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Status Updates posted by prompto

  1. Nah, not really.

    And sure, I don't see why not. :3

  2. Ah, no, it's fine. I've been kinda sour to you, too, so it's okay~ 8D

  3. Thanks Fayt~ Happy new year to you, too~ :3

  4. 2011? I remember when it was 2001.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ansem


      I can remember when it was 2009

      Micheal Jackson died

    3. riariadne


      I remember 2001 too. Sort of,

      I didn't get what September 11th really even was until I was 7, though. :|

    4. CassieCinders
  5. My parents have officially set our 'Christmas' in February, again.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CassieCinders


      Oh come on, we like did it in Decembe-...ohwait

    3. Junkhead


      Merry Christmas.

    4. Ansem


      d'aw soul, you remembered

  6. Huh? I'm not mad at you about anything. xD I just wish occasionally we'd talk about other stuff other than that girl you like is all, but I suppose it's fine.

  7. Sorry about what?

  8. Deviantart is a good place for brushes and backgrouns (you can use /both/ photoshop brushes and gimp brushes in gimp, so download both!) and I use dafont.com for fonts, but if you look enough, you should find other places. If you need help on how to do things, feel free to ask~

  9. Just practice practice practice~

  10. joshy

    who cut out that sprite

  11. Kiwi...?

    A certain someone might be pleased with your name.

  12. Of course~ Works for me.

  13. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do~ :3

  14. That's... pretty random. xD

    Oh, well, I like mangoes~

  15. There's actually a story behind that name. And now that I look at it, one behind the title I guess, too.

  16. Yes. Yes it is. ;w;

  17. ...yeah, if you say so.

  18. ...decent?

    Nothing's been happening recently, really. :<

  19. I'll never think of caramel sauce in the same way.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Balcerzak


      Would you have preferred chocolate sauce?

    3. Ϲharlie


      You guys are probably going to gross her out. Just saying.

    4. AstraLunaSol
  20. You would like that avatar of theirs, wouldn't you.

  21. Well, seeing as I hear you have a certain someone's who has mine, ask them~

  22. Really? I didn't get a notification.

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