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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. That used to be my Arena Defense team, but it wasn't winning much to be honest.
  2. Isn't +Atk -Spd pretty much the perfect nature for Sophia? She's already unsalvageably slow. I guess maybe +Def or +Res could make her bulkier, but +Atk is always nice.
  3. Shin, the guy who does Sakura GHB runs, pulls for Sakura in the Focus.
  4. So you're not trying to start an intelligent debate/argument/discussion. You're just a bad troll who thinks he's good.
  5. So you're just telling me: "I have access to, and have brought/will always bring a counter to this unit, or I can ORKO him/her on my phase without issue every single time regardless of his/her advantages and the map." If we apply this argument every single time a unit is brought up, everyone in this game is free, and we've just wasted each other's time. We're not talking about whether or not a unit can be dealt with, because with how dumb and predictable the AI is, there's always a way to beat them barring certain setups + map screw. How is a unit that has single digit true counters in a game with over 140 units free? The fact that you use "bait them with one of those seven" as one of your counter-arguments just shows how NOT free he is; if you don't build around fighting him you've already lost. If you choose to play around him and kill him on Player Phase, you either have to stay outside of his range until the right moment (which can cause other enemies to close in and you lose the chance to kill them first), or you overextend just to kill him, which can leave your unit at risk of getting attacked by someone else. Only a few maps like the desert one in the current rotation offers such a luxury, depending on the enemy team.
  6. I mean, only ~30 units in the game can even survive a round where Reinhardt initiates (with 3 Mov, he's going to most of the time), of which only about 7 can counter kill him without inheriting Distant Counter, while the rest just have to suck it up and die. It gets even worse when it's Horse Emblem Reinhardt, or when they do the Quickened Pulse Moonbow thing (and even worse if they do both). It's a bit hard to call him free.
  7. Also, most of the people here actually play this game, believe it or not, some of them almost constantly. This theoretical plane you speak of also includes personal experience, from both people who use and fight against Hector. Not everyone who says Hector relies too much on teammate positioning is just "strawmanning". This game is actually a lot more "one-dimensional ABC logic" than normal FEs because resource management is not considered in unit power discussion (since it's meaningless in a gacha game where what you get is random), and RNG is 100% gone.
  8. Well, unless either you or @Tenzen12 record a video of multiple Arena matches (or a whole streak of 7 matches if you can) where you effectively use Hector without constantly being babied for positioning purposes and show it to us, "I don't have this problem" holds as much weight as you think the theoretical plane does.
  9. Well, they've been tuning the Voting Gauntlets every time, so maybe they'll do something about the TT too.
  10. I actually spent 20k feathers on a 5* Ursula just so I could do this. I don't regret anything. I will make your Ruby Sword units explode. I've blown up Pallas and Hinatas before in Tempest Trials, even their buffed versions.
  11. You can just screenshot on your iPad and upload them, and the resolution should be even more insane. I think. Though it might get a bit more pixel-y if it's not optimized for tablets I guess.
  12. +Atk Death Blow 3 with Hone Atk 3 for that delicious 62 Atk. Reinhardt and Lucina both have Spur Atk if I need even more firepower for some reason, so that goes up to 70 Atk. Hello 35 damage Dragon Fang. I'm just playing on my phone. Galaxy S6. @JSND RAISE YOUR JULIA NERD OR I'LL TAKE SOMETHING ELSE
  13. Everyone tells me +Spd is the bomb, but I cease to care every time I get one of these.
  14. On the other hand, it at least makes the finals less predictable, since if they're not on the same side of the bracket, pretty much every other healer would just lose. Then again, whoever wins Round 1 in that match will probably still take the Gauntlet. We gotta believe
  15. Trapped between a rock and... two enthusiastic blondes. I'm not sure about this. @Ice Dragon THE THIRD COMMISSION
  16. No, I think Ice Dragon's math was right there. 44 + 6 (DB3) + 6 (Hone) = 56 Atk for Reinhardt, and after WTD it becomes 56*0.8 = 44.8 rounded to 45 Atk. 45 - (35 + 2) = 8. People just think he's overrated at the moment since he's S+ on the Wiki Tier List, but he's in a weird spot. He's murdered by the common Arena threats (mages), and is pretty useless on Arena Defense since only Wings of Mercy Hector is ever relevant before the fight is pretty much over, but WoM Hector doesn't have the dumbass Vantage Bonfire gig. However, if you don't actually bring said common Arena threats or a dedicated Hector counter, you're pretty much boned by Vantage Hector. So there's this weird thing where you simultaneously do and don't have to prepare for him.
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