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Everything posted by Life

  1. I took this from the BBMB but it echoes my thoughts on EJ Manuel. For fuck's sakes.EJ is quite literally a QBs nightmare. More than Alex Van Pelt. More than Trent Edwards or Brian Brohm. Hell, even Rob Johnson was better than him. This is why I envy a lot of you guys. You at least have solid QB situations. This was my past 3 years and that's not including the other 8 starting guys since Kelly not named Doug Flutie. Once again, thank you Baltimore for giving us Tyrod Taylor and thank you Joe Flacco for mentoring the guy.
  2. I appreciate the praise even though I come off as a dick a lot. If you can see past that, then you can pick up a lot. Edit: You can add DeAnthony Hopkins (or whatever the fuck his first name is) to that WR list. Dude is a monster. Raven, post something. I have a rant I really need to get out and I want it on the next post.
  3. Then stay away from topics like "Roethlisberger is elite". You're never consistant with your stances.
  4. No, I think you pretend to understand football on an advanced level and we end up exposing you.I even tried to respect your knowledge of the Steelers and you showed me a lack of understanding when it comes to the sport. So that's why I say that you're a superfan with no real knowledge. Also, you have no problem with arguing that Roethlisberger is elite based on the last few seasons (where you reference specific instances) but when I question you on an entire group of players, you blank? Make up your mind.
  5. Not true.First of all, a lot of Jewish communities may be openly left but a lot of older women (50's or so) will be shaking their head in private and lamenting the loss of grandchildren. And that's even in conservative communities. Take my grandmother, for example. I love her to death but she's a bigot. To her, the ultimate sin is either being gay or marrying a non-Jew and both are equal on the scale. She'll never say it in public but it's definately dinner table talk with the family. And my family defines the conservative/orthodox model which encorporates the vast majority of Jewish communities outside Israel. Also, Israel is right-wing. We're left of even the US left but it's still right (that should give you a fair idea of how conservative the USA in general).
  6. Don't say things like that when your QBs have been a long list of Rob Johnson, Alex Van Pelt, JP Losman and Trent Edwards since the last decent guy.That shit scares me. *sigh*This is why I think you're a superfan with no actual knowledge of the game. Sacks are not the measuring stick of an LB corps. In fact, the vast majority of sacks are credited to the DL because the LBs create pressure that can't be picked up properly, allowing for either a drop in coverage or a mismatch. When I asked about how thin the squad was streched, I meant things like injuries or how gassed the corps was due to offenses breaking through to the second level. And it wasn't even a hard question.
  7. What was the status of the Steelers LB corp last season? Was it stretched thin? If not, then I need to change my opinion in my argument.
  8. What about his endurance? Is he an all down LB? How's his zone or is he just an edge rusher? I want all the details on this dude. No matter how small it might seem. Edit: Ana, you gotta have more than "he sacked Brady" which tells me nothing.
  9. Actually, Ana, I have a question that is right up your alley. Give me your honest opinion on Bud Dupree. Strengths, weaknesses, everything.
  10. Every now and then, some dumbass rookie thinks that he's hot shit and that he can strong-arm a team. And I remember people thinking that Bosa at 3rd overally was strange. Looks like it went to his head.Bills are going to have a fun time with the salary cap in 2017. Both Gilmore and Tyrod's contracts are up at the end of the year and we might not have the money for both (especially if Tyrod really performs well). But some people on the Buffalo Bills Message Board (hearby referred to as the BBMB) think that we should offer a 1 year extension at $15 million to Tyrod right now. I have my thoughts about that (as in it's fucking stupid) but anyone else want to weigh in? Let's not forget that Tyrod went 8-6 last season and was 20/6 in TDs/INTs for his first starting season.
  11. Erdogan wouldn't push east either, even considering that Lebanon is a fragment of what it used to be. The last thing that Erdogan would want is a bunch of Arabs under Turkish rule when Turkey and Arabs have a VERY rocky relationship before considering Hezbollah and ISIS.
  12. Making the prediction now as training camp starts: Bills surprise everyone (especially their fans) and end up going on a tear to win 12 games and ensure a first round bye in the playoffs. Just an optimistic feeling.
  13. Let's start with the bolded. OI! Reading comprehension, mate! Ok, the rest. Congrats on your life. That's not the point. The original point is that alcohol is only as dangerous as you let it be as a non-abuser and alcohols are recognized rather quickly in bars (again, this is only my two and a half years experience in nightlife speaking but...) but even so, some people slip out. Disclaimer: I'm drunk right now so I can't predict shit.
  14. I find that on message boards, a lot of users have darker backstories than most people.For me, my dad is a happy drunk (on top of having a tolerance level that rivals being a goddamn killer whale) as was my grandfather. I'm the same way. In any regard, the trick is knowing your limit and stopping a drink before that. For me, that's about a litre or so of beer (or after half a bottle of scotch). I personally love the taste of alcohol but do not enjoy getting drunk.
  15. This is sexual assault.I really can't stress that enough. It is a CRIMINAL offense and nothing excuses it. Alcohol least of all. Boo hoo, he got banned from playing a video game that maybe a couple thousand people in the world take seriously. There are other people who go to prison over the same crime. EDIT: Actually, I want to clarify something with regards to alcohol because I think a lot of people don't realize. First of all, I understand that a lot of people don't drink alcoholic beverages here, on account for a lot of users being under-age or generally not liking it. Me, I have been drinking alcohol since the age of 13 (under the supervision of my parents before legal age). I'm not bragging, I simply grew up in a household where my father would watch football with a glass of scotch and both my parents are very easygoing regarding drugs (which alcohol is). In addition, I work in Tel Aviv nightlife (for the past two and a half years) and drink alcohol almost every day. I can say with confidence that I am not an alcoholic because I do not require alcohol in order to function (I am a smoker so I do know what an addiction is). Point being is that I know a lot about drinking. Now, a lot of teotalers (probably mispelled that) have this unfounded notion that alcohol turns a person into a different person. That is incorrect. Alcohol impairs your judgment but it will never force you to do something that you have not considered doing sobor. The only differenece is that you can apply critical reasoning when you are sobor and understand why said idea is bad. Much less so with alcohol in your system. In any regard, this dude wanted to sleep with this girl. With alcohol in his system, he believed that she wanted to sleep with him too and any sexual acts would be reciprocated. And that is sexual assault when he acted upon it. He should be ashamed and more. He deserves to be convicted in the court of public opinion because a legal body would also find him guilty. And furthermore, I firmly believe that this girl has not done anything wrong. A sexual predator does not need to have his feelings looked after. He lost that right when he started groping her.
  16. Not really true, especially considering the emails that were just released. Sanders has two options. Fight Hillary tooth and nail and end up sending voters to support Trump because he got so readily fucked by Hilary and the majority of the media (because god-forbid him suggest universal health-care when nations as far away as Canada have had that shit down pat since Tommy Douglas) or he can tell his voters to stay conservative and vote for Hillary just to keep Trump out of the White House. So he hasn't spat in the face of his supporters. He got outgunned by the people who actually control the government and has no choice.
  17. Eclipse said the same thing. Huh? Good for the girl for going public.
  18. Dealt with badly? Really? That's the excuse? I've pissed on a cop car while drunk. Does being drunk mean that I shouldn't spend the night in jail? No. Sexual assault is a criminal offense and no amount of alcohol can excuse that. But you're all going to say that "the community handled it badly"? If I was part of that community, I'd be calling for a court case because forcing yourself onto another person in any way is not acceptable. See my opinions of Jian Ghomeshi for more. And this is to both Snowy and Eclipse. Explain to me what this girl did wrong. Publically report CRIMINAL activity? Why is she guilty of taking any heat after someone tried to force himself on her?
  19. Bibi likes to use fearmongering and that's not OK with a lot of the population but the fact of the matter is that we have neighbours that would like us dead.If America terminated its relationship with us, we'd be in a bad spot but would probably get into bed with China (which is happening right now but at a slow pace).
  20. Naw brah, he didn't even show UP for the drug test. Or at least, that's what I'm hearing.
  21. Actually, not entirely correct. I am a Canadian citizen (due to birth) but both an Israeli citizen and resident. I cannot legally vote in Canadian elections while I live in Israel, despite being a citizen (because a voter must be a resident). I've also lived in Israel for five years which is basically my total adult life (I moved just after turning 20) so it's fair to call my home country Israel.
  22. Realistically, Israel is in the best spot it's been in since inception. However, we're also getting slammed by BDS groups in Europe led by *gasp* Arabs and other people that hate us. Soda Stream recently shut down a factory in the West Bank where 600 Palestinians lost paying jobs because BDS managed to convince people not to buy Soda Stream's products. The issue is that groups like BDS don't care about the Palestinians. They care about hurting Israelis. And since they know that military force doesn't work, they're aiming for our wallets by perpetuating a lot of lies and mistruths in order to convince people that Israel is evil. Milo Yiannopolis has claimed that he cannot in good support take groups like "Queers for Palestine" seriously when 96% of Palestinians believe that homosexuality should be illegal and a jailable offense. Compare that to Israel that hosts one of the biggest Pride parades in the world where OiTNB stars come to party.
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