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Everything posted by Masamune_Wielder

  1. The only thing manlier is popping a bottle of champagne in one hand & holding a hot girl in the other. It isn't manlier, it IS manly instead,because having blood over you isn't, you'd look like a socipath and not even cool unless you're from an anime. You know this isn't real right:lol: just kidding.
  2. The only thing manlier is popping a bottle of champagne in one hand & holding a hot girl in the other.
  3. I can't argue with you there civilians can mess a lot of shit up. (Gives 900,000 Gold to peasants) They Love me! You won this round but I will win next time, (fades into the shadows). I know that sounded really gay:lol:
  4. I can't argue with you there civilians can mess a lot of shit up.
  5. And brag about drinking it to the villagers.
  6. I just don't care much for imaginary peasants:lol:
  7. It takes the fun out of it..... I think I'll give some to the peasants. screw the peasants waste it on an outing to Vegas. But then the peasant would be less likely to rebel..... Were already all powerful (on this forum) we could take them just use a FE4 Magic tome & they would all go down.
  8. It takes the fun out of it..... I think I'll give some to the peasants. screw the peasants waste it on an outing to Vegas.
  9. Why not buy Pluto they don't consider it a planet anymore or a movie theatre and hook the new Mario for Wii game up too it
  10. Nice idea. We will kill with My Mistoltin and your Tyrfing. Don't forget the magic users.
  11. Wouldn't they shoot us? We could sneak up on them, crouch, sneak, stab, slash
  12. Make sure not to kill Hitler we could radically change the future & the present:lol:
  13. The most annoying person on this forum (Who could it be?)
  14. Ajax. i know it sounds ignorant but I don't know where that is. To Google! Oh right Google maps I haven't used that since my last Geography class.
  15. Thank god we have Obama and that retarded George Bush is gone.
  16. Ajax. i know it sounds ignorant but I don't know where that is.
  17. I'm not getting it, Period. It seems like bullshit. Everytime anyone in my family gets the flu shot we end up getting a REALLY BAD flu so it definitely is bullshit.
  18. where in Ontario do you live ALS (don't have to be specific just general area unless you don't wanna answer). I live about 2 hours North from Toronto.
  19. It's fine besides illness but it's always better to be closer to family, I live right beside my grandparents & my uncle & Aunt live 5 minute Bike ride away.
  20. Yeah 3 people from Canada. Doing homework right now. The FE4 Thread is slow right now. ._. your lucky none of you live in emsdale, ontario, canada there's a huge mumps outbreak & flu outbreaks here. I hope you people out there will be okay. thanks, sadly enough I am one of the vistims that succumbed to both of them & tonsillitis in the same week:(
  21. Yeah 3 people from Canada. Doing homework right now. The FE4 Thread is slow right now. ._. your lucky none of you live in emsdale, ontario, canada there's a huge mumps outbreak & flu outbreaks here.
  22. I could demolish that with a single match.
  23. Are you talking about a game or is that a metaphor?
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