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Status Updates posted by prompto

  1. Dudeyes. It's Roxas skateboarding. ;3;

    Was I the only one who was amused at how it appeared at some of the most odd places? D:>

  2. Oh, no, not that Pamela. :<

  3. Oh, please don't overdo it, you might scare Teddy...!

  4. ....wait, you like MK? AJGJSDFG I LOVE YOU FOREVER.

    I never read your introductory topic where you said you liked Ar tonelico...

  5. Hiii Roxas~ :3

  6. Really. I've only been talking about it all the time since the FE12 thing started. D:>

  7. Don't ask me about a game. EVER. I will probably unintentionally spoil the whole thing for you.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Amelia
    3. ReformBlade


      Asch was pretty badass. A shame you couldn't get him in your real party, even for that final part where it looked like depending on who lost the fight, the winner would be the leader. Damn I hated that... And glitches do not count.

    4. ARC


      hi Pamela :)

  8. Mana Khemia~

  9. ....what? <:C

  10. Hmmm... quite a few. PS2, PSP, one is on PS3, one on DS...

    But Asagi isn't the main character (She just makes cameos) in any of them, unless you kind of count one of the newer games.

  11. I know~ She has one of my most favorite designs from any game.

  12. ...alright, now it's the THIRD person who greets a user wins... >__>

    So I win~


  13. I guess I just didn't see it. Sorry. ;3;

    I go to... Tekshas to visit quite often. 8D

    A live gecko...? Who would just leave it on the floor like that...?

    What else did you do? :3

  14. Her name is Asagi, from Disgaea. :3

  15. I am offended you didn't tell me you left. ;^;

  16. First first is not as good as just first. ;3;

  17. All 3 of you are going to die.

  18. Go jump off a cliff, you. ;3;

  19. And she wasn't fingering herself anyway. >3>

    If you're going to throw a party about it, give me the entire cake.

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