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Status Updates posted by prompto

  1. lolsrsly? That's kinda... stupid. I still don't get where Yuna learned how to sing... >_>

    I don't remember it being said before the Yunalesca battle. I know there was a hint when you went to the Farplane, but other than that...

  2. Eeee~

    So cute. Thanks~ <3

    You like gijinka, too? ;u;

  3. You mean Shuyin? You already spoiled Auron's death for me, so... ;~;

    Yeah, dresspheres and such? Oh well, I'll try to cope. At least Yuna has guns, I guess. :<

  4. ....



  5. Yes it is.

    I know, I've heard about it having too much fanservice and they changed the music and made it worse. But I want to think that I totally completed FFX with it. 8D

  6. Probably just a phase. I'll get over it. Thanks for worrying, though. :<


  8. Your spamfest was boring as hell.

  9. Skeptics suck. ;;

  10. FFX LuluXAuron Y/N?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ReformBlade


      I loathe this pairing. Mainly because Lulu is terrible, and Auron is fuckawesome. I know opposites attract, but sometimes it's just WRONG...

    3. prompto


      @Iced- I knoooow. I'm glad I had more items than usual. OTL

      Gooood Furet. <3

      For my Lulu, her attack was still terrible, but not her magic. ;w;

      No, I'm sorry bro, but Lulu does not suck. If you mean Battle Wise, you have had a baaad Sphere Grid.

    4. ReformBlade


      As a character. I never talk in battle with characters in FF10, due to the sphere grid.

  11. What the fuck dude.


  12. Chopsticks girl? .__.

    Her named is Asagi. 8D

  13. Becauuuse she told you to leave her Empire while she has some respect for you lol?

    You realize now she has NO respect for you I'm sure.

  14. I don't play the game.

    ....wait! Are you insulting me?! I have two guns and I know how to use them...!

  15. You'll learn to love it. ...maybe~

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