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Everything posted by Naglfar

  1. This is why you should never take any chances with stationary bosses. Kill everything else, then just proceed to not make any moves that could result in any of your units dying before you can heal/rescue them, however improbable. If you're good enough, you should be able to beat the whole game without ever thinking "If this misses/hits/crits/doesn't crit I'm screwed". I know I'm not at that level yet. Is anybody here perfect? Surely someone has to be.
  2. I would argue that the offensive lead that most other characters have over Duessel (via doubling various enemies), means more than Duessel''s largely superfluous durability lead. At a certain point, durability begins not to matter when you're comparing 4.4% chance death to 2.1% chance death, it's a very small difference at this point. I would take somone like Kyle or Ephraim being able to double more enemies over more durability, since Kyle and Ephraim's chances of dying are both very minimal. You also said 14 AS doubles basically everything- Duessel has 12 base AS, so by your logic he'll still have trouble doubling enemies that aren't mercs/myrms/bosses. If that bothers you, you could use a speedwing. Who are you saving it for?
  3. I don't know if this has been posted before. Stop me if it has. With the exception of the six units you must take into the tower, the herons, the three you get inside the tower, and a certain Burger King, there are sixty playable units in FE10. You have free choice of any ten to take into the tower (really, I'm not so mean as to disallow everybody except those ten and any forced units for the entirety of the game, though you're welcome to if you really want). As such, it's easy enough to play six runs, using an entirely different team for the final chapter every time. As for who you use in which run, you can choose manually if you're frightened of what luck might give you, but I prefer to use the Sequence Generator on random.org. Assign every relevant unit a number between 1 and 60, then choose to generate the numbers from 1 to 60 in a sequence, and for ease on the brain, format it in six columns. There, you have six randomly chosen teams of ten, represented by the numbers assigned. You might want to write these down or something. Personally I'm doing this on Easy mode just so I get to know what it's like to use each of the characters without any downsides being too extreme or frustrating (read: Lyre). You're welcome to do this on whatever difficulty you want, really. I'll number each unit so you don't have to: 1. Edward 2. Leonardo 3. Nolan 4. Laura 5. Ilyana 6. Aran 7. Meg 8. Volug 9. Jill 10. Tauroneo 11. Zihark 12. Fiona 13. Tormod 14. Muarim 15. Vika 16. Nailah 17. Elincia 18. Marcia 19. Nealuchi 20. Haar 21. Brom 22. Nephenee 23. Heather 24. Lucia 25. Mordecai 26. Lethe 27. Geoffrey 28. Kieran 29. Astrid 30. Makalov 31. Danved 32. Calill 33. Titania 34. Soren 35. Mist 36. Rolf 37. Boyd 38. Oscar 39. Shinon 40. Gatrie 41. Rhys 42. Mia 43. Ranulf 44. Kyza 45. Lyre 46. Janaff 47. Ulki 48. Sigrun 49. Tanith 50. Skrimir 51. Tibarn 52. Naesala 53. Pelleas 54. Stefan 55. Oliver 56. Bastian 57. Volke 58. Caineghis 59. Giffca 60. Renning Discussplz.
  4. How is that possible? Phantoms rarely even damage him even if they we3re maxed out. How did Myrrh get +2 in stat gains? Oh about Eirika, if it makes you feel better, my friends Eirika had 8 Str as a LVL 2 Great Lord, he promoted her at lvl 6! With growth rates over 100%.
  5. Chose heads on poll. Flipped a coin (virtual, since I lack a real one here right now). Heads. Now, where's my Wishblade?
  6. Lv20 Tethys with 5 STR. That's win right there, kthx.
  7. Father of Sothe's children! I can't believe someone actually followed up on that... be it the best line in FE10 or not.
  8. I used Ulki once. It was easy mode, but enemy hit rates were rarely too far above zero.
  9. This really is hard... and I just started. Need... moar... vulneraries.
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