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Everything posted by Life

  1. FF13 findings at the start of Chapter 11 (finished Kelger's Cup): Snow is hilariously versatile. Even without MED, he fits into any team comp due to SEN (a godsend against hard enemies) and COM/RAV. Plays defensive and offensive naturally, rather than Fang who requires a party with two RAVs to stagger stuff. COM on Hope works because he gets Attack and Ruin asap. Like before any stat boosts. Makes Hope a great party member in defensive fights (no Haste). Sazh is still god because of Haste. Best character in the game from Chapter 4 onwards. Lightning isn't so garbage but she needs a defensive set-up for any amount of suvivability. Fang is currently garbage but great for ultra defensive fights (behemoths that take off 90% of your HP with Thundaga even with starred Spark Rings). And Vanille has no damage out-put until -ga spells. Upgrading accessories is better than weapons. More versatility.
  2. So I'm doing a full FFVI efficiency run and my findings are pretty funny. Like Cyan not being that trash in Zozo or base Rage Gau still holding up in Narshe. Fun stuff.
  3. Smoking Bali Shag. Shit's tight nigga.
  4. I do the Abe Lincoln. Bitches loves that shit.
  5. Well if you mow the lawn, the yard looks bigger. Or at least that's what your wife tells me.
  6. Started my balls once I started having sex.
  7. 10 out of 10. This is why none of you have sex and I do.
  8. My turn. Played: 1/2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/13. Currently playing: 4/5/6/13. Have beaten: 5/6/9. The top four games in the series (and a tier above the rest in my opinion) are 6, 9, 5, and 13. 6 is the first FF game I've beaten. It's the only game where I've beaten challenge runs (I logged my Fewest Steps run here back in 2011). It's a straight-up fun game that presents you with several answers to any given problem and truly gives the freedom of exploring the world (World of Ruin of course). And Ultima is straight up fun to spam on Kefka. Also really good story and music with truly excellent characters. Probably the only game that doesn't try to paint its characters as perfect people (I'm looking at you, 4 and 8). 5 and 9 are the next two on my list and couldn't be more different in terms of gameplay. But both are lighthearted and both were made excellently. Music is very good in both and 9's characters are probably the best in the series. Only thing that bugs me about 9 is that inane Chocobo sidequest because I hate Chocobo Hot & Cold. Oh and V can be misforgiving on first tries (Garula and Liquid Flame say hi). 13, like I mentioned above, is my guilty pleasure. It's got some very visible flaws (Hope, game being a bit too linear rather than acting like FFX) but I can forgive all of that thanks to Sazh Katzroy and the battle system. Go ahead and hate it, I think it's brilliant. That's why I 5* every battle and you don't. The game actually tells you if you're being efficient. Music is incredible along with the graphics and there's a lot of customization that exists. Overall fun game. The rest: 1 - It bores me a bit too much since there's no real explanation for what's going on. The world's fucked, go save it. Decent game. 2 - I hate this game completely. Shit, I get bored on my way to goddamn Flyn. 4 - Feel free to disagree but this game is more like an interactive cutscene. Bleh. My current run is at the Tower of Zot but I have no incentive to continue. 7 - Overrated and hasn't aged well. But what grinds my gears is that the only difference between any two characters is their weapon and Limit Break. I might as well be controlling cardboard cutouts. Don't get me started on how awful the characters are either. 8 - Renzokuken. Renzokuken. Diablos. The end. 10 - I liked it and would like to play it again but my PS2 emulator is crap.
  9. So me and GJ talk a shitton about FFV and FFVI and that inspired me to make a lasting topic about Final Fantasy. Which ones do you play? Which one is your favourite? Stuff like that. I'm currently doing an efficient run of FFV on my phone and FFXIII on my Xbox. 13 is my guilty pleasure when not playing Farcry 3 or Borderlands 2.
  10. Life


    Actually, I was referring to myself.
  11. An equivalent question would be: If pirates couldn't use weapons, would they be less effective?
  12. Life


    Means "warrior" in Hebrew. Essentially combat soldier (what I am).
  13. This is normal. You could solo the game with Reyson.
  14. Why do you give a shit? Does the existance of Forum Games detract from your miserable little life?
  15. Life


    You all offend my eyes.
  16. Life


    Do you make it your life's work to annoy people with how faggotty you act?
  17. Life


    Im putting together a list of people I dont hate. Tang Fox Integ GJ Thats about it.
  18. I hate each and every one of you. Except for a select few. Oh and Tang, now that MSN is down, add me on skype.
  19. OR... Soren could be a woman. More possible that what you guys think.
  20. May restart this run on my phone. This is like that Fewest Steps run. Needs a fresh coat of paint.
  21. You hate school? Aww, poor baby. You know what I did today? I got up at 4 AM and watched a gate for four hours.
  22. People need to realize that this is Nintendo's series and Nintendo can do whatever they want to do. If they wamt to add third-party characters, don't bitch about that it should stay a pure Nintendo series. They're big boys and can decide for themselves what's good and bad. If Sonic or Snake exist, it really doesn't matter because people will still buy the game. Nintendo don't need defending of thier actions by you. I'll never understand fanboys.
  23. I'm doing a rerun of FFXIII (when I'm at home now that I've beaten Borderlands 2 and am working on Arkham City and Farcry 3) and I truly have to say that Hope and Vanille are shit characters, what with Hope being an overboard crybaby and Vanille being generally batshit crazy. Also, if you're going on an efficiency run, the game doesn't hold your hand at all. A lot more customization exists even as early as Chapter 3 if you're looking to 5* every battle.
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