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Everything posted by Life

  1. Can I now be scared of the Dolphins' D? They just signed Mario Williams after we cut him.
  2. That's actually excellent logic. IT'S NOT RG3'S FAULT, EVERYONE AROUND HIM STANK TOO MUCH.
  3. He threw 16 of them. One per game if he had even played every game. There were rookie QBs that started more games and threw less INTs. So yes. I will blame Ben for the majority of them. On another note, RICHIE'S BACK, MOFOS.
  4. Only part of your post that I'm going to bother looking at because I can't deal with this shit anymore. And he retired today.
  5. So, I have a bit of a conundrum. I'm leaving the country in a little over a week for a week and a half. The game won't be wrapped up before that but I won't be available to process orders during that time. We have two options: 1) I process orders on the 16th and the next phase will last until the 28th (when I'm back). 2) Someone volunteers to process orders while I am gone. Give me your thoughts.
  6. I'm also putting in a vote for ​Disinnocence​​. Really pleased by this week so far.​
  7. I'm scared of facing a defense that is on the up and up because they also have Grimes (may get rid of him though) and Suh against what still looks like a suspect Bills O Line (better than it's been in a decade but it's like being the tallest midget).
  8. Deadline in 4 days. If your entry ain't in, make sure it gets in on time.
  9. Do you hear yourself say this shit? This season, Roethlisberger wasn't even top 5 QBs. Because the top 5 included Taylor. I'm not being biased, I'm simply pointing out that he had a 20/6 TD/INT ratio before his 4 rushing TDs. Wanna know what Ben was? 21/16 without any rushing TDs. That's not elite. That's good. At most. Maybe RG3 level when RG3 was pretty decent. ​But Ben was injured and it wasn't fair! And Tyrod Taylor had never started a game, never mind a season. Ben, meanwhile, has 1.5 Superbowl rings (9/21 for 123 yards and 2 INTs means that your team won the Superbowl despite your best efforts to suck) so there's no excuse, not even injury. If you consider Roethlisberger elite based on this season and a previous one, you're mistaken because he wasn't even amazing this season. But whatever. It's not like you to actually consider that you might be wrong ​all the goddamn time ​mostly because you're narcissistic and won't let facts get in the way of your delusions. So as a favour to the rest of us, stop posting. Please. Forever. Take your idiocy somewhere else.
  10. In other news that involves the other 31 teams in the NFL, the Eagles just traded away Kiko Alonzo and Byron Maxwell for draft picks. As a Bills fan, this tells me a few things. 1) Fuck Miami and thank god that their offense is a lot weaker than people are willing to admit. Because I do not want to be facing Kiko and Maxwell twice a season and now I have to. 2) The Eagles have finally admitted that the Chip Kelly experiment was a complete disaster considering that both Kiko and Maxwell only got to Philly a year ago. 3) It's official. The Bills hosed Philly in the Shady/Kiko swap. Thank god we have a competent GM (Doug Whaley may actually be the man to drag our sorry asses back to the Superbowl).
  11. Stat-wise, Tyrod Taylor was the 5th best QB in the league this year. Does that make him elite? Look, we get that you like Roethlisberger. It's obvious. But you cannot prove that he's elite. Ben averages 20 TDs per season and he's been playing for a decade. Tyrod Taylor came off the goddamn bench and threw for 20 TDs in his ​first ​starting season. If Ben is elite, then Tyrod is too. Especially when Tyrod had a 99.4 QBR while Ben has averaged 94.0 over his career.
  12. It can't be a fact when both numbers and the vast majority of people (we're talking everyone not a Steeler fan) don't agree with you. Especially when you have Warren Sapp saying flat out "he is not there" when referring to elite QBs. It's a bad sign when I think that OJ is more believable than you. ​Stop passing your opinion off as fact.
  13. And the sky is green and the Bills won 4 Superbowls in a row. Oh, we're not in fantasy land? Whoops.
  14. I hosted a 10 person game where the Wolf won by luck after exhausting the one thing that gave them a chance at surviving (invincibility for the first night and day). So yes. Here's the thing though. If you want a role like Survivor (live to the end of the game), you should also have a Hitman (must kill Survivor to win). The best game that I ever saw was one where every single person had two win conditions and either had to be fulfilled to win. So it allows you to either play for the team or for yourself and with other people.
  15. Well, that was fun. ​It is now Spring 1903 Retreats and following that, Fall 1903. ​ ​ Germany, your fleet in Swe must retreat. You have 10 hours to respond with an answer or it will be disbanded. After those 10 hours, the phase will continue to Fall 1903 for the next 38 hours. Orders due 2000 on 9/3/16.
  16. 5 minutes to phase end and I have a bunch of missing or illegal orders.
  17. What's an ITP? I'm going to assume it's "Independent Third Player" or a Wolf. For balance, a Wolf should be designed to be the kingmaker rather than win. If the vast majority of scenarios have the wolf losing but going far in the game, you've balanced it right.
  18. I think you're wrong here. I really don't think it matters because xenophobia will always exist. The only difference between Trump and Hitler is the religion that's being attacked. If Trump wins the presidency and passes a law which forces them to wear a crescent on their clothes, I will say "I told you so". Because based on the past 15 years, it's not a stretch to say that a lot of Americans are "scared" by Islam.
  19. Lynch Blitz. I want EIMM to start already.
  20. Wow, you completely missed the whole point.
  21. That shows a lack of maturity and I don't think that I'm wrong when I say that you should stop posting here simply because of this. Anyone who calls Trump "Drumpf" gets the exact same reaction, by the way.
  22. Pardon me for reading between the lines but this exact rhetoric got Hitler and the National Socialist Party elected in 1932.
  23. Hold up. YouTube is a FREE website where you can host videos and can choose what it leaves up and what abuses copyright laws. If you want to talk about money, then start with the fact that these videos should be hosted on a website that is NOT free. Their loss.
  24. I'm going to have fun here. (1) My personal opinion on gun control is that everyone is wrong. Both the NRA and Gun Control Lobbyists. The reason why the USA has so many mass murders like Columbine (forget Sandy Hook and the rest, let's tackle the original) is still relatively unknown. Banning guns isn't going to solve the problem because people will just find ways to get guns through backchannels. And allowing Joe Schmo to buy an M-4 without a background check is also sketchy. But both sides are addressing the symptom rather than the problem. To me, that's education and it's a tough one to fix. On the one hand, catering to kids with social problems (who are more likely than popular kids to bring an assault rifle to school) should be addressed since bullying plays into the scenario and it's impossible to eliminate. But then you get 18 year old kids who need a "safe zone" because words hurt. That's a depressing thought for future generations, especially when 18 year old kids here in Israel are drafted into the military. At the end of the day, nobody is correct and we all need to sit down and figure out the root cause of why kids feel that it is appropriate to shoot up elementary and high schools. If you're basing your vote over the issue of gun control, you have fucked up morals on either side. (2) Here, you have a point but it's rather narrow-minded. What about people with mental illnesses like autism or PTSD that haven't been diagnosed? Are they also "too lazy to hold a job"? How do you put in system a practice which weeds out those who require welfare to actually live (because they have nothing and no skills) vs. people who just don't care? Newsflash, it's not cool being on welfare. People don't purposely not work in order to collect these benefits. The vast majority of the time, they are either unable in a mental or physical capacity to hold a job. So if you prefer to have a system that lets the homeless starve to death on the streets in front of you, be my guest. Considering that the government's job is to look after ALL citizens and not just you, welfare is actually in line with being a moral human being. (3) Holy shit, you do not know anything about the Middle East and gas prices. They soared during the Bush years because he pissed off the vast majority of the Middle East and Obama inherited a war in Iraq, of all places. Placing the blame at Obama's feet means that you selectively ignore history. As for food prices, blame the fact that there are 7 billion people in this world and food works on a "supply and demand" system. Guess what? The price of food soared in the 1930's, even as the decade closed. Was that FDR's fault? No, he inherited that situation and these are things that take time to correct (try decades). Then chalk up the fact that the USA is so far in debt and a portion of the national budget doesn't even go into paying off the debt but rather the interest. There is so little money in the USA that it's beyond laughable. I'm not defending Obama but watching you crucify him for his predecessor's fuck ups is hard to stomach. If you want someone to blame, look at Bush. (4) I don't disagree with you on the end result but ​the vast majority of Syrian refugees are not fucking terrorists. ​The fact that I'm Israeli (we've been fighting the Syrians since 1948) and I have to tell you this makes me laugh. You look like a bigot when you say this because it's flat out not true. I'm not surprised that you support Trump after this comment. It's so full of ignorance which seems to be going around in the Trump camp. I've been saying all along that Trump will turn into a fascist leader who wants the Master Race to rule America... Now who does that remind me of? Oh yeah, the man who organized the slaughter of my family. I do agree that the Syrians should fuck off back to Syria but that's because I believe that they made their own bed. Let in the Eritreans instead who have to wait years for visas. Or other refugees from central African countries who literally get slaughtered in the streets by warlords just for sport. But the Syrians? Please. The only thing the Syrians have been concerned about for the past 20 years until this civil war was figuring out the best way to send rockets into Lebanon or Gaza to be used against us. I have no sympathy for them. (5) I mentioned this earlier but read this properly. Bush fucked up your country nice and proper before Obama got there. Not defending Obama (crap President) but the blame cannot solely be laid at his feet considering that he inherited a cancer. It's fine that you support Trump. I just believe that classifies you as a closet fascist because I can't imagine a scenario where Trump does not instill the thought of the Master Race deserving to be the only one who should benefit.
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