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Status Updates posted by Amelia

  1. DIE!!!!!!!


  2. :3

    I can't really blame you for that.

  3. Awesome~

    So, why don't we talk through MSN more?

  4. Cool~ :3

    I actually remember MSN convo better than SF convo. [s/s]

  5. Really? o.o

    But can continue the convo wen we're on again.

  6. Yay~ Good Proto!!

    Well, sometimes, we're both online, but we don't talk. >:

  7. Yes. It's THAT good.

    Okay~. Also, funny how we only talk through comments although we have each other MSN. <:

  8. Nah. Awesome song with awesome bass never made Amely bored. :3

    Well... Uhm.. Yeah.

  9. Yes. Yes I do.

    You were wondering if apples are cheaper than milk! D:

  10. Bad Apple!! :3

    .... you don't want to buy more milk for kitty any more.

  11. *gives cookie* :3

  12. I put it as my MSN status, too.

    Evil Proto is evil.

  13. Kitty likes apples!

    But the songs name is "Bad Apple!!"

    [in my profile. :3]

  14. No. :3

    Bad Apple!! .w.

  15. Yes.

    Bad Apple!!


  17. Happy birthday~ :3

  18. ....So you don't find Rhythm attractive? 8D

  19. ....You have no taste.

    Whatever you say then.

  20. ....Then what do you see? >__>

    Nah, just tired of typing "Am not". |:

  21. Tear is soooooooooo cute. <3

    Oh... THAT

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