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Posts posted by Cysx


    Jade's profile and footage was already available and the main site. The other two are battles you can undertake in Somniel. There are two types:

    • Normal exercise, where you fight other characters. These are free but you can only do a certain number, presumably between each battle, or time periods, like in Fates. The opponent is picked at random.
      • This primarily seems to grant Exp for the character you choose, if they win.
    • "Specially named exercise" , where you fight emblems directly. These can be attempted over and over, but each attempt costs Bond Fragments.
      • They're meant to level your emblems to a specific bond level instantly, provided you win. The battle we see, meant to merely push Lucina from level 2 to 3, is way Beneath Alear's level.
      • This also shows us what Lyn and Lucina gain at bond levels 3, 4, and 5.
        • At level 3, they gain a new synchro skill. Lyn gets Speedtaker and Lucina gains Dual Assist
          • Speedtaker in Fates gave you a Spd boost for the duration of the chapter every time you defeated a foe, with an upward limit. It was very strong, like many DLC/Amiibo skills. Ironically, this was a skill given by Marth's class, yet he doesn't have it here.
          • Dual Assist is described here, and allows the user to have a 35% chance to trigger a chain attack whenever an ally fights in their attack range (which is movement + weapon range), as long as said user is a backup type, or also has the Dual strike skill.
        • At level 4, they unlock the first level of their weapon mastery of choice. Interestingly, both grant Bow mastery, but of different types.
        • Finally at level 5, they seem to unlock their Skill inheritance (or at least part of it I'd assume), which we've seen as the ability to purchase Emblem Synchro and weapon mastery skills to equip them on your characters' last two skill slots.
          • Additionally, level 5 seems to unlock dialogue, which explains how we've seen non-Alear characters speak with emblems. Now the question is if every emblem gets to talk with every character.


    - It is interesting to me that Alear only gets to pick between Lucina and Lyn. While we see that they have a suspicious amount of emblems at Bond Lv10 already, Leif and Roy are only at 3 and 5 respectively. Even if 5 is the current limit, at least Leif should show up.

    - While this had been hinted with Micaiah, I really like that you get to fight emblems directly.

    - We get the stats for Elfire. It has 11 Mt, 90 Accuracy, and 0 Crit. In other words, it's really good compared to previous iterations, no wonder we keep seeing it.
      - We also get to see that Ivy has extremely low Lck (4 at level 17). Characters being good in most everything and horrible in one stat seems to be a theme.
        - Also this is mostly assumption based on what we've seen previously, but these should be pretty close to Ivy's bases.

    - We've seen a lot of weapon ranks by now, and while there indeed doesn't seem to be regular weapon rank levelling, it is striking that everyone seems to have at least B in everything. I think the lowest we've seen is Framme's C rank in Body arts.

  2. 27 minutes ago, tipperthescales said:

    It looks like the 'Icelock' staff (screen taken from _Somniel_ trailer):


    (As per the image, there's also a distinct Freeze and Silence staff above it in the Item Shop)

    Yeah, guess it was a bit too obvious not to be brought up. Genuinely missed it in the trailer though. Thanks!

  3. Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

    That's a funky looking... Staff? Sword? Lance? It certainly doesn't look like an axe to me...

    If it was an axe, he could probably use it, so... yeah, hm, sword maybe...?

    Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

    Can't wait to slap him on Jade and never look back.

    Sorry, was looking for something that wasn't there. Louis gets the normal bonus here.

  4. 6 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

    I think here are the calculation for combat stats:

    • Hit = Weapon hit + Dex * 2 + Lck / 2
    • Avo = Spd * 2 + Lck / 2
    • Crit = Dex / 2

    So based on that, here are some weapon stats:

    • Fire: 5 Mt, 95 Hit, 0 Crit
    • Iron-Body Art: 3 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit
    • Javelin: 6 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit, 9 Weight
    • Iron Bow: 6 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit
    • Iron Axe: 9 Mt, 80 Hit, 0 Crit
    • Iron Sword: 5 Mt, 90 Hit, 0 Crit
    • Iron Lance: 7 Mt, 85 Hit, 0 Crit

    Range weapons look pretty busted at the moment if they can still double and crit

    Should we start listing those? I have a bunch lying around

    6 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

    - Curiously, this enemy Archer (Covert type) only has 54 Avoid, even though they are standing on a +30 Avo terrain (remember, Covert gets double terrain bonus)

    There's this theory that enemies get a hit and avoid penalty on lower difficulties. There are a few examples out there.

    ... the problem then, would be that this is probably normal mode. So this bodes well.
    This guy should have 20 more Avo than he does, at least. Similarly, as you've seen the Iron bow has 90 accuracy, and our friend only has 94 with one... which suggests a 10 accuracy debuff. Maybe there's something else lowering his Avo, like someone's skill.
    ... or, maybe in a roundabout way, the 10 Avo debuff is doubled along with the Covert terrain bonus. Maybe!

    - Out of all of this... there's this thing in Vander's inventory:

    We also see it alongside the Armorslayer in the Thief's inventory, as droppable. So predictably, this came from one of those two chests at the top left.

    - The boss has a red gem, then doesn't, then doesn't get a death animation

    - Knights do seem to get a move bonus from Sigurd's engage, just like cavalry.
    ... or wait, no they don't! Still no explanation for 12 Move general Louis in that other video, then.

  5. Okay so I tried a bit too hard not to focus on whatever the dlc showcased. There are few more things relevant to the main game.
    - The Silver sword has 12 Mt, 90 Accuracy, and 0 Crit. It doesn't seem to weigh 6 Bld Alear down. The important part is that if there's nothing like Fates did to bring silver downs, this right there is 100% an upgrade over the Iron sword.

    - More interestingly, the Steel greataxe +3 on Jade has...
    ... 30 mt, seemingly. It brings her unbuffed 25 Str to 55 Atk.  It also has 5 Crit(from what I'm seeing, that's a general thing with Steel weaponry in this game) and 60 Accuracy it seems. It doesn't seem to weigh her down, even though a Steel axe did in her spotlight on the main site. Weird.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Yeah. He's supposed to be an all-rounder, but... that's hindered by shitty base stats and his growths mostly being concentrated in lesser stats. His case is especially egregious because one, he's the protagonist, and two, his stupidly late promotion all but ruins any chance he has to catch up.

    I thought you were referring to mixed offense units. There are a lot of characters that are great at everything(but magic) in the series. Roy is just a mediocre physical unit who promotes late.

    23 minutes ago, tipperthescales said:

    I believe the 40 rings is actually 10 Bond characters x 4 ring levels (C, B, A, S).

    22 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    I don't think that's 40 characters, just 10 characters with 4 rings each (rank from C to S)

    Oh, yup, that's what it is. The 13 on Marth's menu falsely confirmed my initial impression; guess that counts dupes/pulls.
    ... well that's considerably less exciting ! At the same time, 12 * 40 characters would probably have been a lot.
    ... also they really put in Legion over Jagen didn't they. They have the weirdest obsession with that guy.

  7. 29 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    I hope they don't shoehorn the Time Crystal too much into the story. What worries me more is that Hortensia doesn't look... dead when she's defeated. I hope I'm wrong and she doesn't have plot armor. Making people retreat is lame and I kinda miss it when people die if they are killed. 

    Yeah, I'm afraid they're pulling that card again for plot relevant characters. And if a "lesser" royal sibling like Hortensia fits the bill, there's gonna be a bunch of people on that list.

    Also something I forgot to say is that Dragon Crystal has infinite uses here. But the very fact that they display a count means that it doesn't always. Probably a difficulty level difference if I had to guess.

    3 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I know I complain about this stuff a lot, but I hope Celine doesn't get hit with the Master of None shtick that the likes of Roy, Lorenz, and Odin all got...

    ... Roy?

  8. 1 hour ago, Azz said:

    Also not surprised to see the turnwheel/divine pulse is back. Is definitely gonna be a staple feature in future FE games and it’s very funny seeing people mad at it as if they don’t reset their games.

    I've seen this sentiment a lot, and to be honest I think it's missing the point. I'm not particularly mad that the feature is back, but it and resetting put a completely different level of pressure on the player and affect the entire experience. Same for casual mode. And that's coming from someone who resets a ton; but with DP, there's no need to look at numbers, make calculations, plan carefully, avoid careless actions or banking on lowish hit rates... Or rather, there's much, much less of a need to do those. Believe it or not, doing it all over again is not something anyone wants but, that's the entire point. You don't want to, so you play more carefully. The pressure's on. And when you succeed under these conditions, it feels great. It's that simple at the end of the day, and it's a core part of the FE gameplay loop. Or rather, it used to be.

    It's not particularly about it being "less noble" or some other idiocy. Its existence genuinely makes the game less enjoyable for me, because even if I ignore it, I know it's there(not to mention it auto-saving you in certain situations anyway). If I can't complain about the game being less fun, then what do I have authorization to complain about exactly?

    With that being said, I completely recognize its positive aspects, too. I understand that it makes the experience much more smooth for many others, and I can't spit on that. I do wish it's an option this time, though. Doesn't seem to be.

    ... Anyway!

    • Offensive staff range seems to be displayed in orange. The only one that Hortensia has is the new Collapse staff. It has 10 range.
    • The options for the menu are:
      • Dragon Crystal
      • List of characters
      • Auto-battle
      • Fellow?
      • Save
      • System
      • Cancel
    • Celica has 40 possible partner rings just like Marth. Might be a standard. There's only 34 playable characters other than her in Echoes though, so I guess we can expect people like Berkut, Rudolf, Jedah, etc, to fill in the blanks. My mistake, it counts all four ranks for 10 characters. Thanks tipperthescales and kienquocsi.
      • She has Lukas, Saber and Conrad unlocked. She then gets Delthea.
      • No new character revealed for Marth (Katarina was in the chinese Somniel video)
  9. 26 minutes ago, tipperthescales said:

    Actually, the first Sync Skill icon reminds me more of the Bride class's Bond skill:


    Assuming that the turquoise green background is consistent for all HP related skills, it might actually function close to Bond did in Awakening as well (which was 10HP recovery within 3 spaces radius).

    Yeah, I agree. But it'd be really weird for Lucina to give a skill that most characters cannot use.

    Edit: Oh, by the way, did it finally happen? Is that the first time?

  10. 15 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

    Oh god, do we really have 3 Houses caps back? Why do we need 80 spd?

    No no no, those are growth rates. Basically, if she's gained, say, 4 Spd in 5 levels, this implies a 400%/5 = 80% minimum, and a 500%/5 -5% = 95% maximum growth.

    Caps, if anything, do not seem to be anywhere near Three Houses level. We've seen Def cap in the low twenties on Berserker, for example.

  11. 15 minutes ago, tipperthescales said:

    Also I think it's for the unit with the skill to join in another ally's attack.

    Whoops, you're right. Read that backwards.
    This strongly implies her first synchro skill is Dual strike, then. Otherwise non-backup characters would get nothing from it, since this is her second one.

    1 hour ago, tipperthescales said:

    Another weird thing with Transcendence level ups is Divine Dragon Roy!M!Alear is level 26, even though we've seen it cap at 20 before (the question is the number of levels gained, not that we're overlevelled):

    Considering they gain no Exp afterwards(and you can, we see it in the clip right before that), Alear should be level 20.

    • One of the tweets showcases Lucina gaining a synchro skill we hadn't seen before. It makes it so that whenever an ally attacks, if you're in range(that's movement + weapon range, which is huge) and are a Backup/have the Dual Strike skill(which is presumably Lucina's first synchro skill), you have a 35% chance to trigger a Chain attack with them.
      Thanks tipperthescales for the correction.
  12. 3 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

    Roy's kit is pretty... unimpressive, to be honest, true to his source game self

    I don't think his skills are that bad(he's essentially a guard adjutant, which is heavily exploitable). His stat spread is good. His engage attack at the very least is an aoe, unlike Marth's for example. And he's a massive stats stick when engaged, which should be relevant throughout the whole thing, post-game content included.

    There's just nothing outwardly broken about him, outside of the Binding blade perhaps, but we'll see. At worst it should be a much lighter Ragnell.

    With the confirmation that Roy's skill gives 5 levels, we can actually estimate Sword fighter and Paladin Lapis' growth rates. Here we go.
    Note : This could also of course be randomized levels, or fixed level up gains from the moment the unit is recruited like in certain recent games, or who knows what else. Please take what follows with a grain of salt.

    Sword Fighter Lapis:

    HP : 60 - 75%
    Str : 40 - 55%
    Dex : 60 - 75%
    Spd : 80 - 95%
    Lck : 20 - 75%(could be 1 to 3 points)
    Def : 40 - 55%
    Res: 40 - 55%

    Paladin Lapis:

    HP : 80 - 95%
    Str : 40 - 55%
    Dex : 40 - 55%
    Spd : 80 - 95%
    Lck : 20 - 75%(could be 1 to 3 points)
    Def : 60 - 75%
    Res : 40 - 55%

    For anyone wondering, this is Awakening levels of growth rates, to my knowledge the highest this series has seen. Lapis could be unique in that regard, but it does match with the numbers we've been seeing. The main difference is that certain class/character comboes seem to have extremely low growths in certain parameters (read <=10% usually in Spd, Def or Res), which wasn't really a thing in Awakening, beyond like, Res and or Mag on physical characters.

    All in all, Paladin has a higher HP and Def growth, and Sword Fighter has a higher Dex growth. That's all I think can be said for sure, assuming the above is anywhere near correct.

  13. Roy: Emblem of Binding

    • Equipment: Lancereaver, Wyrmslayer, Binding Blade(?)
      • Synchro Skills: ??? : If you're at >30% HP when the battle starts, killing hits will leave you at 1 HP instead.
      • Engage Skills: Transcendence: Raises your level by 5. Can breach the level cap. Dragon characters get 6 levels instead.
      • Engage Attack: Blazing Lion(?): attack enemies three spaces in a row (+3 more spaces in the row in front of that for Dragons), and sets the terrain on fire afterwards in a 3x3 square right in front of you(similar to Corrin's EA). This fire "hinders movement" afterwards (either by inflicting damage as per tradition or straight up denying movement, I don't know).

        Added to the second main post
    • Roy's sync skill (I'll let others translate that) saves you from dying and leaves you at 1HP when you have 30% HP or more left before the battle starts. It is unclear to me what happens if the enemy doubles you, and would kill you with the first hit.
    • His first engage weapon, as we've known, is the Lancereaver. It flips the weapon triangle so that swords beat lances and lose to axes.
      • Presumably the Lancereaver has around 80 Accuracy and 5 Crit. This matches FE6's depiction of it.
    • His engage skill, transcendence, passively gives a boost to every stat corresponding to 5 level ups
      • We see with the level 24 General Louis that this can breach the level cap. Made some corrections on this one because of things I hadn't noticed
    • His engage attack (which again I won't try to translate) is an area of effect attack on the 3 tiles in front of you. Dragon characters also hit on the three tiles in front of that. It then lights all the spaces in a 3x3 square in front of you on fire.
      • We're still not shown if those spaces are different from the ones Corrin can conjure, which deal 10 damage every turn. Allegedly Roy's are supposed to impede movement.

    Most of this was known information already.

    - We see what seems to be Etie on a Horse using a bow.

    - Lapis' mystery promotion was indeed Paladin this whole time. So both Sword Fighter and Lance Cavaliers can become Paladins, assuming no reclassing was involved.

    - Interestingly, a Lv 8 Bond Roy seems to give neither Dex nor Lck as stat bonuses, which were his main stats in his game. Instead, he grants HP, Str, Avo and Res.
      - Str and Avo may be references to his Fire affinity in FE6. In that same vein, he may give crit(which would mean the Lancereaver doesn't) too. We don't know yet.

  14. Spoiler


    ... damn.



    Also damn, because I don't want to play a 50 moves DDR session before every battle. Love the ponytail though.

    The way this is looking, it does seem like we get emblems mostly in order of game release... and then randomly we seem to jump straight to Micaiah. We've seen her on that Brodia map in the reveal trailer, so I guess that makes sense? That order has been contradicted before, though.

    Also, just to kill that one in the egg, Tiki is visible as a Marth partner ring in the Chinese version, so those do not "disconfirm" characters showing up as dlc.

  15. 6 hours ago, tipperthescales said:

    which gives +3HP (and MaxHP), +2 presumably Str, +2 Def, +2 Res, +4 Spd, and whatever amount of Dex and Lck to increase Hit by 7 and Avo by 9.

    Really need to check out the Korean article too. Either way, those differences (-1 HP, -1 Def, presumably +1 Dex) seem to completely fall in line with what you'd expect out of class growths for Sword Fighter vs whatever her sword using mounted class is.

    As for skill colors, I think this kinda strengthens the idea that color could be simply signifying if it can target allies (green), enemies (orange), or both (purple). We'll probably know soon enough though.

    6 hours ago, tipperthescales said:

    I can't really see why enemies and player units would share the gem icons (color notwithstanding) yet somehow have different properties. After all isn't reviving when HP is depleted essentially refilling the life meter again (well, dependent on if the gem restores 100% HP)?

    Sorry, wasn't saying they have differing properties between the player and the enemy. Rather that they're not lifebars for either side. That being said, the red one could still be that really.

    Resurrection is definitely the worst effect possible to base this theory on exactly because of what you said, but I don't think the color should be ignored is the thing. A purple gem has also been brought up earlier by Aggro Incarnate, guess I should really search for that now.

  16. 5 hours ago, egobarrier said:

    I mean, I didn't say I LIKED the idea, just that maybe that was what they were going for.

    Frankly, something tells me it's not, but who knows.

    5 hours ago, egobarrier said:

    It kind of does have to be an axe as long as they're trying to make his gimmick "master of the weapon triangle," though of course there's no reason it had to be that way in the first place.

    But since that is what they're going for it does bring up a possible counterpoint on the Brave Axe, namely that Emblem Leif switches to an advantageous weapon when attacked. If brave weapons work the same as in Fates--which seems reasonable, given the lack of weapon durability--the brave effect might be Player Phase-only and wouldn't be a good fit with his Engage Skill.

    I think they're going for a weapons master concept rather than something to do with the weapon triangle. There'd have been no need for a bow in his Engage attack otherwise. And while you're completely right about the brave axe probably not synergizing that well with that skill, I think its point is mostly to avoid getting broken, not necessarily to win you the fight per se.

    4 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

    Lancereaver being a sword still has a slight difference to axes since there are skills that boost sword specifically, and looks like Roy's Engage Attack only use sword (many Engage Attacks are locked to a certain weapon)

    And on that note, I think Lyn represents the least about her game and herself: The Mulagir doesn't even exist in her game, and they feel the need to turn her more bow-focused, which I understand to a certain extend since too many sword lords already, but common, she's a Blade Lord for goodness sake!

    Lyn is definitely a bit out there as well, but considering the Mulagir is Sacae's divine weapon and the after image clones is pretty clever... I don't think she's in that bad a situation. Though of course she needed a bow from bond 1 so that everyone could use her ultimate skill, and, yeah, no Sol Katti as a result it seems.

    4 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

    I don't think the problem is gimmicky characters, but one-note characters. Characters can feel a little gimmicky at a first glance to catch people attention, but it's the other aspects of their personality explored in supports that are more important. Even the 3H cast is pretty gimmicky too, although they certainly are more muted: Bernadetta is a ball of screaming anxiety, Hilda is this lazy girl that somehow can ace everything she does, Sylvain is the Cassanova wannabe... I think this level of gimmicky that we've seen is still comparable to GBA games' characters, which certainly almost no one has any problem with. It's only when they're one-note like in Fates that makes their supports boring and repetitive to read. Heck, even Awakening with its "full of gimmick" cast is really colorful once you know them better too!

    This is a bit... wide a subject, and everyone kinda has their own take on it. On a personal level, things like Gaius' introduction sour the character for me basically forever, so clearly I don't think too highly of gimmicks. But yes, the problem is when they get overbearing, which to be honest, is the vibe I've gotten from some of these character's dialogue... doesn't mean I'm right, though.
    As for 3H, it has its candidates, but frankly I think GBA FE does too, same for Tellius. It's a bit of a matter of ratio in that regard I think; you can have a few and things can still be fine. In fact the rest of the cast can then play off of them naturally.

    3 hours ago, Azz said:

    I think for Leif, the only real Thracia mechanic they could've brought was with him was stamina I feel like and even then I'm not sure how that would work necessarily (maybe a self-refresh?). Capturing generics would've been a bit much I think. At most maybe stealing enemy weapons and removing enemies from the battlefield perhaps at the loss of EXP/SP would've been the best way to implement that I guess.

    Oh, no, there are tons they could have done(though of course, capturing's easily one of the biggest). Thracia also has PCC(aka your crit is multiplied on your second attack if you can double), movement stars, leadership, Res and Mag being fused, movement and build growth rates, growth scrolls, elite mode, almost 20 personal weapons including the almighty steal staff, master weapons, rescuing, bond supports (especially so for this one because Leif holds the record for those across the series) and some unique takes on certain skills, like Wrath, Miracle, Charge... actually I've just listed them all... probably some other things that I'm not thinking of right now.

    Not all of that is unique to Thracia, but it's usually most prominent there, and to our knowledge not currently represented in Engage. And really I wasn't asking for anything specific, just, not... nothing, yeah.

    2 hours ago, Crubat said:

    Yeah I get not liking Leif and Roy's choices of weapons, I can see options for Leif but for Roy there isn't much else to actually choose that'd be accurate to fe6 or heroes, though I'd hope the binding blade would have a different effect to make wyrmslayer feel unique. Or at least give wyrmslayer an extra bonus against dragons to make it not completely useless compared to the binding blade. We'll have to see.

    Roy's weapon selection was always going to be a problem for sure, though there were better choices available, like the Durandal, the Eckesachs, the Light Brand the way it works in FE6(fixed damage), the armorslayer and killer sword even, considering they're at their most relevant or close to that in FE6... They could also have said screw it and given him other things than swords. Mostly I'm bummed that his kit sorely lacks in versatility, from what we currently know.

  17. 58 minutes ago, egobarrier said:

    I agree that I wish Leif did a better job representing Thracia specifically--giving him the ability to capture generics would have been especially fitting--but just to play devil's advocate, in FE4 everything essentially becomes a Killer weapon if you use it enough times, so giving him a Killer weapon may be a reference to that.

    Considering we already have Sigurd to represent FE4, choosing a relatively minor mechanic of it for Leif over any of Thracia, especially in such a specific way, would just be bizarre. Wouldn't need to be an axe either, and there is a killer weapon in FE4 (the Killer bow, as you probably know). As for Axe representation outside of crusader weapons, well you have the Brave Axe, which is the most important axe in both games (even more so than the Swanchika/Helswath, as you get to actually use it).

    We've also seen him with the Light Sword, which, fair enough, that's his main weapon in Thracia. But with that lance we saw a glimpse of, there's no room left for the Sword of Braggi either, Leaving him with... nothing that's specifically from his own game, currently. I'm trying not to be too pissed about this but... yeah, I just kinda am, I guess.
    ... though we don't really have proof the Light sword will actually be an engage weapon of his.

  18. Okay, opinions!

    - Dlc before the game releases is not okay and they should (morally) stop doing it. This doesn't seem to be a low-effort cash grab of a game at all, but still.
    ... with that being said, while I feel I've been quite patient with the anti-FE sentiment from non-FE fans (because the core of the complaint is correct, there are too many FE characters in Smash), said patience has run out a good while ago, and I do have to say, I kinda enjoy FE being shoved in their faces when they least expect it, nowadays. Long as it doesn't get ridiculous, of course.

    - A bit of a bummer, but I had very high expectations for Roy and especially Leif after seeing what they did with Byleth and Corrin, and... yeah, can't lie, I'm disappointed. Roy's skill kit is fine but his weapons, I mean... again, if all reaver weapons do is give break, a lancereaver is just a normal lance/axe by any other name when it comes to engage weapons, the type of which doesn't matter since everyone can use them all. And the Wyrmslayer is fine and all but... shouldn't the Binding Blade be effective against wyverns dragons already? That's a fair bit redundant.
    As for Leif, where to even begin? He barely represents Thracia at all(by the way, you'll never see him equipped with a Killer Axe, because they don't exist in FE4 and he's swordlocked in 5, so it's no more mechanically accurate than crusader weapons, and leagues less exciting), he's more of a nod at his FE4 Master Knight class, but not done in a very interesting way from what we're seeing. He's kind of the emblem of missed potential thus far.
    ... this, unfortunately, also means he won't be giving Forseti to mages, which I stupidly hoped for, even if they'd have to nerf it into the ground as usual.
    ... both look great though! Really happy that Roy's Smash VA is along for the ride. Also on that same note Ephraim just doesn't look right.

    - Somniel certainly is stacked, even though it also seems rather small compared to the monastery. Can't lie, after 3H it's difficult to find a lot of this stuff exciting considering how much it ultimately got in the way of the rest of the game, but hey, we've yet to spot professor levels I guess, and if most of it really is reasonably optional...
    ... feels like we're setting ourselves up for disappointment by saying that, though.

    - I've been ready for the retainers bomb to drop for a while; I'd rather they didn't do that as I don't think it's a great idea ultimately, but I'm fine with it.

    - I'm completely okay with Rosado being whoever they are. It's funny because we'd heard their voice before, when they got healed in the Sigurd trailer and it did strike me back then, but if had completely slipped my mind.

    - Never would have guessed Pandreo was a Brady. In general they do seem to be dropping the more... subtle? approach of 3H in terms of character writing, and it's full speed back to gimmick town. I think they have ample proof there's no need to do that for those characters to be colorful and loved, both in the "distant" and recent past. Guess I'll just deal with it.

    - On a more positive note, engage attacks are only useable once per engage! Things are still busted left and right, but no amount of map design refinement could have resisted Byleth dancing four characters almost every turn. I was really hoping they'd do that.

  19. Okay ! Okay. Apologies in advance if I repeat anything.

    Roy :

    • Lapis gains 4 HP, 2 Str, 4 Spd, 3 Def, 2 Res, and presumably 2 Skl and 2 Lck from Roy's stat up skill. My understanding is that it gives you the equivalent of several levels in stat boosts(I'd bank on 5 or more here)?; if that's the case it gives us some nice insight at Lapis' growths, namely that she's got great Spd, but also pretty good Def.
      This does pose the question of how the game calculates the stats, aka is there a random aspect to it, or is it a kind of fixed growths, etc.
      Also, does this skill even do anything if you've capped your level/stat? Guess we'll see.
    • Lapis(we know it's still her because of the personal skill on display) has the same green reposition skill as Paladin Amber. This confirms these are not tied to characters, but does that mean Lapis's mysterious promotion is simply Paladin ? Maybe.

    Ike :

    • It is a wonder what the difference between those two is :
      hLZgo4N.png(Amber, Lapis)
      ... I mean, yes they're reversed, but in practice those have never been side dependent. Like, the first one would only work north and east and the other south and west? Seems unlikely to me.

    Micaiah :

    • She also seems to grant staff access, period. We'd seen hints of this in the reveal trailer, with mage Cranne having a staff icon. Similarly in this article, Seadall can use staves as a dancer, which I don't think we'd seen thus far. That's probably what her Sync skill does.
    • Now assuming this is correct, what weapon rank she grants is anyone's guess I suppose. Maybe it can be upgraded for better ranks.

    Also, random observations from the character videos:

    • Thunder tomes may be very heavy on top of preventing doubling. Citrinne's stats and levels correspond exactly with her stat page in the engage trailer(probably her bases), except she's weighed down from 10 to 4 AS in the new one. Considering she has 4 Bld, this implies that the Thunder tome weighs 10. Also, in the Celica trailer we saw her as a -/14 Sage and she was weighed down to 9 AS by Thoron, when her other stats average around 20.
    • Seadall dancing Ike!Alear only gave him 9 Exp, even though Alear has a level lead (level difference affects exp gains from support actions in 3H, and I think Fates too). That's not abnormal, but yeah, slow levelling dancer once again.
    • Judging from the difference in damage on the health bar after Zelkov has poisoned his foe, the effect of level 1 poison seems to be -1 Def. From an Iron Knife, at the very least:

    This is 6 x2 = 12 damage
    Pixel wise, this hits for just under half of his remaining health, which is at 30 HP. Hence, 14 = 7 x2, so -1 Def

    Season pass trailer :

    • Just in case because I don't remember anyone bringing it up here directly, we get world map roaming once more, with Terror popups. The colors of chapters icons seem easy to explain, although I'm not quite so sure of why some are round and others are square.
    • We do see a place with these nomad-like structures in Firene, implying that the throwback chapters really could exist directly on the world map(additionally, this suggests they can be progression locked, just like children paralogues in Awakening) :


    • Alear has A swords in his base class here, while we've always seen him at B. Implies that you can raise ranks somehow.
    • Similarly, both him and Jade have their second skill(and more) while unpromoted. Jade's is the same as General Louis.
    • Looks like the gems under the health bar may not be additional bars after all, but rather special effects. Tiki's blue one seems to resurrect the character if they die?
    • Finally a level up screen, and Bld is present in it. Doesn't necessarily mean anything, it was the case in the GBA games too(for Con).

    Thanks a lot for the compiling and sharing everyone. I'll see if I can find more, barely even looked at the Somniel one.

  20. 18 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    Aren't those two enemies different?

    One is a Wolf Knight, one is a Cavalier of sort

    And I edited pretty fast, too!

    Either way, it's the best we've gotten thus far afaik, though obviously imperfect still.

    17 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    Also I just realized when attacking with an effective weapon, looks like there will be a rainbow effect, which is cool and can be useful in future analysis

    Same here, and I only noticed this time because I was looking for it.

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