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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. That is a lot of attack for a level 4 unit with an iron bow. It's doubtful that it's from the bow, since she hits for only 23, and I doubt these earlygame pegs have 8 def or more. Either bows are fairly weak compared to recent games, or effectiveness is only x2. If it's the former, her Str is remarkable.

    ... and nothing else is. She's being weighed down by an iron bow so her Bld is bad, she has bad Def and bad Res. Actually her Lck is pretty good(8 or 9), her Spd is fine (but she'll be weighed down a lot), and her Skl should be fairly high as well unless Iron bows have 100 hit, which I doubt.

    Either way, she seems quite lopsided.

    Also, definite confirmation that bows are back at 2 range only, at least at the beginning. We kinda knew already, but here it's very clear.

    56 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    The second part of her class means "Secret" or "Spy" ("Spy" seems to be an old meaning, so I'm not sure), so I don't think it is her movement type.

    Could be the movement type for thieves and such, there's been a bit of overlap between the two throughout the series (Hunter and Thief being higher movement infantry classes, and Thief using bows in Fates mostly). Though at this point I just don't really see what else it could be to be honest. It is a bit suspect how many we are getting. Up until now we have:

    Cavalry(Vander, Alfred)
    Mage(Cramme, Céline)
    Backup(That one Corrupted in the reveal trailer)

    ... that's almost one per unit, and who knows how many there are left. I doubt the axe guy falls under any of those, for example.

  2. 22 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Oh it's just a shot at myself that I haven't been into Fire Emblem anymore.

    It's just a recent nostalgia kick.

    I wanted to make one "last hurrah" for my old flame so to speak.

    Well, I do like that better than the alternative I came up with. And hey, it happens !

    You have a good one then. Thanks for your service and all that 🙂

  3. 8 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

    The FE community has progressed past the need for old farts like me.

    I present to you my  last contribution to this community before I just lurk for good.

    Your channel is one of the dozen or so I never got around to subscribing to so maybe I'm just out of the loop, but... that seems out of nowhere ? Plus, aren't you in your early thirties ? Idk maybe that was humor. In any case, if you do want to move on, so be it(pretty sure you'll be missed by many), but just in case, just in case you actually feel you're being pushed to the door, I have to say I'm not seeing it. Especially if you're basing it on your success on Youtube, which is an extremely fickle metric.

    Obviously I'm making a lot of assumptions here, so I'll just stop; there was just something really sad about your post. Thanks for the video, see you around hopefully.

  4. 4 hours ago, Safy said:

    Now to wait for Leif, Emblem of 776.

    This may be because we saw Sigurd before I even got a chance to be amazed at the prospect, but there's no one I'm more excited to see in 3D than Leif. It just feels very surreal.

    1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

    I think we'll need more examples to be sure. I suspect FireEmblemJP was supposed to post Sigurd today and when they didn't no one bothered to tell NoA to hold back their post too. In other words, I think the former's tweet on Thursday will able be about Sigurd and we'll go back to them posting everything first. I'm happy to be proven wrong though! Just as long as they don't reveal too much, of course 😛

    We'll see ! Do we have any reason why there was no post today at this point, by the way ?

  5. That is a very good looking Sigurd and a very flat looking Tyrfing. I'd say he easily is the one to beat out of all three we've seen thus far, not that I thought the other two looked horrible or anything.

    Anyway, with Celica it seemed plausible that this was some kind of model viewer I think, but here... not so much. It's not a neutral pose and he seems to be saying something, which does suggest a "new emblem get!" screen. Which sounds very gacha I have to say. Though nothing else about Engage does at all, so I ain't too worried.

    Edit: Also this finally officializes the US side of Nintendo as a relevant source of pre-release news for Engage. Considering I specifically asked for this, I'm pretty happy.

  6. Ok, so hm... yeah there's not too much here.

    - There are some weird inconsistencies between each time we've seen this map, even though everything points to this being turn one both times. The enemy fought by both Alfred and Chloe however, has the same stats, apart from the fact that he doesn't have 100% crit this time.

    image.png.0e126123346d7b14f11d50065f805e6d.png    image.png.de9a147fbc768ce347a323b34f3c15a4.png

    Chloe also has a generally better statline compared to Alfred. At the same level, she trades one HP, one Str and 4 Def for at least 5 Spd, 5 Res, 2 Lck, and ~3 Skl. Though she also has less Con, and since terrain avoid bonuses seem really high in Engage, not getting them could be an actual problem.

    ... that's kind of all I'm seeing of note. Also for what it's worth, I like the design, even though it is slightly gratuitous for sure. Wasn't expecting that hairdo from the angles we've known, and I dig it.

    17 hours ago, Seazas said:

    Marth isn't gender locked, NOA twitter confirmed it. We see Female Alear with Marth.

    Additionally, we see Cramme engaged with Micaiah in the reveal trailer. But I did wonder if that was gonna be the case as well. Thus far, only males have equipped Sigurd, and only females Céline has equipped Celica.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Crubat said:

    I think there were times where a WTA didn't trigger a break, but it might've been cause it's an early chapter though, before the player was taught the mechanic.

    I think there are two examples. The prologue in Alear's clip (where yeah, maybe the player just wasn't taught about it yet), and this very short moment (credits to Halvey on youtube for this one, by the way):

    Capture d’écran 2022-10-24 110224.png

    ... where right before Celine switches from swords to Ragnarok, we see her capable of breaking two axe guys, but not the one in front of her.
    Maybe armor knight privilege. That'd be something.

  8. 42 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I misread, Break actually prevents enemies from counterattacking until the end of the next combat, which means after you get a Break you get another free combat on that enemy I think.

    WTA always breaking was getting pretty obvious, but... no counterattacks for two fights seems quite strong. Granted most enemies don't survive one fight let alone two, but suffice to say dealing chip damage has gotten a whole lot safer.
    This will also demolish enemy phase combat (if WTA is all there is to it). Except for grey weapon users, assuming martial arts users aren't everywhere (we have yet to see any on the enemy side afaik).

    Well, y'all who wanted the weapon triangle to be more relevant, there you go.

    Edit: By the way...


    Alear's opponent also seems remarkable. The armor, the eyepatch (?), the lighe blue hair in a ponytail... that's no random guy. The place they're fighting at looks like Somnial too, maybe it's a 3H tournament, or an arena ?

  9. 19 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Like Barth?

    Hopefully not? At least he seems reasonably accurate.
    ... actually 111 Hit isn't too great.

    ... though Vincent brought up a good point in his analysis... every enemy in the second clip is targeting the bulky armor rather than the 1 or 2 HP Archer and whoever else is dying in the top corner. Maybe it's Louis' personal skill doing that. Either way, maybe he'll have utility in spite of his stats.

    2 hours ago, Crubat said:

    But if it's only accessible during engaging then wouldn't it be greyed out??

    It's true that "Type Bonus!" doesn't really sound like "Engage only" to me either.
    ... although just in case, for this battle in particular, the inventory is a different clip, as the stats don't match. And you can see on the map that those two skills are greyed out.

  10. 10 hours ago, Ziegenpeter said:

    The second Louis combat clip basically confirms treasure-stealing thieves.

    It's the same map from the second Celine combat clip, but this time, two treasure chests are missing on the map. Meanwhile in Louis' clip, you can see the knife-wielding thief we saw in Celine's clip, but this time holding a droppable item.

    They seem to reach within two turns, too, which is pretty quick. Assuming their move is indeed of at least 5, but considering the thief can target Louis from 7 range again...
    Great find, either way, pretty sure I'd have missed that.

    As for stats duty... Louis has very predictable numbers (apart from the movement, though honestly, 3 move would have been extremely harsh). The only thing that stands out is that with such low Avo and considering his AS, he must have very low Luck as well. only 4 or 5, at level 7. The first archer even sports 3% crit on him... Luck has historically been an easy stat to fix, but that's still an annoying weakness for a tank.

    And I really like his design as well. Neat that he opens his eyes whenever he gets serious. It's obviously very anime, but effective.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Crubat said:

    okay thats plain wrong, do not diss the artist on this, it's all IS' doing.

    Agreed, and also :





    That's just a great piece, same for the other promotional artworks we got. I'd argue the 3D models (female Alear's specifically) are at fault, which has nothing to do with the artist. Even still, 3D modelling isn't easy.

  12. Oookay, so I have like ten minutes, let's see...

    - Celica seems to raise Atk and Resistance. Makes sense.
    - No triple attack even though Celine is doubling with a ring equipped. Maybe only a Marth thing, maybe something else.
    - Still the same value gained as both Exp and SP. Wish it was a kill...
    - Man those hits pushed this guy far. How would that have worked if there was like, a river right behind him? Invisible walls I suppose, but yeah.
    - Talk prompt on Louis and Chloe up there. These weren't there for Alear, implying they know Celine. Retainers... potentially. Her recruitment does seem to happen on that map, and apparently you rescued her, so the premise seems relatively easy to guess.
    - Revealing Celica before Sigurd implies that either Alfred and Sigurd aren't linked the way we thought, or they're going by FE release order, so after FE1's Marth, it's FE2's Celica.
    - I don't think walking on that house entrance tile affected Celine's stats at all.

    Okay I have to bounce, you guys have fun!


  13. 11 hours ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

    I'm not particularly upset with the pace of announcements because the format of context-less twitter clips hasn't given me any clearer picture about the game. I will say however that comparing this game's marketing cycle to Three Houses is pretty ignorant. When Three Houses was announced with a proper trailer and title, that was a game still in full-scale development. Fire Emblem Engage is already finished. A few months out from release, they're only doing QA, localization, and Post-launch DLC development if applicable. And that's assuming you specifically don't believe the leaks that claim this game has been finished since early 2021. They might literally have nothing left to do but market the game. If they wanted to drop a massive gameplay trailer showcase this far out, they absolutely could. It's probably already cut and ready to publish on Youtube in all languages. But doing so now will distract from other, imminent nintendo switch titles, like the other strategy RPG coming out in nine days or Bayonetta 3.

    The game we ought to be comparing to is Fire Emblem Echoes. Announcements really ramped up in March of that year. Famitsu was covering it, new trailers were being posted in English. The game appeared at PAX East which gave us a few minutes of uncut gameplay. That may not sound like a whole lot, but considering the 3DS was a then-outdated system competing with the brand new Nintendo Switch, it certainly didn't feel like nothing. And if they had done all of that just two weeks earlier, they'd be competing directly with The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild for attention. So, I see why NoA might want to save coverage for a better timeslot.

    Must resist urges to be that guy right now...

    You're right that Engage did not have a teaser followed by a year of nothing, then a reveal trailer followed by another half a year of nothing. Three houses then got a meatier trailer in February 2019, but then nothing again until we started getting Twitter character bios starting in late April, for a release in late July, so three months. That's roughly when Famitsu issues started covering the game every two or three weeks as well, for a total of five issues. We got an E3 trailer and Treehouse with some more coverage, but mostly things were only on the japanese side of things until Mario Maker 2 was released in late June, leaving the west with one month to catch up.

    Anyway, Echoes didn't have twitter bios to my knowledge, and the timing of those starting for 3H and Engage is pretty close, hence the direct comparison. If you think Three Houses was marketed more... actively after it was finished, then you're not remembering right. The main difference is that it was revealed much earlier, but considering the nothing they did afterwards, doesn't mean too much as far as I'm concerned.

    Also it is pretty obvious they're selectively giving spotlight, yes. In fact considering the existence of Three Hopes, that's likely the exact reason Engage was never teased.

    7 hours ago, Rose482 said:

    I remember back when Three Houses first got announced, some people were VERY worried about how the marketing was being handled...and then things turned out great sales wise. Going to trust that they know what they're doing this time around too! 

    Yeah, that's why I'm being a little more chill about it this time around. With that being said, I think having to wait so much for 3H info was kinda just distressing. Obviously we didn't have to deal with that when it comes to Engage.

    Still, just because it worked doesn't mean they couldn't have done better. I definitely think they should at least open an english twitter and copy what the JP side is currently doing.

  14. 27 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

    I'm sorry I don't agree with this at all. Heck if not for this thread I would have assumed there was no marketing.

    They do tend to start low key, but eventually Famitsu issues start covering the game, and then two weeks before release Nintendo of America wakes up and pushes it hard. That's how it went last time anyway, but it started exactly like it has for Engage.
    They're pretty lucky they have a community of dedicated people in the west. I half joked that VincentASM did most of the marketing for Three Houses last time around; even Youtubers were basically reciting Serenes Forest article verbatim, because why the heck not.

  15. 4 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    Well... you can recreate that in the final product, just... not as easily xD

    Looking back at it, both her battalions and HP were filled up so no wrath or defiant, but with nigh infinite boosters, guess sky's the limit! Not really because caps, but whatever

    ... wonder if that's gonna be a thing again. Farmable boosters I mean. Wasn't a fan of it.

  16. 1 minute ago, DefyingFates said:

    She had proper stats in the JPN reveal trailer, if that helps.

    Yeah, with the calculations it was obvious, but I should probably have precised after removing them. That was the one I was looking at. Even she has +5 Atk, +3 Def and +~30 Avo over Celine's forecast.

    The english version of Chloe I think we should all just ignore at this point, unless we're given reason to believe it. Currently it just doesn't make any sense, and as someone who took the 100% Petra crit completely at face value last time, I'm not making the mistake again.

  17. 1 hour ago, kienquocsi said:

    Actually that thief is 6 spaces away from Celine. So if dagger has 2 range, he will have 4 mov, which fits perfectly

    The line shows up before that, as Celine is still moving and one space away from her attacking spot. We can see from the other trailers that aggro lines are very dynamic, just like they were in 3H iirc.

    By the way, that Hammer guy Celine wrecks is very likely to be the exact same Chloe skewers in the reveal trailer. First they both drop a Hammer, which is... quite unlikely to be very common, and the scenery fits perfectly as well. Which means (assuming this is right) we can actually theorize Chloe's stats at that moment, based on Celine's.

    ... which is what I'd normally say, but after looking at the lifebar length in detail, Celine's version of that enemy has more max HP. Could be hard mode again, regardless a 1/1 comparison won't work.

    ... which is probably for the better, because Chloe was looking completely busted otherwise.


  18. 20 hours ago, Safy said:

    Daggers are back, that's another plus. In the footage it looked like they might be 1 range only (?).

    I haven't been paying THAT much attention to enemy movement values, but Celine enters that dagger user's range (seen through aggro lines) from 7 spaces away. This means either 6 move and 1 range, or 5 move and 1(?)-2 range, and from everything we've seen thus far, the latter seems more likely.

    Edit... So I now have payed plenty of attention to enemy movement, and yeah, everything that isn't mounted is at 4 mov it seems. The odds of this one thief randomly having 6 seem pretty low.
    This would also mean that thieves have the same movement as tier 1 cavalry in this. I'm not sure that's ever happened outside of like, troubadours in FE8.

  19. Why are you all talking about daggers there's no dagger here ooooh on that thief guy, nevermind

    So we have confirmation that Flamme's crazy crit evasion was due to her weapon(she had >40 Edit: 36 actually, but it matches since her other combat stats point to her having 6 Luck), since Celine switching off of her slim sword drops her crit evasion by 30. Seems the principle of making low end weapons limited but safe from Fates is back, except on crack. It used to be +10 crit evasion. At the same time, the slim sword does not raise crit at all this time around.

    Also that first guy's Hammer is green again, and no green column to be seen. Celine has an Armorslayer in her inventory, and it's not green. Thinking back, Alfred had an effective Axe as well, so it's definitely not meant to indicate effectiveness.
    The enemy has a green loot icon on the map, so the whole thing is likely for items drop. Doesn't explain the column thing, guess it really was something else. At least some things are now clarified.


    I'd like Celine's design quite a bit, even the dress, if not for the crown, which is a bit too much for me. But hey.

  20. 2 minutes ago, Crubat said:

    English trailer numbers are inaccurate, the japanese trailer had realistic numbers.

    Slightly out of topic but did you guys see how Marth breaks the fence when he dodged the enemy attack? It doesn't mean anything gameplay-wise but it's such a nice detail, makes me wonder if there's gonna be a bunch of interactable stuff during battles.

    Actually in that one instance, both the english and japanese trailers had the exact same numbers.

    The animations are definitely very smooth, it's a surprise that the emblem would even separate from the character like that. The way he disappears mid dodge is nice a well.

  21. 1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

    Oh, that's on me, my bad! I thought you said March 30th instead of Marth. Oops!

    Awkward... xD

    I got you, I'll take the silence for myself!

    So the Libération seems to have a special ability, from the item selection menu :

    "Dedicated to the dragon
    When you attack and defeat an opponent, Engage count +1."

    ... something like that.

    9 hours ago, Crubat said:

    -Interesting how even though Marth is present in the battle, he isn't attacking.

    I mean, he is attacking with Alear... but I wonder...

    ... maybe he only gets an additional attack if your character doubles? Sigurd didn't attack either with Alfred...

    Another thing, interestingly, it seems like the same enemy as the first trailer, but they're actually stronger. Alear used to double with 9 AS and deal 10 Dmg with 13 Atk. Now he doesn't double with 11 AS and deals 9 Dmg with 15. Similarly, he has less Hit and the enemy has more when it should be the opposite. And the enemy has 4 more Atk. Etc.
    ... so I think this might be Hard mode ?

    Edit: There are two more enemies on the map, too. Seems plausible.

  22. 7 hours ago, Vexal said:

    Green circle is most likely to be item drop.....as that has almost always been what green has been reserved for on items

    That would be fine, if not for the green column. Plus, writing the name in green should be plenty.

    ... which the Hammer is, because things can't be simple

    I kinda want to see the guy engaged with Roy next, otherwise I'm fine with whomever.

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