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Everything posted by MarioKirby

  1. Nickt's work on converting FE9 mugs to GBA style inspired me to do some touch-ups to my own Ike mugs. The first two on the bottom row are attempts at fitting them into 15 colors (with FE8 and FE7 varieties), along with some other changes. The bottom-right is an attempt at smiling.
  2. Progress~! Going in a different direction than the first time. Still obviously got work to do, not to mention finishing up some other details not present.
  3. Thank you! I might... In fact, more than might. Gonna try a different style for this, something a bit more readable. Obviously still a WIP.
  4. [spoiler=My thoughts in bold] I'm not sure if you were wanting tips on improvement. If you are, then, to me, on numbers 7, 8, 15, and 16, the ideas, "It is dangerous/hard for the students," and, "the teachers to fail," are joined in a way that sounds awkward. I would drop the comma and change "for" to "if". Also, while the "to fail" portion sounds fine on most of the sentences, for the ones I listed, dropping the "to" would make those sentences sound better.
  5. So, while working on the mug in the previous post, I started looking back through a lot of my splice mugs that I had made some progress in fixing up. However, I stopped upon a particularly old piece that I suddenly got an urging to work on. So, I did, and here's the current progress: [spoiler=You'd be surprised...] Yeah, I think this is one of the first custom mugs that I had ever made, so I feel like it could use a fresh fix-up. I really have only worked on part of Mario's face and a tiny bit on the hat. From left to right: Original; Touch-up (FE8 palette); Touch-up (FE7 palette); Touch-up with white changed for skintones (FE7 palette)
  6. Slowly making progress~ Just worked on fixing the collar. Still a little stumped about what to do with the rest of the body, though, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
  7. So, I got the sudden urge to do something Fire Emblem-related, so I decided to start touching up my first ever splice. I've only worked on the head so far.
  8. So, I've been trying to get into a spriting mood again. Result. Really experimenting with the shading on this one; trying for a comic-book look. The gun's kinda blah, though.
  9. So, today I bought a New 3DS XL, and I was wanting to perform a system transfer from my old 3DS to the new system. Before I do so, I had some questions about the transfer process. 1) In general, so long as I haven't messed with it, will all of the data linked to my 3DS system's profile either be transferred from system to system or saved on my SD card? I ask this to make sure that I don't lose anything in the transfer, especially eShop purchases. 2) More specifically, will the Ambassador games also transfer? Any information regarding these questions would be great.
  10. No, the rival's a dude. Speaking of... I've made an "enemy" concept, slight edit to the walking animation, both with and w/o hands, and some other general touch-ups to ensure smooth viewing pleasure.
  11. Derp, double post. Small fix-ups that have been mentioned. And some more work with this concept. More poses and some little fixes, along with a rival character for Miss Evelyn.
  12. Series-wise, I would say the Legend of Zelda series or the Pokemon series being the next non-Smash amiibo, seeing as they're the next two bigest franchises that Nintendo has. For the Mario series, probably Daisy, Waluigi, or some of the other regulars for the spin-off games.
  13. Thank you! Yeah, I feel like this is one of the few times where my idea transfers to the sprite almost exactly. And yes, she's female. Well, let me rephrase: I would like to do more with it, but my given track record and lack of skill in animating inhibits that. I'll change the selout bits to black. It was a means to give the ears a bit better shape, but it's negligible from regular view.
  14. Something new: Another concept of mine that won't move past that. An idea for a standard platforming protagonist. I really like how it turned out. Comments and criticisms are welcome.
  15. Remember those protagonist ideas from a couple pages back? Tried doing some more functional sprites for this character. This is actually a second attempt, but the first never really went anywhere and didn't look too good. Main focus is the one in the top-left corner, but I made so many small variations in the process that I wanted opinions on everything.
  16. And it is snowing. Hard. It's even slowly piling up in some places. My mind is breaking right now like this shouldn't be possible but it's happening.
  17. Think I got the arms right now. More of this style. Now featuring Toad in both original and 3D World flavors.
  18. Well, for a first try, it looks official, almost like it was ripped straight from the game. The sharp corner on each hand looks odd. Maybe try smoothing them out?
  19. Another upscale sprite. The arms still look off to me, though.
  20. Thank you~! Nope, no reference, and that's more than likely my problem. Then again, I first started this like...a year or two ago, when I really didn't know what I was doing. Not having any formal teaching doesn't help, either.
  21. Sorry for no content in a while, peoples. There was a tend on another message board I kinda attend of turning 8-bit and 16-bit sprites into larger version. This is my attempt at following. A random update to this dude I made a long while back. Nothing special. Practice WIP. Trying to teach myself facial anatomy. ...Not doing a great job, to be honest.
  22. First off: thank you both for the suggestions. I'll look into them. This should cover the problems I saw so far in the animation.
  23. Tried a walking sequence for this character. Would somebody mind animating this for me, or at least point me to a free animating program?
  24. So, luckily, I was able to find an NES palette online. And here's the result. I have been wanting to do more 8-bit sprites so I can practice animations more, but I didn't want to use an existing character, so I made my own. Also, there's a bunch of other palette ideas in the bottom row. Feedback on what looks good and what doesn't would be helpful.
  25. I hate to post so many times in a row, but... Redo on Luigi; sacrificed the pose for something less creative but better looking. Also, would anyone happen to know where I could reliably find an NES color palette?
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