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Posts posted by Lynsanity

  1. Also, we were told that FE;If was it's own timeline that strays away from Awakening, so in those regards it can be seen as going against IS's initial word.

    Did IS use the word timeline? Or just say that it was a new "world"?

    I feel like this is the main source of unease here: that we jumped to conclusions about this game's relation to Awakening, and ran with ideas that IS didn't confirm. Namely, that FE14 would have Tellius-style, complete independence from previous settings. Then 3 Awakening characters show up and we're all like "what? This isn't exactly what I was expecting!! >:(" and "they EXPLICITLY SAID there would be NO AWAKENING", and it's like no, they didn't say that, and in fact they kind of hinted that something like this was coming.

    Anyway I agree with everyone that expies are tacky, and I'll join you in disliking those 3 characters if it's confirmed they're not actually the characters from Awakening, having traveled to the IF continent in their backstories. Because seeing copies so exact, that feels like what they should be.

  2. There's always been "nonsensical" fighting in FE. This thread is the epitome of nitpicking something that doesn't matter in the slightest, as far as "reality/making sense". You know this is a fantasy video game with monsters and magic right?

    ^ but it is nonsensical fighting that I don't like, that makes it completely different.

    Sorry for the straw-man there but that is what it kinda seems to me, if you don't personally like it fine but bringing real world fighting movements or physics into it doesn't make any sense to me.

    Art, especially animation, is informed by how real things move. It's "nonsensical" from a design perspective. I don't think people are complaining because it's not good renaissance fair combat recreation or whatever, but because it doesn't look good. Previous animations in the series often looked good (I'm partial to the ones from FE6-8, less so 9-12)

    It may seem like nitpicking but unless you turn animations off, you'll be watching these the whole game. They belong to the main characters!

  3. I don't dislike their attack animations for being "unrealistic," I dislike them for not communicating force at all. For all the goofiness of previous titles, they tended to at least depict straight, powerful-looking motions. All the twirling around and side-to-side movement of Kamui and Aqua's attacks does the opposite.

    Flourishes should come before a good, directional strike, not while you're bringing the blade down. Even if you had no experience with animation, if someone asked you to draw the keypoints of a strong-looking attack, you wouldn't draw their sword pointing in five different directions.

    The only Kamui animation I like so far is this one at 1:23, because the sword is kept on the same axis, and the flip serves to exaggerate the downward force. The twirly motions we've seen more recently don't accomplish that at all.

  4. Even if the AI stays the same with just a few pre-set pair ups, I'm really excited for what the new stances will bring to the game. Guaranteed follow up hits will mean a lot more damage output from enemies, so even though you want attack stance all the time you'll probably need to guard stance just to keep your weaker units alive, or to stop those 2nd hits from adding up. It's not just pair up and steamroll anymore.

    I also like how it eliminates some of the randomness from Awakening. Half the time I lost a unit it was because someone guarding a choke point crit or got a support attack when I needed them not to. Now I can guard stance or attack stance and be more certain of what will happen.

  5. I like the idea of this unit equipping tomes and hidden weapons. It's not like you can use a marionette to increase your own mobility without magic hijinks anyway.

    Also, if the tome usage comes with decent res, the triangle advantage of hidden weapons over tomes would make it a terrifying puppet mage slayer.

  6. Wait where was it confirmed maids are pre-promoted?

    Felicia can only reclass into Brave Hero, Bow Knight, and Strategist. It's been confirmed that units will only have one reclass option now instead of 2, in other words they can reclass into one other class tree. Bow Knight and Brave Hero both promote from Mercs. That suggests Maid/Butler and Strategist promote from the same unit (Rod Knights).

    Though even if, for some reason, Maid/Strategist aren't related, it's still telling that Maids can only reclass via Parallel seal into promoted classes. Usually special units like dancers reclass into basic units.

  7. This is weirdly one of the features I'm most looking forward to being spoiled when the game comes out. I want to see all the hair options. Because none of the 5 or 6 we've seen so far really appeal to me.

    Considering how this game is supposed to show cultural differences between Hoshido and Nohr, I think it would make sense for Kamui have different hairstyles like Hime cut, Samurai ponytail, regal ringlets. These are pretty important in Japanese history so it wouldn't be weird for this game to have them as customization options.

    I'm really hoping for a Hime Cut hairstyle for Fem!Kamui. Pls IS. Hairstyles don't seem to be restricted to builds anymore so I'm glad.

    I was about to point out that Kamui is raised in Nohr so having Hoshidan hairstyles available would be a bit weird, but then I remember you can change their hairstyle at will later in the game. Maybe Kamui defects to Hoshido and wants to get a hime cut! Unlockable hairstyles confirmed

  8. I'm still annoyed that they promised us a whole new world and then threw what are essentially characters from another world at us.

    I would have been fine with the design copying, although it seems a bit lazy, but copying their personalities almost exactly is just pathetic.

    Especially since I personally didn't like any of their personalities (except Inigo I guess, who's like Sain but not as awesome).

    What if by "a new world" they meant a new continent, with new areas, a new story, and (save for 3) completely new characters? Is that really that disappointing?

    The difference between that and a literal new planet/universe seems so inconsequential to me. I thought it would be cool to have an unrelated game, and now I think it would be cool to have a 98% unrelated game in the same world. They're both cool!

  9. I do wonder why Zero and Orochi are the only people being able to capture? They don't look like... the strong types.

    This is the weirdest part to me too. Zero would make sense if it was a trait of the thief class. But Orochi? And not ninjas or Tsukuyomi? There must be some info there we haven't gotten yet.

  10. What happened to "this game is not related to any of the other Fire Emblem games?" Outrealm antics automatically connect it to Awakening.

    I think we had taken this far too literally, given recent info. And Outrealms aren't the most likely explanation for these characters (if they bother to offer an explanation), it's just travel within the same world.

  11. I hope it's not just "execute everyone in their royal family" (not likely), nor "everyone gets to live" (more likely), but somewhere in the middle. Imagine Marx having to grieve the loss of Elise and Leon, and resolving to hunt down Kamui no matter what. Imagine Takumi being the eldest living Hoshido royal, his distrust grown to hatred. Imagine the imoutos being left by themselves!

    I hate the concept of "fridging" a character just to motivate another character, but going halfsies like this would both show the consequences of war, and leverage the strength of the remaining characters. Plus everyone can stay alive in the third path anyway

  12. pkomegapax, your list was missing Tsubaki! So make that 44.

    The both-route pegasus warrior prediction seems like a sound one, along with Crimson being in both routes (instead of a spotpass recruit or some other explanation for her appearing in a Hoshido castle). Giving you at least one other option for a flying unit in each route makes sense for gameplay.

    This is speculation, but I'm also pretty sure we'll see a male Oni in Hoshido (or Oni promotion... maybe even Rinka's dad!); Mercs, knights, fighters, samurai and lancers all have two reps each, and Oni as a unit looks to fall in that same cycle. Someone's gotta use all those maces!

  13. Camilla probably being promoted was a nice little under-the-radar reveal from that trailer. That suggests:

    -All the Nohr siblings except for Elise start out promoted.

    -All the Hoshido siblings except Ryouma start out unpromoted.

    That gives them the ability to ramp up the difficulty curve in Nohr even further.

  14. Okay, I will admit you have good points, that second point especially. But if we truly believe the Outrealms becoming a huge part of any character-that-isn't-DLC-related's backstory would be "good" world building, then there is a problem. Outrealms were literally made so that the developers could toss in things they'd otherwise have no reason/explanation for.

    I agree, Outrealms aren't my favorite explanation for Luna for this reason. I'd prefer they stay as a DLC thing.

    This game has been stated to be completely new, and while some may try to argue otherwise, it is meant to stand alone. If I recall, Awakening's press and such included info about "Marth", Lucina's alias as the masked swordsman which immediately told you that this world is connected to that one. It was also never stated that Awakening was in a new world, quite the contrary in fact. So when it is outright stated, should we not take them at their word?

    I think Vincent stated that "new world" interview might have just been PR-speak. I've definitely seen new Pokemon games described with "a new world to explore", but they don't mean it literally, because generally all those games take place on the same fictional planet. But game devs speak this way, because they want to assure players they won't be recycling the same maps and areas again, aka the "game world" in practice but not in lore.

    Anyway, I was fine with IF being in a separate universe, but if they're going to bring in conspicuous Awakening characters, I'd rather it be on a different continent in the same world. That still allows for an almost totally separate story.

    Then we have Severa herself. If it was her younger self, why is her personality so similar to her older one? If her parents were around, then her having the same kind of complex is... a bit out there.

    To be fair, we don't know much about Luna's personality yet, except that she's frowny and competitive. I'm thinking she'll be less bitter about her mom this time around.

  15. Luna seems to have the same personality Severa did at least. Anyway, the Nohr campaign isn't an "evil" campaign though and one of the Nohr exclusive characters even is a wannabe hero. They've just revealed too that Nohr is lacking in natural resources and needs fertile lands, while the initial trailer seemed to imply that Nohr was invading just for glory, so there's likely even more reasons behind this war that are still unknown.

    Also re: their joining Nohr, Nohr is the analogue to the countries involved in Awakening, due to their European flavor. I'd expect more travel and trade with them, if they do exist in the same world, than with (isolationist?) Hoshido.

    Honestly, I don't know why there is so much discussion about it. Luna is an expy of Severa. Fire Emblem does this sort of thing often. Severa was a general favorite, and has an elevated status due to being a child character. The if developers are just giving a nod to Severa fans, just as they apparently have with Inigo fans.

    I keep seeing this argument, but A) just because it's done often doesn't mean it's good world building, and B) a lot of the examples in FE people cite are either characters who are literally the same person, like Camus, or characters whose resemblance to past characters isn't as exact and immediate as Luna.

    Furthermore, if they're trying to appeal to Severa fans they're failing completely in my case. An expy doesn't appeal to me, it does the opposite. Especially when it's the same franchise, they own the rights to the character, and it would be so easy for Severa or her younger self to enter the events of this game.

  16. I like If's character designs more than Awakening's so far, in general. Awakening definitely wasn't all bad, but it felt too... overdone to me, I suppose you could say. I got into Fire Emblem when Blazing Sword was released in the west, and that game's relatively down-to-earth character designs were the sort of thing I came to associate with the series. The direction Awakening's art took was a little jarring to me, so I'm glad that If seems to be taking a step back from Awakening's style of rocket pauldrons, toilet bowl helmets, and big floppy wizard hats being the norm.

    Don't get me wrong; I love big floppy wizard hats as much as anyone. They're just not how I imagine Fire Emblem.

    It's funny you say this, because the character design I miss the most from the GBA games is the giant tank Knights.

    FE:If is scaling them down a lot from Awakening, and Awakening's already weren't doing it for me, especially the female knights. I want knights that look like Advance Wars tanks again. I want knights with that Juggernaut silhouette that clearly expressed what their class was supposed to do. I want Amelias in giant Gundam armor.

  17. I don't know, I really prefer there's an in-universe explanation for these characters, rather than it being wink-wink "why does this character look and act exactly like that other character? What a coincidence!"

    Those slots could be used for totally new characters, or they could be used to expand existing characters. It's weird to do neither. I especially like including 2nd gen post-Awakening kids, because they wouldn't be exactly like their Awakening versions. Maybe Luna has fewer mother issues because Cordelia didn't "abandon" her in the good timeline. Maybe not-Inigo is less of a womanizer because Olivia didn't pressure him as hard. Owain is a Dark Mage now, why? Answering that is way more interesting than learning about some random guy who just happens to look like Owain.

  18. Sweet! I wasn't sure anyone would bother translating this one, since it wasn't as meaty as the same day 9-minute My Castle video. But I'm always eager to see more of the characters expressing themselves. It looks like Barracks-format events just got put directly into the castle courtyard. At least we have Hot Springs convos to get a bit more unique dialogue? I guess?

    1:42 confirms the Mouth of Truth golem will be in My Castle, and you can probably have multiple ones. I wonder if they're for grinding, base defence, both? I hope a design that cool shows up in the main plot and not just a side feature.

    I like how Kazahana is really putting the hard sell on katana.

  19. No, I'm intending, if I'm wrong, at least that part between the arm and the point of the boob is the rest of the boob, and the patch covers only the line that we get from the perspective.


    Yeah, there's no space between the arm and the boob. I think you're looking at a seam down the middle of her boob patch.

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