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Everything posted by Life

  1. You do realize that Conservatives tried to give her the benefit of the doubt? What do you want them to do? Ruin the man's life based on an unfounded allegation? Because that is what this was. We aren't talking about all cases or the majority of them. We are talking about this specific case with these specific facts. Or lack thereof. And this is coming from someone who didn't want Kavanaugh as a justice (me). If Kavanaugh doesn't get the job, his professional life is now ruined without any proof being brought forward. This makes me want to teach my sisters to accuse men of sexual harassment and assault if they want anything because of the "believe all women even in the absence of evidence" narrative.
  2. You need to provide evidence of the accused committing a crime before locking them up in a cage? For the record, I'm almost directly quoting Jimmy Dore here.
  3. I do not know why I'm responding but here we go... 1. Let's face it. The whole thing was a political sham. Not a single person in there cared about Ford or Kavanaugh. The Democrats wanted Kavanaugh smeared at any cost (as he deserves to be but that's because the only thing he's raped is the 4th and 5th amendments) while the Republicans just want a conservative on the bench. And if you're willing to take a side and dig in, you're part of this. Any person with some sort of ethics should feel disgusted by every single party's actions regarding that hearing. 2. The Democrats have bigger faults than just "laying land-mines for questions". Doesn't mean that the Republican's don't have serious faults in character but don't pretend that the Democrats are morally better at any point. They're just not worse than the GOP. 3. I bet you a nickel that you'd never support the Republicans on anything because you'll never think that they're in the right. 4. Neither side is being principled. The American left wing generally has no principles (they care about expediency over consistency) while the American right are typically hypocrites regarding their own principles. However, it is incredibly short-sighted to claim that the left wing is not filled the brim with corruption and crimes. Accusing the right of those charges is quite literally the pot calling the kettle black. 5. Obama might have been denied a SCOTUS. OK. But you know what nobody ever accused Merrick Garland of doing? Raping a women without a shred of evidence. It's hilarious when I listen to Lindsey Graham and have to agree with what he says. Hell, he's made actual liberals say "holy shit, Graham is actually saying something intelligent". Like the time that a woman screamed at him that she had been raped and his answer was "I'm sorry, go to the police" (which is the absolute right thing to say). It feels like this is going to fall on deaf ears but the point is that both sides suck and whenever someone accuses the other of doing something, they're being completely self-unaware that they do the same exact thing. The way people have been treating Kanye should be evidence enough (I've seen people who claim to be for compassion and social justice call Kanye absolutely vile names like "house nigger").
  4. Not that I want to defend the man but this is important. Kamala Harris never asked if Kavanaugh would be OK with an FBI investigation. She specifically asked him to request an FBI investigation in order to clear his name. Check it out for yourself, there is a major difference between the two. Mostly because Kavanaugh answered the first question but did not request an investigation. Why would Kavanaugh need to request an FBI investigation if he is innocent until proven guilty? The only reason I can think of would be so that a full investigation would stall out the nomination until after midterms.
  5. That was a close game. And remember, Allen still had to pull off his first career game-winning drive to pull it off.
  6. Because of course we turn over the ball with 8 minutes left. What a Bills move. This team is KILLING me.
  7. This "roughing the QB" penalty stuff is starting to get ridiculous. Jerry Hughes actually had to pull up on an obvious sack because he was worried about taking the penalty.
  8. That was not a good throw, Ben. And Cleveland is going to make this division competitive. AFC North is fun this year.
  9. Why, what's happening? I'm paying attention to Bills/Titans (which is surprisingly competitive).
  10. Well, Week 5 is upon us and the Bills have the... 3-1 Titans? Yeah, we gonna lose this one too. QBs should be banned from ever taking timeouts. I rage every time I see a QB take a silly timeout when I know that I'll need it at the end of the half or game.
  11. Well, it would feel "meh" if you're used to always going to the playoffs. Which still tells me that you're unappreciative of this organization because some teams DON'T even get to be "one and done" in the post-season. Like mine, as I've pointed out many times over.
  12. You went to the playoffs. That's not "mediocre". Hell, last season, you had a first round bye. A "mediocre" season is 6-10 or so.
  13. Let me give a great example. The assumption is that the Buffalo Bills are going to be the worst team in the NFL this year (one I agree with for certain reasons). The team is 1-3 (should be 0-4) with all three losses being blow-outs. And yet, I am not calling for the entire coaching staff to be fired. Because they have been with this team for a grand total of 21 games (17 games last season and 4 so far). It doesn't mean that there aren't issues with the team but I would be entirely overreacting to want the coaching staff gone. Do you see why it is hard for anyone to take your opinion seriously? Nobody said that you can't have an opinion. But it doesn't mean we can't say that your opinion is terrible for X reasons.
  14. You could ask me what I'm saying but I realize that it's easier for you to project. In case you were wondering, NoirCore is exactly right (Freudian slip). The bold is important. Of course you should want them to win every single game. Your problem is that you expect them to, no matter how much you claim you don't. How do I know this? Because it is Week 5, the Steelers are 1-2-1 and you have already called for the entire coaching staff to be fired and the owners to sell the team.
  15. You are unappreciative of how good the Steelers are. Your analogy sucks.
  16. This. The next time you feel disappointed in your team, think this: What would a Bills/Jets/Vikings/Chiefs/Browns/Lions fan say? You know, fanbases that don't get to win any championships and deal with heartbreak more often than the Steelers just simply lose? You say "just one Superbowl in the last five years". I used to say "just one post-season birth" until last year... and I had been saying that for nearly two decades. I know what turnover looks like. You don't want to know what it looks like and watching you call for it because you're not the single most dominant team in the conference is entirely spoiled. And I will call you out for it when I see it.
  17. My point is that you are over-reacting to every single loss, no matter how much you claim to not be. You said above that teams try to get to and win the Superbowl, not just playoffs? That's not true. Because some teams (like mine) don't get to go to the playoffs. And when I see you whine and bitch about how you want everyone fired because you haven't had a Lombardi trophy win in 10 years, it shows how underappreciative you are about how good the infrastructure in your team actually is. Miss the playoffs three years running and then we can have a conversation where I'll take you seriously if you suggest coach and GM changeover. Until then, I find your attitude unbelievable. tl;dr You don't appreciate what you actually have in Pittsburgh.
  18. Oh, boo hoo. Before December 31st 2017, the last time I had seen the Bills play a game in the post season was the '99/'00 season. That was 17 years. I had been 8 years old and I didn't get to experience it again until I was 26. And to add insult to injury, that last game had been the Tragedy in Tennessee (also known as the Music City Miracle). Between those two dates, the Pittsburgh Steelers are 15-9 (excluding this last postseason since it happened after the drought was broken) in the post-season alone. So cry me a river about how bad your team is. I would switch places with you in a heartbeat if I could.
  19. Decided to walk down memory lane a bit and found this. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/468480-fire-emblem/39857516 Ah, the days that people actually thought that Oswin was going to support with Dorcas during HHM? Anyone else remember this shitshow?
  20. Can't believe I missed this... I remember when Tangerine and I both joined this forum from GameFAQs as a way to be shit-disturbers. Now I'm still a shit disturber but... hell, will miss those good times from a decade ago. Time flies, doesn't it?
  21. Remember when we used to shoot the shit together and insult just about everyone?

    Good times.

    As an aside, can't believe I'm coming up on 9 years membership on this forum.

  22. Steelers finally looking like they won't be 1st in their division and Ana now wants new owners, never mind new everything. Get used to losing, girl. It sucks.
  23. I hope you guys are enjoying my weekly hot-takes on the topic title (but if y'all got any better hot takes in the future, share 'em).
  24. This offensive line is ugly to watch. How we actually managed to drive the ball on the Vikings last week, I'll never know. I want first overall pick.
  25. My buddy from Boston actually thinks that the Pats will be lucky to win the division this year but I'm with you. Won't believe it until I see it.
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