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Status Updates posted by Kanami

  1. Blunt? Nyeh Maybe? :/ I don't have any intentions of changing though:P Though.... that said It feels wrong being called 雪 by you xD Probably cause I've seen you melting over the other 雪.

  2. Nyeh? Someone who knows what my avatar/sig is :/ Not something I come across very often. I've purchased all key games and loved every one of them (even Planetarium). Angel Beats was okay, but anime format isn't the best way to go IMO. Either way Little Busters is one of the few things I'm an avid fan of.

  3. It's interesting how people post "Happy Birthday" to people who have slim to no chance of returning :/

  4. Your timezone +14hours is my timezone xD

    I don't mind talking about the RP, a few people are filling me on details (out of boredom) and it's interesting to see how idiots will always be idiots..... Though I guess 2 months isn't ample time to change.

  5. Temp or not depends on whether I can find something that keeps me interested here, and since I've given up spriting, don't care much for FE, and see Spamland (FftF?) to be pointless. There's not much keeping me here.... well other then flaming around in the RP section :P

  6. Great, even the admin are making fun of me now xD Temporarily, it's not like I missed you all.... honest :P (Actually just logged on since I finished my assignments and had nothing to do)

  7. Pffft, you show me someone who can leave the internet in this day and age. As stated elsewhere my interest in FE forums is depleted. Only logged in here to talk to a friend.

  8. My thoughts are; You are talking whiny pansies who probably don't have any clear views of an issue themselves and dream of the entire world holding hands and singing "Why can't we be friends."

  9. Go to hell, and I suppose Happy Birthday while you're at it.

  10. Get tan? Get Tan? Get Tan!?!?!?!

    RIP Mike, I'll donate a gold coin to the cancer foundation just for you xD

  11. Furry Birthday, you overgrown rat.... Happy birthday I suppose

  12. Go away, leave me alone >_>

    Jk Hello xD

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