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  1. Blue Jays "fan" here but only because I grew up in Toronto. But honestly, I put fan in quotations because I'm not. That article that Estrada put out a few months back about Toronto being a baseball city is complete bullshit. People only cared about the Blue Jays because they showed some signs of life after 20 years of being terrible (the salary cap ban got lifted after Toronto won back to back WS in the early 90's so there's a connection). Besides, the Raptors had recently been acting like a 1-and-done team (not this year, fuck you all) and the Leafs just generally suck so that explains the bandwagon jump onto the Jays' success. I'm happy for the team but I couldn't give two shits about baseball. I prefer basketball to baseball (went to Raptors games growing up) and hockey/American football over those (Winnipeg/Buffalo fan over those) so baseball can suck on my left nut for all I care.
  2. I'm out of retirement. Let's tackle this shit. There's a few points I need to make. 1) A lot of people who are hardcore "anti-gun" protesters love to go after assault rifles. Now while there is no reason for a semi-automatic (which means 1 bullet per every squeeze of the trigger, for those of you who didn't know that) rifle to be accessible to the every-day man without requiring detailed background checks, it is important to note that the vast majority of firearm related crimes in the USA involve a handgun. Long story short, if the USA is going to take gun control seriously, the 2nd ammendment needs to be recinded. Which will never happen but it ain't my country and never was. Personally, I miss my M16A1 but considering where I live, it makes sense. 2) Prayers don't do shit. "Praying" for Orlando isn't going to do anything because ​the attack is already over​. Either you do something about it with a meaningful action that has lasting effects or shut up and move on with your day. It's almost like a trend to "feel bad" for the slaughter of innocents. My favourite picture that emerged from last year's massacre in Paris was one of a girl taking a picture of herself dressed up to go to nightclub from her bathroom with the French flag superimposed over it. The caption? "When you wanna be a ho but still save Paris". I'm personally more sickened by the response of the vast majority of people, especially the President. It comes across as insincere even though it's a heart-full attempt not to be. 3) Both liberals and conservatives are right and wrong. It is a question of gun control. And it is a question of radical Islam that is culturally backwards permeating its way into civilized cultures. If you pick a side to argue for, you're missing the point. Understand that they are both factors in this tragedy. I'm done.
  3. It might be late but I can't help but feel impressed by Doug Whaley's drafting skills. Lawson at 19? Ragland in the 2nd? Whaley actually said that he was considering taking Ragland in the 1st round if Shaq wasn't there.
  4. Don't watch the Copa America (because fuck timezones and Israel plays against European teams) but I haven't missed a game of the Euro. I still can't believe that France rang it off the crossbar (82'). They had so many opportunities to beat Switzerland and just couldn't do it.
  5. I quite literally came out of retirement for just this topic. I'll run the Austria game.
  6. This is my last update for a week and a half (my flight is in 8 hours). So this was Spring 1905. Welcome to Spring 1905 Retreats. Germany must send in a retreat order. Please send all of your orders to Dorian until I return (27/3/16). In the meantime, Dorian will set deadlines and is the mod if you have any questions. ​Good luck guys.
  7. Here are the builds. After the next update (1600 on 17/3/16), Dorian will be taking over while I am off shooting lions and elephants. Just kidding. Only elephants. ​Welcome to Spring 1905. Against all odds, Austria still lives.
  8. Once again, late update (work schedule keeps me working hours after I should leave). But good shit today. ​​ Turkey has now been eliminated. That's what happens when you stop sending in orders. Builds: Austria - 2 Builds France - 2 Builds England - 1 Build Italy - 1 Build Disbands: Germany - 2 Disbands Phase will last 24 hours. ​EDIT: ​Makaze caught a mistake that I made with his orders. Which is important because it almost eliminates Germany entirely. Changes have been made. I also took it upon myself to automatically run retreats again since the choice was disband or move.
  9. Hopsin just dropped this gem on his former business partner. God, that's fire.
  10. For the first time in 15 years, I don't have to worry about my starting QB being shit and looking for a new one in the off season. This feeling is amazing.
  11. And the delay is because I fell asleep. So I'm working on two hours of sleep now. Yay. So I processed the retreats without asking because one was an obvious retreat instead of a disband and the other was a forced destruction order. So ​it is now Fall 1904. ​Orders currently due 1200 on 14/3/16. ​​ EDIT: My tiredness actually made me miss one of the emails so I corrected all the moves. Essential results are the same, only difference is a single Italian fleet.
  12. Mentioned in the EIMM skype chat that there was a three hour extension but this is the official post (deadline is in an hour). Reason being is that I will have worked 32.5 hours within a period of 51 hours. In a kitchen. It means that I'm tired.
  13. Well, people are shooting themselves in the foot by not sending in orders. Turkey is officially never playing again. In other news, ​welcome to Spring 1904. ​Let's shorten the phase by a bit. Deadline is in 37 hours at 0900 on 12/3/16. ​
  14. I went Top 50 rather than Top 100 because I am about 99% sure that I'd get my Top 100 wrong in some way, shape or form. Problem is, I can't figure out how to get the album names beside the list. Yeah, I think you can see what my likes are, for the most part.
  15. It's not the death but the fear of death which makes it terrifying. And knowing that you will 100% suffocate slowly is probably worse than assuming that you will 99% get wiped out by a missile. Plus, if you're criticizing, I do want to mention that his story is far and away better written than yours and possibly mine too by terms of language and syntax.
  16. Bills need to resign Nigel Bradham. Especially since I have his jersey...
  17. That's the main reason why the Arabs have never sat down at the table with the intentions of peace. They know that we won't give up Jerusalem and they keep asking for it. The real issue is that if we agreed to everything, we'd still probably get attacked because according to Palestinian television, the goal is Israel's destruction, not a Palestinian state.
  18. Total withdrawal (including settlements that were established before 1948 like Ein Tzurim) and they want Jerusalem including the Old City. That's the official demand. The unofficial demand is that they just want Israel wiped off the map. As for patrols, they're aided greatly by cameras but yeah, patrols would still be required.
  19. Alright, I'm here. Let's update. Kinda sad when you're missing two orders but didn't expect Turkey to send one in. Russia disappoints me though. Now it's Winter 1903. Builds due 2000 on 10/3/16. Builds: England - 1 Build Austria - 1 Build Italy - 1 Build Disbands: Turkey - 1 Disband Russia - 1 Disband For the countries who don't send in disband orders in time, I will choose a random unit to disband.
  20. US/Israel relations are at an all-time low with Obama openly mocking Netanyahu (which is fine in my boat) and comments like "reverting to the pre-1967 borders" (which is not fine considering the security risks that we'd be undertaking) even though they have been recanted. Not only that but Obama has gone out of his way to criticize Israel and not the PLO in the same breath. Israelis really don't like Obama and when we hear comments about "Israel is our best friend in the Middle East", we cringe because it sounds phony. All I'm saying is that the Democrats seem to be on the way to backing the Palestinians while their own citizens also get killed. Eight years of Hillary Clinton in the White House may just demolish all ties the two countries have, which will be a shame for the US because Israel will probably turn towards China and Russia in regards to technology trading and economic deals. You can scoff all you want but most modern phones and computers wouldn't exist without Israeli innovations. If Israeli companies purposely look East rather than West, that's a huge blow to the American technology sector. Also, I know of that wall that's being referred to (it starts at the Taba crossing) since I used to do guard duty there. What's not mentioned is that it's more of a fence with patrols rather than a wall itself.
  21. Question. Why not come to me about questions about walls? I am the Israeli. Also, walls are effective but they should be a "last resort" option. We only put up a wall because we kept getting suicide bombed every other day (there was literally a point in the early 2000's where people were scared to get on public transport) and while suicide bombings have dropped, terror attacks still happen. Like the three stabbings that happened yesterday. Actually, let's talk about that. The only victim who died in the three stabbings yesterday in Israel was an American tourist. Not an immigrant. Not someone who came to join the IDF. No, an American tourist who went to Vanderbilt. And it's while VP Biden is here in Israel. At what point do the Democrats say "well, since our civilians are getting stabbed by the side that we keep trying to root for, maybe it's time to re-evaluate our priorities"? I'm not asking for widespread permission to actually wipe out Gaza (even though nobody would miss them) but rather a fair evaluation of the situation which doesn't place one side on a pedestal over the other. And yeah, I am including my own country in that. We're not perfect and blind support for our retard of a PM is simply going to lead to more problems.
  22. I would love to know if he'll be joined by the Kennedys and a young Kissinger.
  23. I do want to point out that I'm playing the next game while also processing orders. I'm simply going to keep that email closed (considering that it's not my primary email, that's not a problem). I'll send my orders from my phone.
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