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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I just like to watch, really. Especially how different communities react.
  2. I mean, I don't care much about people who whine about spoilers all the time either, but it's really just one button.
  3. I love the serious reactions about good/bad designs etc. everyone posts here about these casual fun seasonal banners every single time lol.
  4. All you'll be seeing are Barsts and Bartres my friend.
  5. Pls I have to pull again for Karel if I don't get Athena @Gustavos It's likely going to be Athena and Luke imo. Rody has the new and shiny Firesweep Lance.
  6. The eyes he did this time are both extremely weird and extremely good.
  7. I have to pull Green this time? Oh boy. Fuck Bartre. At least I'll get some good Barsts to inherit with.
  8. But that was never the point, since I don't really care. I 5*ed a mediocre unit while my Xander, Camus and Alfonse are still 4*. I just can't decide on the B skill.
  9. HOLY SHIT IS MY WALLET I've whaled for the Bride one, and I have to whale for this New Mystery one for Swift Sparrow/Wo Dao, and NOW THIS
  10. Yeah, you already told me about those builds, but it doesn't really answer my question since those aren't what I'm running lol. Except Swordbreaker is another idea.
  11. So I 5*ed my +Atk -Def Selena finally. Right now she has Fury 3 and Threaten Spd, and I'm planning on giving her Wo Dao+ with Moonbow or Bonfire (probably Moonbow, but haven't decided fully). I can't really decide what B Skill would be good for her though. This set isn't focused on sustain and tanking, so I don't really need Renewal; Desperation works with her great Spd and Threaten Spd, but I'm not entirely sure if it's worth since Moonbow can't proc in one round of combat like that; Vantage Moonbow with Wo Dao sounds a bit evil, but Selena has low Atk to begin with even with +Atk, not sure how much it's worth.
  12. Well I suppose if I gave Sharena Hone Spd, she could pretty much do the same role as Celica's buffer... But she doesn't have effectiveness against Infantry.
  13. That's the truth tho. I just tapped her and she said so.
  14. Everyone gets her for free. She's everyone's friend and #1 fan. EVEN MINE
  15. Too bad I can't put Sharena in that chest. Man, Poleax Titania with Distant Counter. Reinhardt will evaporate to that.
  16. But we've established that they kinda do compete for the same Wo Dao, since I might steal your Athena. Hmm, actually thinking about it, Emerald might be a good idea for DC Camilla as well. Not too sure about that.
  17. I actually had two Jaffars, and one of them I used as fodder :3 5* Michalis must be pretty great though, yeah? My Crimson Beauty is better than your Scarlet Sword. Anna could do alright, but her offensive potential with Nóatún is a bit too hard to give up. Camilla and Titania definitely, though. Sheena needs the Killer Axe too much I think.
  18. No Cordelia/Bridelia REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I have Celica, Selena, Hinoka, Jaffar, Anna as 5*s, while Roy, Sully, Michalis, Priscilla and Saizou are 4*. So I guess I already can make a team of redheads. Still need that GODDAMN WO DAO I guess units that already want to run Silver Axe+ and DC as anti-mages would want the Tomahawk+, so they can have a better A skill? Unless it has terrible Might.
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