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Posts posted by Lynsanity

  1. I want to stroke Harold's chin. ;_;

    Looks like S supports are pretty much confirmed, but Pokemon Amie in Fire Emblem? Damn son.

    Y'know I really liked Pokemon Amie for what it was, but something tells me it's a little less awkward when you're stroking Pokemon...

    On the other hand, between that and the Animal Crossing influence I can say for sure IS is directly after my wallet with this game. It's like all my favorite series getting stitched onto Fire Emblem

  2. My Castle being Hoshido only seems really strange. Why all that development work for something only in 1/2 the game? Why implement streetpass features for only 1/2 your user base?

    Fingers crossed for something comparable in Nohr. I mean, new ways to interact with your units is pretty much crack to me. I want those opportunities with the Nohr cast as well. Also we saw Nohr units in the My Castle mode? The gray-haired thief was there, and "Charlotte" seems very Nohrian...

  3. I really, REALLY hope they're not going to use sales figures of one version v. the other to determine how to make Fire Emblems in the future. For one thing, I'm excited for what both games have to offer, and wouldn't want either to be the last game in their style. For another, a strategy like that just seems kinda cynical.

    My hope is that IS got together after FE:A and asked "what kind of FE should we make next, this kind or this kind?" and someone was like, "why not both????" and that's what they did.

  4. Wasn't there a dev interview where they were nervous about getting Kozaki back because he would have "even more" characters to design than Awakening? It kind of sounded like FE14 had more characters than FE13 by a manageable margin, not 60+.

    I'm guessing each route will have roughly equivalent to the 1st generation of characters in Awakening. That would result in about 45, 50 characters.

  5. I'm most confused/intrigued by Leon's dark knight class. Is it a promoted class, or what? If so, why is Leon promoted, when seemingly all the other (non Marx or Ryouma) royal siblings are standard classes? Or is Takumi the Hoshido equivalent of a Sniper? Or are they not sticking to symmetry in this respect since Nohr is the more challenging route?

  6. Take the following scenarios I have from my reasoning/understanding of this:

    a.) Unit with unpromoted class promotes with a master seal at level 10, is now a level 1 promoted class -> class levels to level 16 in promoted-class (say they over-leveled by 1) -> Parallel seals at level 16 of the promoted-class, but since their level does not change, it is essentially a useless change since they cannot get the level 5 or level 15 skill of the class when level 16 of a different class.

    b.) Unit with unpromoted class uses a parallel seal at level 10 -> becomes another unpromoted class -> possibly does not get level 1 or level 10 skill of this new unpromoted class.

    c.) If they do give us the skills of the class as long as the level number is met, users will abuse this system and just use 2 or 3 parallel seals in succession after the unit hits level 10 unpromoted to get all the skills in their unpromoted tier, and do the exact same thing of using 2 or 3 parallel seals in a row when the unit hits level 15 promoted.

    This is interesting. Maybe the trade-off for parallel seal abuse is that the seals are expensive/difficult to hoard?

    I could see it working like in b), where you only acquire skills when you level up, not by using a seal. In that case, the only long-term benefit of pre-promotion parallel seals is, I guess, weapon experience in the different class tree? Or picking which lv 10 skill you want over others.

  7. I for one don't really need Kamui to have a "personality," and in fact as the player-character, it's possible the less characterization they get the better.

    Playing a game is very different from reading a book or watching a movie, but even in those media it's possible to have a main character just be a conduit through which we experience the world. It's not a bad thing. Maybe I just have Mad Max on the brain with the new movie out, but basically in every Mad Max movie, Max barely talks and acts only at key points, because the main character is really the world built around him. A lot of games do this for the player you control, and it's not necessary for that character to always be going "well I think THIS," for you to imagine how they would plausibly react to their surroundings. It's like wanting Link to talk in a Zelda game.

    In fact, the thing what annoys me the most in main characters is when they're given some stock "relatable" character trait, and it just makes them kinda whiny and entitled - I'm thinking Tidus in FFX, Harry Potter, maybe Naruto. Awakening didn't go down that road; the worst you can say about Robin is that they were a big dork.

  8. I'm pretty disappointed ninjas only have 5 mov. I was expecting them to be higher mobility to offset Hoshido's lack of mounted units. Plus, y'know, they're ninjas.

    And they only use concealed weapons? ...Why do we need 3 of them again? I get that the debuff effect will probably be really strong, but it doesn't sound like there's much variety between them.

  9. One nice little touch in Awakening is there were a few maps that took place at different times of day (sundown, for instance), and they would actually put a gradient over the characters' artworks during conversations, level-ups and such, to make them look more warm-colored or more in shadow.

    I hope that comes back in If, but if it's true that Nohr is always dark and Hoshido is always bright, maybe the characters will mostly be in the same lighting anyway...

  10. The placement of bows actually made sense to me. There's kind of a trope in Japanese media of skilled swordsmen being able to knock away arrows. That would be harder to do with something more unwieldy like an axe, and almost impossible to do with a lance.

    I don't get magic's placement on the physical triangle for the life of me, though. Why is magic strong against axe users, but less effective against lances and concealed weapons? Also knights get a weapon advantage against mages now, and that's a little weird.

    Someone mentioned in another thread that they're expecting more weapons that do magical damage, and I agree. Tomes can't be 95% of the magic damage output in this game, or you're making a whole stat (res) that's only relevant against 1/6th of the weapons!

  11. I dunno, just because she can't follow through with a super utilitarian act like that, that shouldn't count against her as blandness.

    I see where you're coming from though. I didn't think her supports were all that good either.

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