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Status Updates posted by Kanami

  1. I know several Pedo's, the only one I can think of that you talk to is Ryru, who I've pretty much forgotten these days :/

  2. Nyargh >_< Damn you :/ I've been without residential internet for the last 5 weeks and was betting I wouldn't have any messages >_< If only I'd logged on 1 hour early >_<

  3. Hello, not sure who you are, but I'm assuming the same Damon from FEEF, if so, I doubt we'll be seeing much of eachother, I only lurk about in Creative and serious Business anyway.

  4. How's that different from any other day of the year though? Though it's amusing you chose "dreadful" considering that's my continuation of an abysmal Christmas :/ *Doesn't appreciate her mind being read*

  5. Abysmal Christmas!

  6. Christmas is for the weak!.... Or something like that, I'm one of the grouchy people that don't celebrate it because I don't like the Christ-roots of the holiday, I'll take the day off work, but nothing more xD Happy 25th of December to you too :/

  7. Thank you for the compliment? xD Though it pales to the comment I got on another forum today, there's not much that can top being called a female dog engaged in intercourse.

  8. So you don't have a solution for when there's more then two possibilities.... Pity, since there's always a third option.

  9. What if there's more then two possible answers?

  10. Two, Verses, Door?...... What? What was wrong with "meat?" xD

  11. 待ってあげてやる? ツンデレ? :/

  12. And it was a prime example of potential not being met :P Same repetitive rubbish now. Didn't even meet half it's potential.

  13. Though it seems that policy doesn't prevent you from reading it? :P Anyway thanks, I knew abbreviation could be misinterpreted, but honestly <_<

  14. In the clear, open for a clear shot no doubt.

  15. *Noticed you reading Serious Discussion earlier* Yes, I might be extending my flames to Serious Discussion :P

  16. Fansubs have the issue of it consisting of "fans." Some think they know more of the translated language then they do, and in anime/visual their hearing might not be attuned to the language as they'd like to think. In text, they might not understand a segment, and "take a guess" since they obviously can't leave it blank. As for the bible.... "sheep" is all I have ...

  17. *fine, but easy tiger? Really? And the "Character remaining lies, I was supposed to be able to put all that into one comment and have two characters remaining. :/

  18. I probably would know since I work as both a translator and interpreter between Japanese and English. (Occupation) xD I can accept opting for making more sense, for one Japanese humor is very different to English/American humor. Using Howl as an example, I recall the translation "easy tiger" for (literal)That's a good girl, changing to "You're doing well" would have been...

  19. How do you know if they're good if you don't understand moonspeak? A good example is I was forced to go watch Howl's Moving Castle in Japanese (eng subs) as part of a school excursion years ago. And not wanting to be there, I constantly complained to my teacher who was sitting beside me each time an incorrect translation was made :P

  20. Hmm? Really? I can't see how it'd take very long to do a translate though, assuming the group has a few translators on the job. That said, alot of translations are god awful.

  21. :p Don't worry, there's plenty of Kanji I don't know either, and reading kanji names is Nyargh.... a nightmare. Glad you got it right though.

  22. 私の事は宮野様とお呼びなさい、 オーッホッホッホ♪

    I mean thanks... I think, birthdays aren't important to me anyway :P

  23. Awww, poor you :P I'm Japanese so the language barrier has never existed in terms of Japanese games. I'm not aware of any translated versions either, but I've heard positive things about AGTH. A translation tool or something which is supposedly pretty accurate. (Never tried it though)

  24. Nyeh, Birthdays aren't all that special to me anyway. On the contrary, I see birthdays as one step closer to arthritis, wrinkles and my future career which is sitting in a rocking chair out the front while throwing rocks at people who pass by.

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