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Everything posted by TheGreatNothing

  1. Going to have to stay up all night for "Hotdog King".

  2. I did that with Donnel (Front) and Chrom. I also the same thing with Grima.
  3. Well... can you even speak Japanese?
  4. I might even play my first run in Fates as a female to get all the children.
  5. I beaten the senario where Zelda revels that she is Zelda but walkthoughs says I shoud unlocker now but she is not there, help!
  6. This is my first play though of scared stones and I am at chapter 3, and colm is not there. Do you have to wait a turn? Please help me!
  7. I don't think the update will be to bad...Here you go!
  8. http://www.dorkly.com/post/71480/the-top-20-times-3d-printers-were-awesome I love this
  9. When do you get the children, as in that chapter 13 in awakening.
  10. At least from i know, Soliel is male, I was confused too. At least from i know,
  11. I've been with Nohr since April, and been dodging info about Hoshido to ensure it stays that way.
  12. I'll only play female once or twice, or I might play female hoshido and male Nohr.
  13. Nohr Normal Classic Reset! Can't grind, would if I could.
  14. It looks like a combination of a werewolf and a yeti.
  15. Hopes Expectations Roy. Roy(Ryu saved for E3) Ryu. Tourney mode Wispy woods. Miiverse stage,Lucas,Splatoon costumes Street fighter stage. Mii fighter pack #2 Fire emblem stage. Random new stage
  16. I'm pretty sure that only generic units work, though they are not as generic once given names once captured, so sibling will die.
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