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Everything posted by Life

  1. Confirmed by AP for over 100 people dead in the Bataclan concert hall. This is awful.
  2. You realize that you're suggesting razing Syria and Iraq, right? Because Israel's been fighting these type of people for decades of years and since we're not allowed to raze, we can't exterminate them (I'm referring to Hezbollah and Hamas).
  3. It was 100+ held hostage. I'm still looking for updates. This is wrong. This is just too fucking wrong.
  4. Like, what the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me? For those that don't know, there were four co-ordinated attacks of shootings and bombs in the last hour and a half in Paris. Places hit were a restaurant (The Guardian says that it was a McDonald's), an Eagles of Death Metal concert and nearby the stadium where there was a friendly match between France and Germany. Those are where young people go. People my age go to those things. I go to concerts and restaurants all the time (considering I work in one). There's 9/11 but there's this. You can have all of your conspiracy theories about how it was an inside job but these are executions and hostage taking situations. These are human beings rather than some shadowy agency. This. This is not fucking excusable. This is beyond inhumane. This is the slaughter of the average person who just wants to live their daily life. I'm beyond horrified because this is worse than what goes on here. At least in Israel, there is a lot of history and mistakes by both sides. But in France? In a first world democracy that doesn't have an ongoing conflict? Are you fucking kidding me? This wasn't an act of terror. This was an act of war. EDIT: Globe and Mail claims that it was a Cambodian restaurant. And the hostage situation is over.
  5. So, you arrive on Pandora and just as you're about to get on the bus, a rocket blows it up. Well, shit. A piece of paper floats through the wreckage. Mafialands is a 10 player OC Mafia game. [spoiler=Rules]1. While you are alive, feel free to talk about the game. Once you have died, you may not participate in the game any longer until it ends. You may not share information you gained after death. 2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. 3. Grammatical errors are not proof of anything. 4. You may paste things the hosts tell you, but do not anticipate everything we tell you is true. You can paste fake logs; PM Life for help faking a log. Screenshots are not allowed. 4a. With regards to night actions, Rule 4 does not exist. I will always tell you the truth of what happened that night (eg. if you were hooked, you will know). 5. Each Day period shall be 36 hours. There will be extensions at my discretion. Do not ask for extensions, you will not get them. Actions not sent in on night phases will be considered forfeited. Oh and I won't be nudging you. You wanted to play so get them in. 6. During the day you must bold your vote and post ##flavor <USER>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. If you wish to vote for nothing at that time but have already voted, unbold your original vote and state something along the lines that it is retracted. 7. Ties at lynch deadline will be a double lynch. 8. Each Night period will last 36 hours. If PMs haven't been sent by the end of the 36 hour period, it will be considered a forfeit of action. However, N0 will only last 24 hours in order to get the game moving. 9. Priorities. Don't ask about them. I'll explain after the game since I've changed something. 10. Inform Life of all channels, spreadsheets, etc. you make for this game. Give us access: ask for our emails, my registered IRC nick is Life. This is simply so that we have our finger on the pulse. 11. Send all PMs to Life and Lord Gaius so we can both update. If you are choosing to idle, please PM "NX - Idling" so we know you are active. 12. Be active or get out. You will almost assuredly lose this game if you are not active and anyone who could rely on you will be hampered by your inactivity. You will be subbed out if you are inactive for 48 hours. This is a promise. 13. I'll be writing a postgame so be active and try your best. It's a short game so just have fun and enjoy. 14. If you post in the thread when silenced or kidnapped, break a posting restriction or fail to vote for the person you were persuaded to vote for, you will be godkilled. You will be duly notified about such restrictions at the start of a phase. 15. If you have a night action, you will gain a result if deemed necessary. 16. This game is themed and is partly closed-themed. It's based off of Borderlands but Axton and Sledge could be on the same team (I know that they don't even show up in the same game, sue me). 17. Communication is key in this game and I don't mean just talking to people that you're allied with. If you don't have a PM open with everyone even after you know exactly what their role and faction is, you're playing wrong. That's about all the advice I can give you. 18. Good luck and have fun. The fun isn't in winning, it's in trying to figure out HOW to win. Player List: ClarinetsandOboes - Won N3 - Wolf Dead: Executive kirsche - Lynched D1 - Hyperion Corporation Reverse Martyr BBM - Crushed N1 - Crimson Raider Cop The3rdCorinthian - Exploded N1 - Bandit Mayor Mitsuki - Run over N1 - Crimson Raider Martyr Paperblade - Lynched D2 - Bandit Bodyguard Baldo Scroll - Lynched D2 - Bandit Hooker Polydueces Great Lord Diego - Crushed N2 - Hyperion Corporation Lynch Stop TheAssasinMercenary - Sniped N2 - Hyperion Corporation Safeguard Refa - Crushed N3 - Crimson Raider Silencer Roles have been sent. Night 0 ends at 9 PM GMT+2 (25 hours from now). EDIT: Since I've received multiple questions about this, your role PMs are very straightforward. Just read them well.
  6. Despite not receiving confirmation from half the players, I'm going to start the game now and change N0 to be 24 hours. Because I really want this game to start already.
  7. I have the set-up ready to go. If you guys want, I can draft up a set of rules right now. All I need are ten confirmed people who are going to be relatively active for a week (game won't take longer than that). It's a small OC game designed in order to further logical thinking. EDIT: Rules. Or something like that.
  8. Actually, I can see the Bengals finally doing it this year. They just need to hope that NE falls by surprise in the Divisional Round because if they play in the AFC final, they'll probably lose. And that would be... deflating.
  9. I'm officially petitioning the Bills to change their name to the Buffalo Snakebites.
  10. My issue is more the rehiring of David Lee. If Ryan Tannenhill is the best QB you've worked with before Tyrod and you've already failed the beginning of the Fitzpatrick years, why are you back?Thank god for Doug Whaley. He's been a fantastic GM and has made a lot of great personnel changes since he was hired (great drafting with the jury still out on Sammy, ballsy trades and just commitment to building the team properly). The list is as follows: Sammy draft - This one remains to be seen but the returns look positive (when Sammy's healthy) and there's really nobody he needed to draft at 23 this season. Shady trade - Win for Buffalo since Kiko's done with his second ACL tear. Shady might also be banged up but he's producing for sure. Incognito signing - He's going to the Pro Bowl for sure, he's cleaned up his act and is straight up positive for the team. His kick- out blocks ended up giving Shady a TD on Sunday. He's playing at such a high level and has been a great positive. And everyone thought that he had leprosy. This year's draft - Excellent. John Miller has been fantastic considering he's a rookie on a relatively young and not so great OL (minus Incognito). Karlos Williams was a 5th round pick and compliments Shady in a way that Fred Jackson could never do). And Ronald Darby is probably going to be the Defensive Rookie of the Year at 50th overall. Talk about a steal. Rex Ryan hiring - Say what you will, Bills fans haven't had anything to cheer for and be proud of since the Flutie Years. This is the first time that we can say that we are Bills fans and not be ridiculed for it. We're not losing in blow-outs, we're blowing out others. It feels good to finally feel that we deserve respect because we haven't been respected as a unit for 15 years. We weren't supposed to go 9-7 last year. We were supposed to be the usual 6-10 or 5-11 team that can sometimes win but is mostly fodder for the better teams. Rex has instilled this team and its fanbase with pride. Even if it's false, it doesn't matter. Browns fans will know what I mean because they deserve to feel it too.
  11. Nope. In fact, I actually like them much better than the "winner of coin flip almost always wins automatically". It gives both the defense and offense a chance. If they can't stop the TD, they don't deserve to win.
  12. Let's get really real here. The Bills Offensive coaching staff is far from stable and definitely less stable than the Ravens. Greg Roman has been here for half a year and we've completely retooled the personnel in the coaching department (as we do every year). Kromer missed 6 games of the season and hasn't been able to work on the OL up until now. David Lee has been bouncing around the AFC East and is in his second stint as the Bills QB coach. Rex might love Sanjay Lal but the man hasn't seen a decent set of WRs actually play well while he was coaching them (another coach pulled from NYJ but was in Oakland a couple years back). Throw in the fact that our ultra-conservative "offensive line guru" quit immediately after last season, we have a broken 2nd string QB due to bouncing QB coaches and OCs around every season and absolutely zero chance at staying healthy and this classifies as about as stable as San Francisco during an earthquake. No matter how much you might complain about your issues with the Ravens, realize that I'm not Ana and I'm not spoiled by multiple SB rings. I would much rather be in your situation and facing an off year than hoping that for the first time in 15 years, we can finally stop being treated as the butt of everyone's jokes. At least you have a head coach who's managed to put together back to back winning seasons for your team. My god, I wish I knew what that felt like. EDIT: And don't even get me started on the defense. Great to see Jerry rack up two sacks and a FF but I have a major bone to pick with Karl Dunbar and how this DL has regressed. Considering that he was the man behind the Williams Wall in Minnesota, I'm offended by how badly this DL is performing. However, my real resentment goes to Bobby April III and Jason Rebrovich on the atrocities committed by the LBs against Miami. We won't win another game if we're giving up over 200 yards per game AFTER THE FUCKING CATCH. And to think that I went out and bought me a Nigel Bradham jersey for $200 (including customization and special shipping to Tel Aviv). Insulting, that's what that is.
  13. Why do you think I'm thanking you? I know Flacco mentored Taylor. He's given us more hope through 6 games (Taylor is technically 4-2) than we've had in 15 years for actually having a decent QB.
  14. Lord Raven, I'm going to say this again. Thank you very much for drafting Tyrod Taylor and letting him come on over to Buffalo. That man has the nicest deep ball touch I've seen in a long time. If he airs it out, he's perfectly on target (nailed Sammy twice yesterday for 30+ passes that were on the money).
  15. When we're healthy, the Bills have the BEST run attack in the league. T-Mobile (amazing vision and has started sliding which is great for health), Shady and THE KARGO TRAIN. Both Karlos and McCoy racked up 100 yard games today and Tyrod's got another 50. Bills kneel it and that's the game. Finally, a beautiful game.
  16. And once again, you gotta hold the Bills pass rush to stop the sacks. BURN THOSE TIMEOUTS, MIAMI. WELCOME TO THE FISH FRY! And we cannot stay healthy. For the first time in my life, I'm going to cry because of injuries. This is ridiculous.
  17. Bills are playing lights out football on offense with both Sammy and Lesean having woken up. The issue is the lack of a pass rush (what else is new) and better coverage over the middle. Thank god for our secondary making moves when we need them (Gilmore and Graham notably). Need to keep Miami from driving though. And... they keep driving. My fucking lord, can we get a 3 and out for once?
  18. I know I've said that I've given up on this season... but if there's any team in the league that deserves a miracle, it's the Bills. Just please let us do well for once. Let me enjoy watching my team instead of expecting heartbreak.
  19. They've been playing pretty well but it's important to note their opponents.The only good teams they've beaten are Nashville, Vancouver, Washington and Ottawa. The other 4 teams (two wins against the Leafs) are all crap including a McDavid-less Oilers squad. They'll need to start winning more games in both their own division (Washington helps) and Central (beat Nashville but got destroyed by Dallas) before we can start talking about them being near the top of the Eastern Conference. Shootout loss to Ottawa is OK since we went 5/8 in total points on a brutal road stretch in Central Canada. Jets are looking solid but I still think that Buff needs to be traded at deadline. He'll probably walk at the end of the season, no matter what.
  20. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Then sign up for mine. I need 1 more person to go and it's only going to take a week.
  21. At least you won't have 15+ flags called against you with 10 of them including a crucial 4th quarter PI being questionable at best. In case you're wondering, the bye week is walking into Baltimore being 1-0 against the Bills.
  22. You forgot me. Against the Bengals, we had Shady/KarWilliams/Percy/Tyrod out and Sammy left with his 2nd injury of the season. That's EJ in the backfield with Boom Herron, Robert Woods, Chris Hogan and Charles Clay as our receiving threats. I deserve some sympathy too.
  23. Point still stands. I think that Bengals fans are only going to feel equal if they take out Roethlisberger in any capacity.
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