the ball on KC but that 4th down penalty definitely helped. Only down by 2 right now...
  18. You're not following the chain of events properly.If Hitler doesn't send a vast portion of his army to Ukraine in 1940, where would they logically go? If you say North Africa, you'd be correct. Think about it. If there are more troops in North Africa (and Southern Europe by extension), there's significantly less chance of breaking through the Med in order to start a land campaign in Italy. In addition, Russia isn't attacking Germany which would lower British spirit even more simply because they have absolutely no help in Europe or Africa. GB would be firebombed even worse than they were and they probably break in 1942 because Germany would be able to get away with a land invasion due to not wasting troops in the East. Britain falls before the USA is ready to deal with them. Speaking of the USA, they need to give more credit to the Australians for the Pacific War. If Japan had managed to crack Australia (and they came close), it would have been that much more difficult to dig the Japanese out of South-East Asia.
  19. Consider it seen. First off, you cannot be a great leader if you scapegoat a healthy population of your own people and then devise a way to "solve" them. The ironic part is that shooting the Jews/blacks/Roma and leaving them in graves wasn't efficient enough so the Nazis felt a need to divert troops and expenses away from the war effort in order to keep concentration camps going. Imagine how much stronger they would have been if they simply added Jews/blacks/Roma to the war effort (since the original goal of the Nazi party was for the betterment of Germany through military means and national pride). I've had arguments with my best friend over my next comment and I still think that I'm right. If Hitler does not invade Russia in 1940, Great Britain falls and the USA could possibly have fallen next. It's no secret that Nazi Germany wanted to take out the USA. But they absolutely win the war in Europe if they don't screw themselves by initiating a two-front war. End of story.
  20. Buffalo sucks at spots. Sabres are half crap and don't get me started on the Bills. Toronto isn't much better. I stopped supporting the Leafs a decade ago and it was the best decision I ever made. Raptors have decided to start a new trend of making it to the post-season with no star player and dropping the first series in 4 games. And the Blue Jays finally made the post-season and went to the ALCS which was enjoyable. After that, you've got the Argonauts (last time I watched them was about ten years ago), the Rock (nobody really cares about lacrosse) and TFC (I'd rather watch Ligat HaWinner than MLS).
  21. That's all you got from his post? There's a reason why Animal Farm and 1984 are literary masterpieces and The Hunger Games is simply a cash cow. Even Ready Player One has a better dystopian universe than THG and that book isn't well written at points.
  22. I need to explode. What the fuck? What the absolute fuck? Miller out. Mario hurt. Darius hurt. Shady hurt. Tyrod hurt. Did an improbable (and ultimately futile) win in Boston have to cost so much? The answer is no so WHY THE FUCK DID WE HAVE TO RISK EVERYONE? Even before this game, I said that next week is our season. Now it's almost over. Congratulations Buffalo, you've made me ashamed yet again to be a fan of my team. And the worst part is that I have a Pats fan friend who has to rub it into my face by saying how it was a good game (it wasn't) and how Butler was so great (he wasn't, Tyrod was off on his accuracy all game while Sammy had him beat on routes all night long). He doesn't understand what it's like to support a crap team and just has to rub that shit in my face, knowing that he's 10-0 now.
  23. Jasper Fforde. /end topic
  24. From a film-making view, the movies were excellent. Content-wise, the story (this goes for both the books and movies) are quite lacking. It's boring to read about how the protagonist is perfect in every which way and doesn't deserve to be faulted for anything. I really was not impressed but it was better than the Divergent series (that one was just bad). That being said, we're reaching for low-hanging fruit here. I'm still waiting for a good series to be converted into movies. For young adults, I'd say either the Thursday Next series (Jasper Fforde) or the Young Wizards series (Diane Duane). It won't ever happen but those would be excellent choices, especially the latter.
  25. Please don't remind me. Tonight's game comes down to the play of the LB corp for both sides of the ball. And I'm worried that Brown and Bradham will gas themselves out in this game and have nothing left for next week in Arrowhead. Fun fact. The Bills have a better chance of making the Wild Card by losing today and winning in KC than the reverse. Like a 60% swing.
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