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Status Updates posted by Amelia

  1. I know! Still trying! D:

  2. ....;~;

    I hate you!


  3. <333333333333333333333

  4. You.. YOU DIDN'T NOTICE?!?!

    I-I.. I thought i told you that already!

  5. WATCH IT.

    It's in my profile. >__>

  6. I told you already.

    And 1st - you are not Black cat/XIII

    2nd - Remove that OTP or I'll kill you.

  7. Damn, good job choosing the new set for the contest. >w>

  8. Actually... The song doesn't have to do anything with the apple. It has a different meaning.

    Well, in the vid, there's an apple but Marisa eats it. |:

  9. Bad Apple isn't really bad. :3

  10. YOU! Are welcome. :3



  12. Happy birthday.

  13. B-But... I'm listening to it! D:

  14. Bad apple!! xP

  15. I want red one.

  16. Amely wants apple!

    I dunno...

  17. Purr.

    I blame your school

  18. Whee~

    Cause it's not really your fault

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