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Princess Leanne

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About Princess Leanne

  • Birthday 07/02/1994

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Interests
    I'm a huge FE fan ! I also like zelda and ssbb . I love music mainly rock and some classical music . I love movies and TV series there are too many to list them ;) I also like reading ^^
  • Location

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

Princess Leanne's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being a little late!!!

  2. (Tard) bon anniversaire, madame :)

  3. (Tard) bon anniversaire, madame :)

  4. I said it depends. It depends on whether I am interested in what I am doing or not. If I'm not I'll just do what is necessary but if I'm interested I'll be doing my best. At school it also depends, when I start doing something I must do it well but since I'm lazy I sometimes don't xD I don't know which grade I would get in the american system though ( 15/20 where I live ). As for games I like to be involved in them , I like having pokemons several levels ahead to and in Fire Emblem I hardly let any unit die only when it's someone I know I won't use.
  5. I also find the adverts to be more annoying than the comments. It's true that sometimes you are not expecting to read this when you scroll down to look at comments but you can just ignore it. Some adverts don't even have the 5 seconds before you can skip them , you have to watch them entirely. And in the worst cases they bug so the video won't start --' YT was better 2 years ago in that regard.
  6. Late Happy Birthday XD!!!

  7. Quintessence : Thank you =) I am glad to find someone who likes FE10 as much as I do Thank you for the recommendation I will definitely go there ! Ha thank you ^_^ The wonderful Lehran eclipse: Thank you
  8. I also believe it's a result of the laguz's blood inside them , most laguz have some brands or stripes. As for soren I think he has a red mark on his forehead because his laguz side is the dragon's royal family and they all have a red brand on their head. They're not the same as soren's but perhaps it has a link ^^.
  9. Thank you all ;D ! @Dio Merci =)
  10. So as the title says hi everyone on the forum =) I've had this account for a long time but I've never used it until now ! I don't remember why I created it but now I'm glad I did . I've been using the serenesforest site for such a long time and to me it's the best place to go if you want to find anyhting about any fire emblem ^^ I've been a FE fan for very long I don't really remember since when I love these games. I've started playing with FE 7 but I was very young so I only finished it years later when I got interested in it again xD I've then played FE8 to 10 my favorite being Radiant Dawn as it is the game that really got me interested . I must have played each of these games several times already but I never get tired ;) I am obssessed with a character who is Sephiran , I absolutely love this character so if anyone here is interested in him they can come talk to me =) I also have tons of pictures of him xD I like writing but I don't think I will write any fanfic here as I don't consider myself good enough in English to write something decent =p other than that I am a studient who just left high school and I'm going to study english =) I hope I can have interesting FE converstions here and interesting conversations at all too ;D so that's all for my little "introduction" which is not so small . I hope to talk to you soon ;) PS: I'm sorry if there are any mistakes I'm from xD
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