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Everything posted by Life

  1. For fucks sake, a lot of people who open their mouths here have no fucking clue pabout what they're saying. First of all, the guy who said that people confuse confidence with game is almost correct but also wrong. Confidence is game but game is not confidence. Game is also understanding that a ton of women also go out looking for hook-ups and also have game. No fish is ever easy to catch but she either requires money or effort. Example: I went out last night with a friend and slightly embaressed a girl at the bar. But because I have game, I was able to erase my asshole status by apologizing, having a general conversation about everything and anything and buying her a beer. I'm not saying that this is how to do it (I also learned Game at a very late age but learned it properly) but the fact remains that she was also looking for a hook-up too. Being an asshole is not game. Being an asshole is being an asshole. Being a nice guy is not game. Being a nice guy is being a sucker. But self-confidence? That defines game.
  2. As much as I agree about Kuja, it's wrong to claim that Kefka is in the same boat at Sephiroth. Kefka also succeeds in turning the world into his bitch (the problem is that he doesn't do anything about it and lets the good guys waltz on into his home) while Sephiroth kinda just... fails. However, The Emperor is still the best FF villain of all time. Fucker comes back from hell just to fuck with Firion some more.
  3. I disagree. Healthy relationships can be and are sometimes built on the premise of the sex. Mostly because sex itself is a part of human nature. Sex can easily be the focus of a relationship that lasts. I'm not saying that it's everything but it can certainly be the focus.
  4. RD doesn't exist. I like to pretend that it's a completely different world with different characters. Even by FE low standards for storytelling, RD attempts and succeeds at embarressing the franchise
  5. Army so I have a very on/off schedule without going to a gym. We usually do a run every other day that's between 4~7 km (4 will be at a fastish pace of 4:20/30 while 7 will sit at an easy pace of 5), push-ups/sit-ups and a LOT of military exercises which means ~12 kg on you (combat vest, water, gun and mags) plus whatever you're carrying for the exersize. Stretch is an extra 7 kg, water pack is 10.5 kg, radio CAN be 12 kg (depends on the type) and if you're a sapper, the monster (mine) pack is almost 60 kg when it's full. And we do a shit-ton of walking. There's other things that can be carried but I'd prefer not to divulge them. Basically, heavy loads.
  6. Both sides of the Sephiroth/Kefka debate. And toss in Aerith. Personal bias aside (I can't be assed to beat FFVII because I'm of the opinion that the game itself isn't as good as VI), anyone who gets themselves into this debate is fucking retarded. Considering that Kefka can easily be beaten by a 10 year old girl, 70 year old man, stuffed animal and yeti while Sephiroth gets his ass kicked by a guy that hallucinates, tits and a faggot dressed up like a vampire, both suck balls. Aerith is the one that actually gets on my tits though. No personality, shit combat and a shaky (at best) connection to the plot does not mean that people should cry when she gets offed. Nor is she the first in the series from your party to die (Josef/Ricard/Minwu in II, Tellah in IV but the one that matters and comes out of left field is Galuf in V when the player has a connection to the guy, not to mention that he's vital to the plot). Basically Aerith gets FAR too much love.
  7. For those of you new to A Song of Ice and Fire, Robb was never a main character. That being said, the King's Landing Wedding is going to now be hilarious.
  8. You have cerebral palsey. That means that if people don't understand that you spend more effort than they do to breathe in oxygen, they're not deserving of that oxygen. Religious Christians (which sounds like an oxymoron) don't get it. It's not you, it's them. According to them, just faith in Jesus allows you to overcome anything and if it's something serious, you deserve that shit and hell to boot. At least Jews and Muslims (talking about the religious ones here) are smarter than that; it's a trial that Hashem/Allah wants you to overcome because you can. Which is still retarded if you ask me. Point is, f*** what the people at your church say.
  9. We were talking about this a couple days ago. Essentially, there are thre reasons to follow rules: 1) Fear of the punishment. 2) Looking to please others and be a personal example. 3) Understanding and agreeing with the law in question.
  10. I'm back to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of gum. In all seriousness, I wasn't intending to ninja the thread but I'm kinda in the middle of commander's course so.... Busy all the time. Methinks that you don't understand English that well.First of all, as Eclipse and others pointed out, this is attention-seeking. Putting a rant on a public forum is looking for attention because you are seeking APATHY (my English is receding so I probably spelled that wrong). Whatever, I couldn't give two shits about that. My problem is with you seeking SYMPATHY. You make yourself out to be this perfect little thing that is only taken advantage of... without considering the possibility that you may be throwing gasoline on the flame. Which leads into my next point. Guidence councillors aren't miracle workers. They can't help you cope with medical problems and from tgis response, it seems like you may be causing your own anti-social problems. Which becomes a vicious cycle and you really only have yourself to blame. That is if you can drop this infuriating "I'm the victim" act because you oversold that performance harder than Nicholas Cage. The fact of the matter is, Asperger's is not a mental illness which includes feeling sorry for yourself as a symptom. Which is probably the reason you have so few (if none, no idea) friends.
  11. I'm going to rage now. Boo fucking hoo. This isn't the forum to run crying with personal problems, especially when you attempt to gain sympathy by telling a greatly exaggerated sob story. Don't play victim by trying to make others seem evil. You have Aspergers? Ok. Talk about it in a positive light. Look for medical solutions and share ideas with us in a positive light. But do not come here and expect sympathy from me. Try FFtF for that. The pity fest here disgusts me because this comes across as a plea of attention.
  12. Let's start talking about real games. Like the original Deus Ex. Or Ratchet and Clank (probably UYA). Or even Diddy Kong Racing. Whoever said SMG should be shot.
  13. To be considered a masterpiece, a book must have an EFFECTIVE ending. Eclipse explained perfectly why HP's revised ending would be better. Or take a book like... Let's go with Alice in Wonderland (or Through the Looking Glass, my Lewis Carroll isn't up to par). Is the book better if it turns out that Wonderland is real? No, the realization that Wonderland stems from Alice's brain opens up a whirlwind of discussion about her sanity and reliability as a narrator, thereby having the more effective ending.Speaking of HP, I would claim that it's a masterpiece.
  14. Best ending for Harry Potter would have been Harry waking up in his cupboard underneath the stairs. Realistically, childhood love stories come out bad for the most part. They're completely unrealistic and usually complimented by bad writing. There was a French movie that did it really well (name escapes me for the moment) but in general, they're stupid.
  15. Toronto, Canada. Lot of stuff, be honest. Many movies (including Catch Me If You Can) have been shot on the streets and we hold one of the biggest film festivals around the globe yearly (TIFF is really only eclipsed by the Cannes Film Festival). CN Tower used to be the father of all towers for the longest time too. Holon, Israel... I'll get back to you folks on this one. It's a suburb of Tel Aviv though?
  16. Life

    Texas Explosion

    Are you people really that stupid? Suddenly every little thing is a terrorist attack? Fertilizer is highly explosive while being processed. In fact, homemade bombs use it. That being said, this was a fertilizer PLANT. No shit the place exploded..., the video showed the place on FIRE.
  17. Mordi > Muarim is fishy to me too. Muarim comes with the Demi Band (meaning that it doesn't exist before 16) and has much better raw stats than Mordecai. I'm not saying that Morde is useless pre-15 but Muarim can at least hold on for much longer and then can shed the Demi Band late-game and still work around his Laguz gauge due to it not starting at 0. It's great but still better than Morde's situation. Both are too high regardless. Laguz bar is that crippling in this game.
  18. You forget that the ultimate goal of Nazi Germany was to eliminate all those not of the Aryan race. Hence why it was more than just Jews targetted (Roma, blacks, Poles...). They just went apeshit when it got to the Jews.On a relevant note, today is Rememberance Day for all Israeli soldiers who fell in defense of Israel over the past 65 years. We do, however, also have a day for remembering all the Arab soldiers that died fighting against us. That would be tomorrow if anyone's interested.
  19. You're not serious about my case. Because if you are, you're far too idealistic in this world. There are two main problems with your thought process. I'll lay them out nice and straight for you: 1) Are you telling me that if a soldier dies intentionally, it's better than if a civilian dies accidentially? Keep in mind that the combat soldiers in this army are KIDS. Had I gone into Gaza, my friends who would be with me could lose thier lives at age 18/19. They have family, friends, girlfriends and lives. On Saturday nights, they go out drinking with buddies. On weekends, they are as much a civilian as the hypothetical civilian that lost his life since they were defending their own. When you ask your question, just remember that the soldiers are just as human as you are. 2) What about human shields? If a terrorist holds up a baby and I kill him and the baby, am I still a criminal? A "yes" answer here tells me that you are naive and should probably leave this topic before I actually get offended. I haven't checked your age yet but it sounds like you're under 20, probably about 16/17. If so, you need to grow up before entering into discussions such as these.
  20. Wrong. You ignore math. Let me bring up some recent examples. - Me proving that Stefan at base level with an Iron Blade has equal attack to a ?/7 Lethe when you continued to claim that Stefan needs Silver to beat her in attack. Coincidentially, you never replied to that point. - Me showing why Haar with a Silver Axe after an Arms scroll 2HKOs the rest of FE9, regardless of his speed. That was something that nobody can replicate but you looked at his AS and determined that MT means nothing. Must I go on? But the real problem that I have with this answer is the fact that you are trying to justify supports as being worth 1/3 of a unit's worth. Keep in mind that a support's bonuses melt away when there is a distance of over three squares between the units... Like Mordecai and Ilyana. Have a problem with Jeigans. I couldn't care less. But nobody is forcing you to be here. If you're sick of talking to people with more intelligence than you, leave. Stop threatening to do it already and either put your money where your mouth is or sit down and shut up. Are you really that pig-headed about units? Tier lists are not ranked BY movement. It just so happens that sone of the units with the best combat also have the mose movement. And you still need to show why combat is not related to efficiency because the two are intertwined, no matter how hard you're trying to seperate the two. I don't know where to begin. Ok Snowy. I want a specific example of where +2 Def from a support is going to make a huge difference. Let's have the example from about chapter 18. In fact, I want multiple examples from that chapter. If you can't do that, then yes, the bonus IS negligible. That's before you consider gimping the movement range of your own units and reducing efficiency. Oh wait, supports now has a toe in the door of efficiency. So that's another problem in your analysis. Lastly, the tier list is not LTC. How many times do we have to tell you this? Not everyone here is Jushiro who argues over mundane thing like a single shove. Efficiency is being able to finish the game with a RELATIVELY (not bare-bones) low turn count but use resources to their fullest ability. This is the cause of all of your problems. You fail to differentiate the two and equate them instead.
  21. You clearly don't understand what it means to be a soldier. Let me give you a good and very realistic example. I was "supposed" to go into Gaza in November as part of Operation Pillar of Defense due to me being a combat soldier in the IDF. My section commander told me that after night falls, if I see something moving without a helmet, I'm to shoot first and ask questions later. Why? Because better collateral damage than one of our own. Yeah, we try to avoid collateral damage when possible (a lot more than any country in the world) but shit happens in a warzone. Had I shot an innocent civilian, would that make me a criminal? Keep in mind that I could in theory wait to identify the person at the risk of mine or my friend's lives. But it would be one less unnecessary death.
  22. 1) I did and you refused to acknowlege my post. Which is pretty usual for you since you tend to ignore any and all empirical evidence brought against any claim you make. 2) Which is fine... except for the fact that your first two catagories are directly related to one another. In most cases, the better a unit's combat is, the more that unit contributes to efficiency. And vice versa. Obviously exceptions like Tauroneo and Reyson exist but this trend is pretty consistant across the board. Even a blind man would see this on a graph. 3) If supports are given that much weight, something is going wrong. Especially because they are in play for maybe 50% of the game and are pretty negligible for the most part with the exception of Earth affinity.
  23. Five days late on this one but whatever. Snowy, there was a reason why I tanned your hide on that list. Because supports were being considered more important than... flying or staff utility. We insult you not because of your stances. We insult you because of your general lack of intelligence. The two become entertwined when you fail to support any position that you hold. The issue is that you have a misunderstanding of what viable logic is (Titania being fantastic) or a clear ignorance for number-based facts (Lethe vs. Stefan). Learn the difference (and elementary level math while you're at it).
  24. Remember back when I was a newly drafted soldier and all excited to be in basic training? I think I just up'd the ante, considering that I'm learning how to be a commander of soldiers. Suck on that.
  25. Life

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Super secret vote for myself. (wouldnt return even if you all sucked me off)
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