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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 4 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    Considering doubles exclusively use Mani Katti and not the weapon of the user, I don't think we can calculate damage percentage of Chain Attack that way

    Yeah, but we do see a double counter directly right before. Different enemy but both cavalry. That's what I was basing it on.

    4 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    I personally think the color is just to make those two skills look more distinct. It would be really hard to recognize one with a quick look if they all have the same background color

    Also possible.

    Also Hortensia is Lv 20 unpromoted in the Celica spotlight. So Thief really is different. Meh.

  2. 9 hours ago, Armchair General said:

    Turns out that stealthy units get doubled terrain bonuses and we might have the dual strike thingy from Awakening & Fates making an comeback

    Well the former would explain that 120+ Avo Alcryst we saw earlier. This also means you can have a low level covert run around with Corrin equipped and liberally providing +60 Avo to other covert. Such as thieves, who have 1-2 range, already good avo, and only fear body arts on the weapon triangle. Hmmmm...
    As Vincent said though, magic counters that. I'm too used to ninjas being great against magic, this won't necessarily translate to dagger users here.
    Attack stance being backup only would explain a few things. That's an interesting specificity to have.

    ... also it's funny to me that they basically gave Lyn a slightly weaker Marth engage attack... except it can basically reach the whole map on Covert units. Also, I'm just now realizing that Engage attacks have never been shown with a crit rate thus far. I don't think so, anyway. It's especially blatant with Lyn, because Killer bow.
    Edit: Wait, that's not true, Sigurd's engage attack can crit. Weird.


    So anyway, let's see if I can find anything that hasn't been reported yet...

    - Alcryst has a remarkably low Crit Avo of 3 in that scene of him engaged with Lyn.

    - I guess this thing
    coupled with that thing
    strongly imply that repositioning skills are indeed back. Although the distinct background colors are interesting. Does Amber's affect allies, while Louis does so enemies... or even both?

    - Timerra has a capped Def of 22 as a Berserker. This confirms that personal caps are back(Panetonne had 20). Her (buffed!) Res of 9 at max level is uh, interesting.

    - Holy bungles Louis has 61 Atk, unbuffed. Greatswords/Axes/Lances seem really strong. Can't remember if we've seen the stats of one directly...?

    - Every single time we've seen a Chain attack (so that's 5 times thus far: the bandit in the original japanese trailer, Goldmary and Timerra & Merrin's Lyn doubles in the Emblem trailers, and now Louis' and Etie's Lyn doubles), it's been at precisely 80% accuracy. I strongly doubt that's a coincidence. Also they seem to deal roughly 1/8 of the normal damage. But not exactly either. And, it is confirmed that the Mani Katti retains its effectiveness at the very least against mounted units.
      - If Chain attacks indeed have fixed hit, I guess that's another element to weaken high avo builds.

    - Yunaka being able to breach Level 20 as a Thief (seen by Vincent, who was particularly on point today) is interesting, although I am now wondering if we've ever seen a tier one unit capped at this point. The idea being that Tellius level 21 promotion could also explain it. I need to check, I just find it weird that they'd make Thieves a unique class again.
    That being said, they do start with 5 move, same as dancer... I just want ninjas back is that so much to ask
    Edit : Found one. So Thief does seem different.

  3. 4 hours ago, Aggro Incarnate said:

    The Korean website has a Bond Level 2 Marth with Alear. (In fact it also has Bond Level 1 and 3 Marth with buffs shown, https://www.nintendo.co.kr/news/view.php?no=VEd2b1hpTlhteVlhK21sNmdnWHlJdz09)



    Unlike Corrin, Bond Level 8 Byleth with Clanne doesn't have a 3rd skill unlocked, and we do know that Emblem Byleth unlocks (at least) 5 skills.



    Sad that the one footage with Bond Level 5 Celica has the skill list obscured.

    Appreciate it, that's very helpful:) Man, I completely forgot about the Korean article.

    No universal pattern though as you've just shown, so this only gives us Marth... which is better than nothing.

    I do have to say that level 5 Celica is a bit less interesting to me with no pattern to decipher. This does show that I need more time in the lab yet though; there's also a level 14 Celica I completely glossed over somehow, without Ragnarok unlocked, though you're probably aware. So back to the lab I go.

  4. 3 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    The only answer I could potentially have to that is Micaiah, if they want any of her weapons to reference Sothe, which isn't a bad call because it would help her feel different from Celica.


    MAYBE Lyn could thematically have daggers.

    There's always Ike too, but between the Ragnell and the Urvan... Micaiah's in the same boat, we've already been led to believe she has the Thani and a staff of some kind(although looking back on it, this was her outside of engage mode, so... eh?). As for Lyn, unless she's unit-type dependent, we've seen three weapons on her, so idk.

    Btw, Yunaka having an unusable staff in her inventory makes me hope for some kind of stealing. Could be from a past chest, though.

    Also that weird blue fizzle after she's opened the door I believe is normally the emblem disappearing after an action that involves them (like Sigurd's Canter). She has no emblem though... maybe a glitch?

  5. 8 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

    I wonder if poison is a universal dagger thing, or only Thief can inflict them with daggers. And they finally makes poison relevant, but dagger can be really annoying like in Fates this way. At least we can cure it ourselves.

    I don't think we've seen a non-thief/wolf knight class even use daggers, have we? I'm not even sure what Emblem could realistically cover them either, now that we basically know that Corrin doesn't.

    Yunaka seems to be somewhat of a Charlotte archetype (less extreme maybe). Acts cute but is secretly deadly. Also, her stats are looking pretty good, especially her defenses.

  6. Since we're still on the topic of Corrin for a few moments, just wanted to point out something I missed, which is that dragon vein areas (or at the very least Succor's) have been shown to last more than a turn:





    There's no dancer or engaged Byleth in sight in that scene. It's possible they were rescued away, granted, but for the most part, it seems the Dragon vein and Torrential roar have been used on two different turns.
    This also shows the water tile from Torrential roar replacing the northernmost Succor one however, so no combining of effects it seems. Probably for the best.

  7. 52 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    - Corrin also has another skill (unknown if Sync or Engage Skill) called Draconic Hex, likely at higher bond, which may decreases stats of enemies after battle


    According to this part of the main emblem video, it's a sync skill(which was also true of Marth's and Sigurd's. Celica and Byleth I don't think we know yet) Corrin has a level 8 bond there, but we've seen Sigurd with his third skill acquired at level 7 in his own video. We've also seen Marth without his at level 6.

    We've also seen Lyn with no third skill at all even at lv 20 bond(or Roy and Leif at bond 10, though these two could simply acquire one later). Whether this means some emblems only get two, or they're not acquired exclusively through bond level, I cannot say for sure.

    Afaik we still haven't seen a level 2, 5 or 9 bond(as well as everything above lv 10 that's not 16 or 20), but thus far if there's an universal progression system it's looking like something like this (this is tentative):

    Level 1 : Stat boosts, 1st sync skill, 1st engage skill, engage attack, 1st engage weapon
    Level 2-3 : 2nd sync skill, improved stat gains
    Level 4 : Improved stat boosts
    Level 5-6 : Improved stat boosts (only once?)
    Level 7 : 3rd skill (if it exists?)
    Level 8 : Improved stat boosts?
    Level 9-10 : 2nd Engage weapon

  8. 18 minutes ago, Aggro Incarnate said:

    Yeah I think sometimes it's a thing. I also remember noticing back in the very first reveal trailer, there was an enemy with nonzero AS but zero Avoid.

    That enemy also had lowered accuracy, as his score of 83 was lower than his weapon's(85).
    A mere -10 to both doesn't really work on both cases of Corrin's trailer, though, so it's not that simple.

    22 minutes ago, Aggro Incarnate said:

    Would appreciate things I've missed

    Honestly I haven't done my own listing really but, nothing jumps to my eye. Best I can say is that you have the "Iron Greataxe" listed twice, but that doesn't seem like an oversight.

    4 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    or Alear gets an ability after promoting that lets them copy someone else's Emblem Ring?

    You know, I think you may be onto something here.

  9. 15 hours ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    On the Tellius front, 3-13 was a great pick, but in a game with some of the consistent best map design in the franchise, choosing the map people remember for being the worst map in both games (the bridge) is.... a choice.

    The bridge isn't a throwback map, those pitfalls are just terrain from the start rather than hidden traps, and the layout isn't the same as either version from Tellius. As far as we know, they picked ch 8 from PoR, Despair and Hope. Which is also a pretty good song from Grandia 2

    Okay, so hope you guys left some things for me to find todayXD


    - So I had noticed it a while ago, but the enemies' accuracy and avoid sometimes do not line up with everything else. Couldn't really make sure because we almost never see enemy stats, but it happens several times in Corrin's trailer. I think lower difficulty levels may either leave them with a worse formula, or simply a static debuff. Could be for other reasons, though.

    - While it's unsurprising considering the formulas, accuracy and avoid can grow very high in this game. I know Alcryst is on +30 Avoid terrain, but these are very uncommon numbers for this series, and he's only level 5 promoted.

    - Most of those Corrin buffs may be very situational, but the fact that unlike Byleth you can use them even outside of engage and there's stuff like complete break immunity or +30 Avo can allow for some silly strats.
    I did wonder if using it built up the engage gauge, by the way. Unfortunately, we're not shown.

    - I hadn't really picked up on it, but Corrin has the same skill as Seazas, namely this one :

    I think that's the only instance of an emblem and a regular characters skill being the same ? It isn't, both Leif and Panetonne have Vantage's icon. Thanks Aggro Incarnate!

    - The dual Katana seems pretty weak. -6 Mt compared to a Tomahawk, and -10 compared to an Iron Poleaxe. Plus, in a world where accuracy isn't modified by the weapon triangle and every unit can use every engage weapon, giving the dual katana would amount to the same as giving an Iron lance or something, which isn't too exciting. Hopefully there's more to it.
    Edit: worth noting, there's a possibility that Berserkers get higher Axe damage, which would help explain the number difference.

    - Neither Berserker nor Swordmaster seemed to have a passive crit boost of any kind. Unfortunate.

    - I think we also finally have confirmation that 1-2 range is unrestricted, or at the very least the Tomahawk is. Its stats don't even seem bad at all, and we have infinite durability.
    ... I really hope they know what they're doing here.

    - Not too much to say about the other two trailers that hasn't been said, however... well all three emblems visible here are ready to engage from the preps. Like, I don't want to be negative, I'm really excited about all this stuff, but... it feels like we're just going to destroy this game with all those tools.


  10. 5 hours ago, Vexal said:

    yeah, thats still best case scenario (for Etie) 10 Mt if at 0 magic, which feels rather weak for where the progression seems to be (37 hp, 6 mv class when we've seen horses with 5 mv, and level 19 in their current class). Like I'm sure Etie has some magic so its likely less than 10 Mt, which is weirdly low for both that point in the game, and considering the weapon is only available for a few turns at a time

    It is merely a tier 1 engage weapon, and it has double effectiveness while targeting Res. While clearly that wasn't the best way to showcase it, the important part is that since Etie likely gained next to no magic throughout, it was already that good from the get-go, and just fell off over time. True to form, it doesn't seem very accurate, though.

    Also, pretty sure those two are personnal skills we haven't seen yet.

    And we're also starting to see a picture, as the third and fourth skill are clearly impersonal, and repeated throughout. The second ones I think could be class-based, but...

  11. 2 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

    Well, the trailer alternates between 49% and 48% hit rate on what  while the rest of the combat snippets have 100% accuracy; so they've probably rigged the RNG, again.


    Another thing that caught my is that one of them is armed with an axe, for some reason.

    Can't really tell if it's an promoted variant because the model is darkened out

    Isn't Wolf knight a promoted class already though?

  12. 33 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

    Actually if you look on the battlefield, you can see he has that visor's... string? It's just that the Engage's accessory doesn't appear in Engage Attack cutscene

    True ! Shouldachecked.

    33 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    It's possible some items will double up. Rafail Gem and Aegis Shield for example seem like good choices for that. And I know some disputed it earlier, but there are three tomes from Three Hopes that would resolve everything neatly. Granted one of them is another Charon weapon, but I doubt Engage is going to bother with Crest parity.

    But as you said, we may also see Sacred Weapons too. If I had to choose I'd say Caduceus Staff for Qi Adepts (i.e. healers), Sword of Seiros (hey, Byleth finally gets to use it outside of cutscenes) and either Seiros Shield to have another passive item or Spear of Assal for the cavalry effectiveness.

    His weapons being called "Heroes' Relics" could be an oversimplification to avoid a messy title, but it could also mean we're going with the former case. Also, those three are the only Heroes' Relic tomes in the set, so there's another reason they may be used.

    I know very little about Three Hopes, but, that does sound like something that would work out, so I'm certainly not against the idea.

    Edit : Also, small detail, but the beginning of the Dance of the Goddess is the same choregraphy as the one from Three houses, during the dancer competition.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

    Sounds like it would be an decent way of gaining an little bit of ground on player phase. But I'm mainly seeing it as an means of either forcing people off am certain terrain tile or setting them up for an faster unit to execute them in 2 hits.

    This game does give you a way to disable counterattacks, so in that sense in the case of an unit not being able to double... yeah that gets a bit specific. Enemy repositioning with some constraints sounds good to me, though.
    This also finally explains why Byleth Alear attacked second when she Smashed with Aymr, even though she started the fight. It probably has the same effect.

  14. - What I thought to be a wind tome because Elwind looked blue to me in the footage we got, seems to indeed be a different kind of magic, Surge, as brought up by others.

    - Dagger users are consistently around when someone's poisoned. We also see a debuff on that sword Knight that seems to have fought Yunaka(a dagger user).

    - I think Fogato being a Cupid when Timerra (the other Vigilante) was a Picket finally confirms that Nobles/Lords/Vigilantes/Tamers pairs all promote into different things.

    - Can confirm that the Wolf Rider Alfred fights at the starts is broken. We've seen a broken enemy in the general Emblem trailer, when they showed Celica's double attack skill. It is suspicious that Alfred's hit rate would be so low with no terrain involved and an Iron Lance, though. Doctored footage, or Wolf riders are going to be a pain.

    - Luin seems to be effective against dragons. Rosado might be strong, but 53 Dmg twice on a wyvern rider suggests that. Just like with the Blutgang, its combat art had that effectiveness. Also even when engaged, fliers can fight high up in the air, that's really neat!

    - While Byleth giving all this weaponry is well and good... that's only tier one. Though the only example of a three weapons Byleth would be Alear using the Aymr, she also had the Vajra Mushti and the Sword of the Creator. I think it's safe to say the latter is tier 3 and universal, it is Byleth's weapon after all, but... That leaves us with a large amount of tier 2s, that are either all the Vajra Mushti (wouldn't bet on it), or, yeah, the rest. For reference, left are :

    Thunderbrand (Backup?)
    Lance of Ruin (Cavalry/Armor?)
    Freikugel (Armor/Backup?)
    Crusher (No idea? Mages I guess?)
    Fetters of Dromi (Cavalry?)
    Aegis Shield (Armor?)

    Obviously there'd need to be a few more. We have 8 types and are missing the level 1 for armors, so 9 needed and 6 available. Mayhaps they'll throw in some sacred equipment as well. It's kinda unfortunate that Byleth gives so much different stuff when I'm pretty sure most of it will virtually never see use in favor of just dancing 3 to 4 people all the time.

    - This probably works the same for Leif, by the way, to some extent. Though the Swanchika/Helswath being tied to fliers is a bit suspect.

    - Speaking of weapons, I think this provides us with the very first Lv 8 bond example, and the second weapon isn't unlocked yet. I said some time ago that we had a Lv 9 bond example with the second weapon, but I think I just mixed up unit and bond level, we don't actually have a Lv 9 yet to my knowledge. Assuming there is an universal threshold of course, we now know it's not level 8.

    - I'm really curious what Yunaka's class is, as we've seen a Covert type engaged with Byleth previously (Alcryst), and there was no weird energy visor.

    - I have to say, that archer...
    ... okay I mean, I can at least upload that much, right? Surely. Problem solved by the way, the issue being that I was being an idiot.
    ... I do not think this is Alcryst. Thought I don't know who it is either.

    - Some interesting things in the backgrounds of the Byleth rally showcase. Some very strong skills, including +15... something, and green stats, implying caps(20 something Def and 43 Res). The map in the top right is the same as the one that shows up right afterwards, when Goldmary dances. We see the top left of the minimap right before her clip ends.

  15. I'm pretty sure the map a 1:16 is ch 10 of FE4. That happens to be the one where you get the Tyrfing I know I'm simplifying, trying to keep this spoiler free. It's trimmed, specifically only the northwest is there, but FE4 maps being absolutely massive, that doesn't necessarily disprove it.

    Edited the lower upload limit thing. I was just being an idiot.

  16. Leif, Emblem of Genealogy

    • Equipment : Killer Axe, unknown lance
      • Synchro Skill: Vital Shifting: Takes less damage when at weapon triangle advantage.
      • Engage Skill: Adaptation: When attacked, automatically switches to a weapon with an advantageous weapon triangle matchup or range, if possible.
      • Engage Attack: Tetra Trick: A combined attack using the Light Sword, unknown lance, Killer axe, and an unknown bow.

    Roy: Emblem of Binding

    • Equipment: Lancereaver, Wyrmslayer, Binding Blade(?)
      • Synchro Skills: ??? : If you're at >30% HP when the battle starts, killing hits will leave you at 1 HP instead.
      • Engage Skills: Transcendence: Raises your level by 5. Can breach the level cap. Dragon characters get 6 levels instead.
      • Engage Attack: Blazing Lion(?): attack enemies three spaces in a row (+3 more spaces in the row in front of that for Dragons), and sets the terrain on fire afterwards in a 3x3 square right in front of you(similar to Corrin's EA). This fire "hinders movement" afterwards (either by inflicting damage as per tradition or straight up denying movement, I don't know).

    Corrin: Emblem of Fates

    • Equipment : Dual Katana (reverses the weapon triangle), Kodachi, Dragon Fang*** (base Yato?)
      • Synchro Skill: Dragon Veins: changes the terrain depending on class style :
        • Backup(?) : Vein of Protection : Creates earth pillars that boost Def/Res.
        • Cavalry : Vein of Water : Creates water tiles in a checker pattern, that lower Avoid by 30.
        • Covert : Vein of Mist : Creates Mist tiles all around the user that boost Avoid by 30.
        • Armoured : Vein of Greenery : Creates ivy all around the user that negate Break.
        • Fliers : Vein of Succor : Creates glowing tiles that heal HP every turn.
        • Mystical : Vein of Flame : Creates flames that inflict 10 damage per turn.
        • Qi Adept : Vein of Ice : Creates ice pillars. Restricts movement ?
        • Dragon : Has access to all 7 of the above at once.
      • Engage Skill : Dreadful Aura : After combat, immobilizes the target, as well as any other enemy next to it.
      • Engage Attack : Torrential Roar (hits three spaces forward in a line AND turns said spaces into water tiles (-30 Avoid)


    • There's another new combat mechanic called Smash. It allows you to push the enemy one space away after combat. Thus far, it's only been showcased on the Aymr (granted by Byleth to Dragon types), Steel Blade, and Iron Poleaxe. The latter two always attack last in combat, and cannot double. It is currently unknown if the Aymr shares those restrictions or not.
    • Qi gong characters can use Chain guard during their turn if they're at full HP. This allows them to take damage in place of targeted allies next to them. The damage cannot deal more than 20% of the Chain guard user's health.


    • Mock battles : You can pick one of your units to fight a random member of your army, or one of your emblems. The former grants exp and can only be done a limited amount of times, while the latter grants bond levels with the selected emblem and can be attempted as many times as you want, but costs Bond Fragments.

    Presumed weapon stats (Work in Progress obviously) :


  17. 1 hour ago, kienquocsi said:

    I have been seeing this coming up a few times, but where do you find the Chinese Engage Trailer?


    EDIT: Never mind, I found it. I also find it interesting that that trailer has its own Chinese narrator, while the European ones only have translation

    At least there are only three version for now. Nintendo has (at least!) 22 Youtube channels. I'm almost glad we don't get english tweets at this point.
    Also there are two chinese versions with distinct narrators. I'm assuming that's all that differs between the two, though.

    45 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I had a look at the footage again: Pandoro has 5 Mov at Lv. 8 with a Bond Lv. of 14... but has 6 Mov at Lv. 7 and a Bond Lv. of 1. He has two extra skills in the latter, but neither of them look like they'd grant movement (1:05 in this video). The first seems to be Pomp and Circumstance and the other is a fist. I guess the former could grant extra Mov as a bonus since it seems to be at a high level?

    Speaking of, given Pandoro has more abilities at a lower level, I assume SP is indeed spent on unlocking them - and perhaps upgrading them as well if the "+6" is any indication (ditto for Emblem skills also having "+" or "++" variants).

    Stat boosters are always a possibility (though the forging symbol is a great guess!). Aka I don't know really.
    I do agree that character skills require SP, though Emblem skills do consistently seem to require a bond level threshold(and potentially, so do their upgrades). Also I think that skill is just Luck +6 or something. Do we have any example of character (not emblem) skills with a lone + on them?

  18. 17 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I especially agree with your assessment after seeing these. Maybe as you say the range gets an extra modifier based on class (e.g. +0 for infantry, +1 for covert) on top of the original +10/ +15, or maybe it just adds a flat +10/+15 to the units existing movement and the trailer was slightly mistranslated? What do you think?

    I'm just thinking 10 range + Move to be honest. And then fliers get 5 more on top of that.

  19. Okay, so looking at (I think) every instance of Warp Ragnarok we've ever gotten, we have:

    Original trailer, Japanese : Céline, 4 Move, Bond Lv 10, can reach precisely 14 spaces away

    Original trailer, English : Céline, 4 Move, Bond Lv 10, can reach precisely 14 spaces away (not the same scene)

    Engage trailer, Japanese, English, Chinese : Céline, 4 Move, Bond Lv 5, precisely 14 spaces.

    Celica twitter trailer, 1 : Pandoro, 5 Move, Bond Lv 14, at least 15 spaces.

    Celica Twitter trailer, 2 : Pandoro, 6 Move, Bond Lv 1, precisely 16 spaces.

    I wish we could see a bit further to the south in that first Pandoro scene. If he could only go 15 spaces, that would strongly increase the odds of it being partially tied to movement.

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