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Posts posted by Lynsanity

  1. 40 minutes ago, Calico said:

    Bernadetta seems cute, but her Japanese voice is soo high-pitched. I'm glad the English version seems to be giving her a less high-pitched voice.

    Also, please don't let Bernadetta be Nina 2.0. Nina is my least favorite character in Fire Emblem by a mile. I hope her hobby is literally anything else.

    Wait, is there a snippet of her English voice somewhere?

    And I agree, I was caught off guard by how bright and high-pitched it was. You’d think someone so shy wouldn’t be projecting their voice so much.

  2. Thanks for these! This is an interesting subject to me, because even though I'm glad there's more freedom in unit customization than ever before, I'm glad there's also directions it seems like units "should" go in.

    I'm impatient for us to see the rank requirements for more classes in the game. Like if I invest in lances and reason for Hubert, is there actually going to be a class that can wield both lances and magic?

  3. On 4/25/2019 at 4:51 PM, Cysx said:


    I think there might be something very wrong with her face.

    Zoom and enhance:



    In all seriousness, it's hard to say how weird-looking she is with the like 20 square pixels available for her face in this shot, and the game's poor anti-aliasing.

  4. 4 hours ago, Guest Triggerhappyhavoc said:

    Something that I noticed while looking at the students again is that the Blue Lions have an unbalanced male to female ratio. Black Eagles and Golden Deer each have 4 guys and 4 girls but Blue Lions have 5 guys and 3 girls. So I think there could be 3 answers to this.

    1. One of the masculine looking characters in Blue Lions are female.                                                                                                                                                                                                               2. There are more than just 8 students per group and more join later in the game. (i.e. maybe that mystery girl we keep seeing joins Byleth after a certain chapter or something.)               3. One of the male characters we've seen isn't actually a part of Blue Lions and a girl we have yet to see is. (like mystery girl)                                                                                                           4. Dimitri just doesn't like women, no girls allowed.

    But what are your guys thoughts on this? 

    Definitely 3. The unnamed grey-haired guy is only seen in a training cutscene with Dimitri, that doesn't necessarily mean he's a student in Blue Lions. He could be another teacher, for example. Not only does he look older but in the cutscene he looks quite a bit larger than Dimitri, like a veteran knight.

    If the red-haired mystery girl isn't just a generic, Blue Lions is the house she would fit in. Unlike the other 2 houses, we haven't seen mission footage yet of Blue Lions' starting 8, that's the only reason it's unclear.

  5. The series is in an interesting place. It has more name recognition now than it did when Awakening launched - I've had coworkers and people who you wouldn't expect to be hardcore gaming fans reference Fire Emblem, even if their association is that it's for weebs. It's kind of on the level of a well-known anime. That, combined with being the first big entry on a super popular console, and the Nintendo promotion machine behind it, means they'll probably have a success on their hands.

    When you think about it, the only SRPG with as much name recognition as Fire Emblem is probably Final Fantasy Tactics, which is a "spinoff" series that hasn't had a new game in over 10 years. So anyone curious about general gaming can't help but be exposed to a new one on Switch - it's basically the vanguard of an entire genre.

  6. I understand why people don't like the artwork. Stylistically it's very flat, especially in the eyes. Some of the promotional art looks amateurish (i.e. the game cover, and the official full-body character art... they feel off-model somehow). However seeing hi-res versions of the in-game portraits, which you'll see all the time, those look very sharp and polished. That has me feeling better about the art in general.

    Also this is a small thing, but I like how all the portraits are looking at the viewer in this game. It invites the player to feel more involved in the goings-on. Not that I didn't like the classic Fire Emblem talking heads format. But this feels like a nice carry-over from SoV.

  7. 6 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:

    For here I'm not sure if the game has two different builds or there is some quality change in the settings. I prefer the look of the English version.

    I think the English trailer probably uses a later build. It looks like they've done more texture and shading work on it.

    I don't know why that English UI box needs to take up so much space for just 2 bows though!

  8. I have to assume it's some glitch in the rendering, or the light is hitting the tights' pattern strangely. Because no way would anyone design them to look like that right? They look like a Magic Eye picture.

    I guess we'll see once a full-body illustration of the character is released. The trailer literally only uses M!Byleth after the "choose your form" scene, so we don't get a second look at them.

  9. I followed this game's development for years and bought it day one, but now I don't think I'll play more than the handful of hours I've put into it. 

    It mostly nails the visuals and framework of a classic Intelligent Systems game, but with none of the gameplay speed and polish. It might sound weird to complain about the speed of a turn-based tactics game, but it's a huge thing. Players will be inputting moves and seeing them play out a hundred times every hour, so if the UI isn't snappy you really feel it. If you have battle scenes on (and why wouldn't you, it's like half the visual charm), but want to skip some as a chapter winds down, it requires 2 full seconds of holding the B button every. single. time. As if each attack is a AAA game's story cutscene that they're worried you'll miss. There's also smaller issues like moving the cursor past a unit's movement range and pressing A will cancel the move... basically the sum of it is, every move feels like it takes more precision, one more button press, and a couple seconds longer than it should.

    I watched the start of an Advance Wars 2 speedrun and you can get from game launch through the first story mission in 60 seconds. That's all just UI speed. I played a bit of AW Days of Ruin while I was waiting for this game to come out, and it's like night and day how much better it feels to play. The original GBA game is 18 years old. These are solved design problems. Apparently nobody at Chucklefish bothered to actually dissect the games they were inspired by.

    To their credit, they've heard community complaints and have promised to patch the speed of things like scene skipping. But another problem I'm seeing in the game, which I doubt they would patch, is the campaign maps are too damn big. You'll see some reviews criticize the length of campaign chapters, but I can't overstate how long it takes just to get from one end of a map to the other. I'm 6 chapters in, the game is basically still in tutorials with barely any units available, and the chapters are already taking 40+ minutes at a reasonable pace of play. That's ridiculous. My working theory is they based it on Advance Wars movement ranges without remembering that AW was played on a GBA or DS screen. This game was designed for 16:9 so it's like they felt the need to make every map 50 tiles wide. And the map designs themselves need more density and less blank canvas.

    The parts of the game that have reviewed better are the Arcade and Puzzle modes, but all their content is locked behind the truly terrible campaign. And while I often think people on this forum expect too much from video game writing, it's unusually bad here, like it got shuffled off to an intern or someone with no writing experience. Mercia is supposed to be princess of Cherrystone, but hasn't heard of the country that periodically invades her kingdom. The voice acting feels weirdly mismatched, like Valder looks like a boy under his Cubone skull but talks like a mature man? Did the same director not sign off on character designs and voice direction?

    Into the Breach is another tactics game I played while waiting for this to come out, and I easily recommend it more. I also just picked up Save Me Mr Tako! because it was 70% off, and that's already pulling me away from Wargroove. It's inspired by a broader range of titles, but has all the charm, ambition, internal logic, tight controls, and world building you would expect from a love letter to a certain era of games. Probably because it was made by a single dev who actually loved those games.

    Anyway woah! Why did I write so much! 

  10. 1 hour ago, DeoGame said:

    So, I was rewatching the Three Houses trailer and I saw what looked like a Turnwheel on the map of Fodlan (or maybe it was a compass) in the lower left hand corner. Do you think we will see it return?

    Personally, I hope so. I was skeptical of it but found myself really liking the mechanic as it saved time without mitigating the challenge. It was a godsend in some of Echoes' more egregiously brutal maps (Nuibaba's Abode, I'm looking at you). That being said, there may have been a slight bit too many cogs and I would've liked RNG results to be fixed so I could strstegize around instead of just hoping I'd be lucky. Ultimately, I really did like the mechanic though and hope it would find a way in Three Houses with some nsrrstive significance (Call it Gift of Seiros or somrthing).


    I didn't think of it at the time, but I agree that there were too many cogs. Especially because you kept finding more as the game went on, when the game ought to be getting more difficult, and the player more familiar with all the game mechanics, enemy types, AI, etc.

    I won't lie, I was still running low on them by the end of some longer dungeons. But I'm dumb and make mistakes all the time, and when you're on your last few turnwheels the gameplay feels more important.

    46 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I would LOVE to have this feature return, but... I feel it's unlikely to be a staple in the series. It's great and all, but how exactly are they going to justify its existence? It explains how it works in FE15 as the Turnwheel shows visions of the future. So are we going to pretty much have future sight every game now? 

    This reminded me I've been playing Into the Breach lately, and it has a similar setting-contextual reason for its limited rewind mechanic, because the characters are all jumping from alternate timelines. That said, I don't know if every strategy RPG really needs a lore reason for this quality of life change, even though it's great when there is one. It just kind of fits naturally with strategy gameplay, especially to undo your finger slipping and pressing "Wait" when you meant to use an action, or something.

  11. We don't even know if squads deplete.

    Squads made sense in Advance Wars because it was designed from the beginning for every unit to be a squad. Hence you had mechanics like combining weak units together, or doing less damage after taking hits. In Three House's Frankenstein situation, (presumably) every unit is a hero character with a squad of hangers-on around them. So will the squads take damage and deplete? Will there be a separate healthbar for the squad and the commander?

    I still hate that they went in this direction at all, but my hope would be they stick to one resource - the hero's health - for the sake of simplicity.

  12. Some of these are tough to answer because I already know how to feel about things like combat arts and free roaming, I'm very high on them, but I couldn't be more apprehensive of the generic troop formations, to the point where how heavily they're implemented could turn me off the game.

    I imagine it might be the same for someone with strong opinions on the characters so far, like maybe you love Edelgard but hate Dimitri. Does that average out to liking the characters or being unsure about them?

  13. 7 hours ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Thieves, they should be able to steal and pick locks, so that kind of utility would probably balance out the lack of a formation mechanic, plus a bunch of thieves running towards a single chest would look really stupid.
    Clerics, a pack of clerics would look hella adorable but sorta stupid. The lack of formation mechanic can probably be balanced through a LOT of healing magic, since other classes should have access to healing, Clerics will need a lot of different spells to stand out.
    Dancers, just IMAGINE a pack of dancers, yeah…and the utility of a dancer probably far outweighs the formation mechanic utility.
    Trainee units such as villagers shouldn’t get a whole battalion of units behind them, so perhaps a trainee class doesn’t have access to the formation command  because they aren’t a decorated fighter yet, but when they promote they gain access to this feature since they’ve “proven their worth” as a fighter.

    You're highlighting pretty much why I hate this entire mechanic. A series that used to be about individual growths and the valuing of every soldier's life, is now yet another war sim. You can't have a villager stand out as a character, learning to fight as part of a troop. Now the entire troop has to be villagers, or the villager needs to lead a troop like all the officers in the game, or be a standalone Rambo unit, to not just be another meat shield.

    Or take the treasure chests. Maybe it would make sense for a pack of thieves to run toward a pile of chests. After all, any item you get is an abstraction for something that can serve an entire troop, since presumably they all need iron swords, or elixirs, or what have you. I'm sure someone could argue this has been the abstraction in the series all along. Nevermind the heavy RPG mechanics or emphasis on inventory management and legendary weapons, no, FE needs to depict large-scale mook war!

    I'm a big Advance Wars fan and I still can't believe they want to cross the streams like this. I've seen people suggest formation only occurs on some maps, or with some unit types. I'm skeptical. We don't know how that formation attack comes about or how integral it is to gameplay. We need to see a lot more to know exactly how this bad, bad idea will impact the game.

  14. On 6/23/2018 at 6:50 PM, Sunsurge said:

    Actually, I'd argue that it is "akin" to SoV. Especially compared to the latest 3 entires (Awakening, Fates, SoV), this art style is definitely closest to SoV. Clearly it's a different art style overall (I mean look at the eyes), but that was also the vibe I got from the (limited) artwork. That they were closer to SoV in art direction this time around (which I personally love because I loved SoV art style and so far I love this art style as well).

    But I've seen it mentioned in several places that on initial impression it definitely feels closer to SoV art-style wise. I also think it was purposeful because it feels like a natural progression of SoV.

    Sorry, but I see no resemblance between the two. Compare:



    Everything about this is made to resemble more traditional media. Thick lines. Realistic textures on armor and fabric. That more wobbly, brush-like linework on the face. Cast shadows even across anime features. Lots of highlights. That "paper" texture over everything. VS:




    Everything here is made to look flatter and more like animation. Thinner, darker lines. Fewer highlights. No textures. Simplified shadows (even complex forms like the cape folds are just 2 tones). Some gradients even. It's not trying to look like anything besides digital art.

    I'm not trying to say one is better even though it's SoV, SoV IS BETTER, just that there was a clear shift to more painterly art direction in Echoes, and that's shifted back to portraits in 3H that could have come from Awakening or Fates, except their eyes are different. And again I'm only really comparing the 2D assets, it's possible people are seeing something Echoes-like elsewhere in the game, or in the pre-rendered cutscenes. I thought the in-game battle scenes looked really drab, but the Byleth model running around the castle made it clear there's some interesting shaders going on.

  15. The only assertion that bothered me was the art style being "akin to Shadows of Valentia". Huhhh? I'm not even someone who was against this art direction that much (at least not the 2D assets), but it definitely doesn't look like SoV.

    The squads doing a debuff to other squads à la Advance Wars is an interesting theory. Though that still doesn't explain why we see mostly commander vs. commander combat in the rest of the trailer. Is the "Formation" command like an alternate attack command that causes debuffs instead of damage? Can the formation attack only be activated at certain times? There's a lot that doesn't square yet until IS actually explains this game.

  16. If "FE units were always commanding big groups of generic soldiers" was an abstraction before in this series, it's an abstraction they should have maintained. It sure seemed to me like Lyn and Hector were fighting for themselves and their friends, and not walled in by a bunch of expendable meat shields. That's frankly a more exciting scenario.

    And if you think this is an attempt at higher realism, please see the attached image where the units are all identical clones of each other. It's actually comical. This is like something out of the Star Wars prequel series.

    And it would be one thing for this to be purely aesthetic, but there's clearly gameplay implications with the different formations seen. It's really like IS took the success of FE: Warriors too much to heart, and decided the main series should be more like that. I may be a bit irrational about this development, since I consider the musou series basically a blight on videogames.


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