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  1. Tactics, Exp and Combat. Tactics - Very simple. Turn counts matter. Remember, Chapter 2 can take 10+ turns due to 4 Move on everyone. Exp - Also self-explanitory. Gain X levels by the time you finish the game, spread out on however many units you want. I would assume that a number like 751 or so would probably be sufficient for a serious challenge. Maybe a bit higher. Combat - So this I would have as a two part rank (as a way to keep you from breaking the game with Wyverns only). It would calculate both the total losses (Divine Pulse does not reset the counter, you must restart the month to reset) and total number of types of units at play at all times. Having 3+ of a single class (Byleth is an exception while in a beginner class) on a map at the same time would lower this rank. This would both force you to play very cautious (since Divine Pulse is now out of the question) and properly plan out a team of different classes to avoid having 6 Wyverns at the same time. That's my opinion on how to do ranks. I'd totally be down for this. And for the record, a perfect rank should be very hard to achieve but not impossible.
  2. I can confirm that a C Support with Caspar and D+ Brawling recruits him. Got the Brawling rank without having ever equipped Gauntlets on Byleth (rank achieved solely from base and faculty lessons). 17 Str at time of recruitment, for the record. Just realized someone else posted this above.
  3. White Nationalists actually hate Conservatives (has to do with most White Nationalists also being socialists) and the reverse is also true (due to Conservatives not being racial collectivists by sheer virtue of ideology). But sure, let's just throw out the idea of freedom of association and not even allow people to speak to each other. Also, if the Democratic Party wasn't pro-mass immigration, White Nationalists would most likely vote Democrat because they actually agree with the majority of Democratic policy. They just hate mass immigration (and anti-white racial collectivism) to the point that they'll vote against their own principles. Even the boogieman Richard Spencer has said that he agrees with 80% of Bernie Sanders' platform. I'm not scared of these people and I'm a Jew. They're not the ones who will put me in a re-education camp.
  4. This game is very similar to Final Fantasy 7 in a way; both would be better games without Byleth/Aeris not existing. And it's pretty easy to do so. - Instead of Byleth's point of view, we take the lord's PoV. - Each house has a different professor who contributes minimally to the plot but can join the lord you control. That keeps the tutoring mechanic intact and gives another two-way support. - Remove the entire SotC subplot or tack it on to the lord's story. We've already established that the story changes depending on which house you pick and how Edelgard and Lysithea were experimented on as children. Boom, plot line. The global war is already interesting enough to make that a focus. We've effectively lost nothing because Byleth feels shoehorned into the story (and Jeralt really feels like a poor man's Greil). Plus, the game has to now try to explain why Byleth would ever side with Edelgard after she attacks Garreg Mach.
  5. This would have been an excellent idea. I liked that about FE5 because Fergus and Karin were great... but slightly less so indoors. I still hate Manster to this day. I still can't believe that we got FE4 style Canto in this game. Absurd.
  6. First game was FE7 about... 18 years ago, still own a hard copy of FE9 and favourite game is either FE4 or FE7. I'm actually not incredibly familiar with Awakening onwards but I grew up on GBA/NGC games. Which reminds me, I should probably restart my S Rank runs of FE7 from 8 years ago. The lack of stat caps does annoy me a bit since there is no reason to not go full Wyvern aside from "well, let's just try everything out and have some variety".
  7. Personally, I would love to see a Ranking system that's introduced in Lunatic like the SNES/GBA games that forces things like money and Exp management (like if you're going to ape FE4 pretty hard, might as well take that ranking system too) rather than just a straight buff to enemy stats and Vantage. Ranks are the only reason why I still play FE7 at all. But yeah, I find it funny that while I thought IS mitigated those issues, it turns out "nope, it's even more silly than previously because of Wyvern Riders".
  8. Fair enough. But you see what I mean, right? At least some thought went into some of these issues.
  9. I'm actually playing FByleth because I abhor MByleth's design (it's REALLY bad) and FByleth actually looks great (it's the face). Dedue's my first pick because I watched the Ingrid/Dedue C support and instantly wanted to give him a happy ending.
  10. So, I just bought 3H for myself and yes, this game definitely sits up there as one of the best FE games that they've ever made. I have my criticisms but I really want to talk about the three main things that always defined a good/bad unit in the universe and see if IS learned their lesson. I'm only halfway through Chapter 3 but I've seen enough gameplay to make an accurate assessment in my opinion. 1. The higher the Move, the more useful you are. What makes a unit "bad"? Well, the first answer that comes to mind in this series is low Move. Paladins are always the best units in an FE game due to good stats and a horse. Meanwhile, Generals are generally bad simply because a Paladin can usually kill an enemy before the General gets there. Kinda makes certain units obsolete. Even for casual players, who really wants a 5 Move General to fall behind the rest of the army on the first turn? Did IS solve this problem? Well, I'm only on Chapter 3 and Stride is literally the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. You mean I can now have Dedue move 9 spaces into the middle of an army on Turn 1 and just sit and tank? Wow, now I can come up with new strategies instead of "give everyone a mount" and have them still be relatively efficient. Yeah, I think IS finally realized that low Move units need some help. It's still going to make high Move units into gods (I can't wait to Stride Paladin Dimitri and see him move like... I'm guessing 14 tiles) but this is a lot more impactful for low Move units who can actually now do stuff and not be too punished for it. 2. The only stat that actually matters is Spd. What is the best skill in FE4? If you didn't instinctively say "Pursuit", go and play FE4 again. The ability to double an enemy gives that unit 2x the offensive ability on the spot. It's really hard to undersell how important it is to hit an enemy twice instead of once. Did IS solve this problem? Well... I want to say yes but it might be too early to tell. I like the fact that weapons are really heavy and gimp your AS... while C Heavy Armour gives -3 Wt as a skill. I've seen Ashe double an Iron Sword Myrmidon while he has a Lance and this was in Chapter 2 (even took a picture because nobody else is doing that). That's pretty cool. We'll see as the game progresses but I really like this new formula that actually has me considering Wt seriously. 3. Flying utility is god. Mekkah's old Top 30 Units of all time list has the "Chicks with Wings" sitting pretty simply because of flying ability (Karin/Thany/Florina/Vanessa). If you can fly over things, that makes you instantly more usable than a unit that cannot fly. Did IS solve this problem? Lol no. All in all, really impressed so far by the gameplay. The story is pretty good aside from my main issue of being bogged down by Byleth's sheer existance. And like everyone else, I'm floored by the music score. Since I bought a Switch solely for this game, damn, I'm impressed. Your thoughts?
  11. I literally just bought a Switch today for this game. This means I have a NGC, Xbox 360 and now a Switch. Anyway, does anyone know the AS formula regarding Wt and Str?
  12. Watching Luck's press conference now and I'm heartbroken for the guy. You can see it on his face that he did not want to do this but put his own health first. I just wish he did this back in April instead of two weeks before kickoff. I don't blame Colts fans for being upset, though. The hot takes are terrible, mind you, and Doug Gottlieb should be ashamed of himself.
  13. On paper, the team is actually pretty good. Specifically the defense. You are making a mistake by counting out the Browns before the season starts. Mind you, I hope the Browns shit the bed because it would make the entire NFL media mad.
  14. I completely agree with you on this. And yet, I have been watching football from a betting perspective for 15 years which is funny because I'm only 27 and my dad taught me how to bet on football from the age of 12. Vegas' accuracy with understanding lines and odds is absurdly good and just handwaving it because you're a Steelers fan is how Vegas steals your money. There is a reason why I never bet on Bills games at all. It's because I'm too emotionally invested to actually watch the game properly. Same thing here. I don't think the Browns win the division... but I will agree that it is more likely that they do than Pittsburgh.
  15. Because that one city is where all the money of people who bet on football concentrates. Vegas knows more about football than you or I COMBINED.
  16. Superbowl favourites is a joke. But Vegas has the odds of the Browns winning the Superbowl at 18/1 (bet $1 to win $18) while the Steelers are 20/1 (bet $1 to win $20). That means that it is more lucrative to bet the Steelers because you can win more money... due to Vegas believing (and they set odds based on how people bet, by the way) that the Browns are the best team in the AFC North. Meanwhile, my Bills are 100/1. How about AFC North odds alone (this is just to win the AFC North)? Cleveland Browns 5/4 Pittsburgh Steelers 8/5 Baltimore Ravens 7/2 Cincinnati Bengals 16/1 Browns are favourites to win.
  17. Sorry to burst your bubble but the Steelers aren't even SB favourites in the AFC North. Browns are 18/1 while the Steelers are 20/1.
  18. You're right. It doesn't. That's why we should push for peace on our terms or raze it to the ground if no peace can be realistically achieved. As Golda Meir once said, "there will only be peace when the Palestinians learn to love their own children more than hating Jews". Rashida Tlaib confirmed it; her ideological position is more important than blood. It sounds awful but as I said above, Western morality doesn't exactly apply to lands that are run by theocracies from the 15th century and a fractured democracy circa 19th century. What makes it more frustrating is that we are willing to give up land that we won in defensive wars where we were invaded first for peace. We want two things: recognition that Israel is going to exist and Jerusalem (I personally would be happy to give up the second). Since we don't get either, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place while tying our own hands behind our backs. Western morality is so bourgeois and naive sometimes. Hell, we even end up doing this: https://www.timesofisrael.com/supreme-court-bans-extreme-right-gopstein-and-marzel-from-election-race/?fbclid=IwAR2tgBjgwSlKsXkz1DL2Mj7WzXCIRMZnDs9dqyOyNUp6zVWyTd2riOynkRY Yeah, our Supreme Court actually banned a party from running for the Knesset on the grounds that they are the spiritual successors of Kahane and would actually create an apartheid state.
  19. Me neither. I woke up to this news and my first thought was "maybe 10-6 is no longer the minimum to make AFC Wild Card". Which is great for me because I have the Bills realistically going 9-7 this season.
  20. Chapter 4: Roadside Battle Details: Once upon a time, I used to own the Nintendo Power guide to this game. And I remember it specifically saying "turtle in the corner and pray for your life". lol It also said "don't use Titania too much" but we all know the truth of that, don't we? Anyway, Titania, Shinon and Gatrie are meatshields as everyone else cleans up the scraps behind them. It's a Kill Boss chapter so go crazy since Maijin is pretty shit. Soren is fun when he procs Adept but that's 8% of the time at base so don't count on it. 4 Turns for max BExp. Ike 6.23 |23| 7| 3| 8|10| 9| 8| 3| Titania 2.54 |34|12| 5|14|14|11|12| 7| Shinon 1.30 Base Gatrie 10.37 |32|12| 0| 6| 5| 5|15| 0| Soren 1.91 Base Rhys 4.45 Base My Ike has gained more Res than Str until now. Even though his Res growth is 20% lower than his Str (50% to 40%).
  21. Chapter 3: Pirates Aground Details: I think this chapter exists because IS simply wanted to show players how good Titania is. Gatrie has 5 Move, Shinon doesn't have an enemy phase and Ike is the only unit who can possibly die (if you rush him in alone). Not to mention that Titania picks up a Hand Axe in this chapter to give her 19 Att at 1~2 range. That's pretty solid. The chapter itself isn't really worth mentioning. Titania effectively solos the ship, Ike follows behind to talk to Marcia while Shinon and Gatrie are on clean-up duty. Killing Havetti ends the chapter so the goal here is just to pump as many kills into Ike as possible. 5 Turn clear. Ike 5.65 |23| 7| 2| 8| 9| 8| 7| 2| Titania 2.04 |34|12| 5|14|14|11|12| 7| Shinon 1.17 Base Gatrie 9.30 Base
  22. Chapter 2: Rescue Details: I'm praying that my Ike doesn't get Str-screwed this time since I remember the first time I ever played this game, my Ike finished with 20 Str or so. So far, so good. As for this chapter, I usually clear out the upper left group first but this time, I just pushed straight to the boss and used Oscar's SUPER CANTO to hit and run on the flanking group. When Titania finally showed up, she and Oscar rushed Ikanau for a 5 turn clear. I forgot to mention: Titania has a monopoly on earlygame boss kills since she gets more bang for your buck out of them. Also, Oscar starts with C Lances. That's kinda impressive if not overkill since the first C level weapon is at the tail end of Chapter 6 (Short Spear upon Emil's death). Ike 4.69 |22| 7| 2| 7| 8| 7| 6| 1| Titania 1.62 Base Boyd 3.88 |31| 8| 0| 4| 6| 4| 5| 1| Oscar 4.68 |27| 6| 1| 6| 8| 6| 8| 1| Rhys 4.45 Base
  23. Chapter 1: The Battle Begins Details: I can't remember why Ike starts with 4 Iron Swords in his inventory but it is still funny. We get Boyd, Oscar and Titania and... well, we'll see if I end up using them. I do kinda want to use some more mediocre units this time and see if I can still be efficient. 4 Turn since my goal is simply max BExp via turns. Currently undecided on the Seraph Robe. Ike 3.26 |21| 6| 2| 6| 8| 6| 6| 1| Titania 1.28 Base Boyd 2.83 Base Oscar 3.85 Base
  24. So, a little bit of background. I bought my NGC in 2001 when it came out. Since then, it has moved halfway across the world, had to find new wires (including a special adapter to keep the power box from frying due to different voltages in the Middle East) and has effectively suffered through a lot of abuse. But why not dust it off and finally put to rest any questions of mine that I've had about this game for 15ish years? So, let's do it. Parameters are Hard Mode with no bands and a semi-efficient run. Sorry, I haven't really played this game in over a decade off of emulators (and my last file crashed at Chapter 13). Turn Counts (22😞 Prologue: Mercenaries Details: I forgot how manly Greil is. Far better character than Jeralt (no offense guys) because his death doesn't actually feel cheap. Adjusted my settings and trashed both Boyd and Greil in the mandatory 4 turn clear. As an aside, I really like this game's combat animations. They still hold up rather well nearly 15 years later. Ike 2.57 |20| 5| 1| 6| 7| 6| 6| 0|
  25. I pretty much agree with the idea of blaming the British if you need a quick go to answer but it's a lot more complicated than that. It's important to remember that the Jews and Arabs did some pretty awful shit to each other prior to Milchemet Ha'atzmaut (Israeli War of Independance) but since then, the sheer passivity of Israel is actually rather shocking. My position on it is very simple. We conquered the land, we don't owe the Palestinians shit and we've already paid our pound of flesh (second Shakespearean reference in 5 posts). As I said earlier, in this part of the world, might makes right.
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