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Everything posted by Life

  1. I always thought that the whole situation was fishy from the Patriots' side (because it felt like they were trying to hide evidence) but whatever. Can't say I'm upset about Brady's suspension because now he'll only beat me once this season rather than twice. EDIT: HEY GUYS, IS THIS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE A QB FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW THAT DESERVES TO START ON A TEAM BETTER THAN DIVISION III HIGH SCHOOL SQUADS?
  2. A Muslim saying "Allahu Akbar" before death is like a Jew saying "Shema Yisrael" before death. It's supposed to be the last thing you say (praising God and thanking him for your life). It is not proof of a terrorist attack against Western civilizations.Mind you, I have said "Shema Yisrael" in that context before in my life and I'm not religious. But that's another story. But the facts are such: Dude's name is Muhammed, his origins are from a Muslim country in Africa (can't remember which one), he had guns and grenades, and it was in France. Pardon me for connecting the obvious dots without a smoking gun but it was probably a terrorist attack on a Western civ again.
  3. NATO is backing Erdogan. Wow. The illusion of democracy is more important than a possibly more secular country. I'm OK with this anyway.
  4. Hence why I want Ergodan to win. I trust the devil I know rather than the one I don't.
  5. For me, it's better that Ergodan retains power. Turkey and Israel have had the best relationship ever in 70 years. Even if the state goes secular, there's no guarantee that the relationship remains stable.
  6. I watched the Alton Sterling video all the way through. Multiple times. And here's what I got from it. He was not shot. He was not killed. He was not murdered. Alton Sterling was executed. A gun was held to his chest and he was shot at least 5 times. How is there a debate going on about if the officers feared for their lives? Two white officers in Louisiana (one who had already done this shit before) executed a black man who was restrained. And then the same thing happened the next day with Philando Castile in a different state. This is sanctioned evil.
  7. It's a response to the growing number of cops who shoot unarmed suspects and are caught on film. This is wrong. It's simply vile. And I can see a civil war breaking out within 20 years if this continues.
  8. I don't usually stir the pot but the title should do the job. Police brutality happens. But we finally have murder caught cleanly on camera. The recent deaths of Alton Sterling (shot 6 times while being restrained by two officers) and Philando Castile (shot in his car beside his girlfriend) should be the spark of a new age... if they aren't quickly forgotten about. If you get a chance, check out Killer Mike's rant on Hot 107.9. If you have Facebook, I can send you the video since he is one of the best orators alive in this day and age. Thoughts?
  9. Actually, there's one that I'm reading which tells me that Hillary Clinton actively deceives the public regarding foreign affairs in Saudi Arabia.The email isn't incriminating itself but it is pretty shady and unethical.
  10. Try sarcastic. I'm an Israeli Jew.I want to see a Commie Apartheid Israel here. Also, Tel Aviv didn't even exist during WWI and it is the country's oldest modern city (Jerusalem isn't modern and is a glorified shithole). Eilat was a collection of a few (read 10 or so) buildings until about the early 1980's. Then they decided to build and the city exploded. I've seen the pictures.
  11. Small claims court. End of story.You're correct about different countries having different standards of law but there is not a single nation that views being unemployed as a positive. Judges will far more often than not rule in favour of the party that actually can hold a job (personal experience talking here). In addition, my own settlement won me 58% of what I and my friends were claiming and did not include legal fees. But since it was small claims court, fees are low and you can represent yourself. Your points sound great in theory but I've been through this in practice. It's not as much as a headache as you think, assuming that your side is solid and has evidence to back it up.
  12. I have an idea of what this feels like because it's happened to me too. And it ended in legal action (I still need to take her to court over another set of bills). The best way to deal with it is to bring legal action if you can force a settlement at the very least and cut her out of your life in every other sense. No more can be done after that.
  13. One issue with the Levantine War. Eilat didn't really exist until the 1980's. It wasn't even named a town until 1959. But hey, what do I know? Also, those sneaky bastards, them Jews. Never can trust them.
  14. Gotta admit, I love Skelethon but Aes did a wonderful job with The Impossible Kid. I've also recently gotten addicted to older albums such as Eardrum (Kanye and Jean both bodied Talib on very good tracks) and The Infamous (knew most of the songs but never actually listened to the album straight through). And since Eardrum is 10 years old, I can call it old without feeling shame.
  15. If Portugal win the Euro, I am burning something down to the ground.
  16. Aside from the other 4 nations that are still in the Euro (Por/Ger/Fra/Ita), I think everyone in the world wants Iceland/Wales for the finals. But I think both Italy and Germany are too good assuming that Iceland squeaks past a French squad at home.
  17. Wales are just demolishing everyone they face. Wales/Italy final anyone? This also shows that Israel ain't that bad at soccer because Wales only beat us 3-0 last year in Haifa.
  18. And another Portugal win that had to the distance. Shame, wanted Poland.
  19. 1) The EU is not a government entity that rules all of Europe with an iron fist and has never claimed to be. It is essentially a trade union between European countries with a few government powers. Others have also mentioned this but not that clearly.Of course there's more to the EU than that but this is the most barebones explaination of the EU possible. It's like NATO but with a consolidated currency (which the UK never consented to anyway) and a couple other gimmicks. So Farage claiming that GB has "achieved independence" is both asinine and wrong. Which shows that he doesn't know what he's talking about. 2) The murderer claimed in open court that his name was "death to traitors" and Jo Cox was against leaving the EU. I'm not saying that Farage organized a hit but claiming that his revolution was bloodless is wrong since her murder was politically motivated.
  20. I have about a million snarky comments regarding the vote but there was one thing that Nigel Farage said that bothered me far too much. He claimed that the UK achieved "independence without a single shot fired". Two issues: 1) He clearly showed that he didn't understand the purpose of the EU. 2) The family of Jo Cox would very much like to disagree with that statement since she was gunned down over this exact vote less than a week before.
  21. Police in this case but ambulances were pretty quick on the scene. Went screaming past my bar.
  22. Many reasons. We're quick to react because we're more used to this shit, there's a lot more assault rifles out and about (I used to sit in cafes with friends with my M16 slung across my back with in flip-flops) and the fact that there's an army base less than 3 minutes walk away all contribute. The irony here is that I can walk out into the street with an M16 on my back and nobody blinks an eye while in America, there's a shit-fit going on about the same type of gun that commits about 3% of all firearm related deaths.
  23. The Sarona Market Attack (a 15 minute walk away from both my work and apartment) was done by two men with 2 hand-guns between them and only 4 people died. Still a tragedy mind you. It's almost like Americans and Parisians line up to be slaughtered.
  24. Actually, it's religious extremism everywhere else but in Israel, we conducting apartheid. Because that makes sense when we're treating non-citizens in a hostile area as non-citizens, right? The best way to put it is that 10% of my water and electricity bills goes towards funding water and electricity for Gaza. Why? Because how dare we not care for a piece of land that is not ours (which hasn't been for over a decade now) and that houses a "government" that has a constitutional right to kill us. So fuck them. And just in case anyone thinks I hate Arabs, I don't. I'm currently seeing an Arab so nice try. And soon I'll conquer her Gaza Strip, if you know what I mean.
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